How good would you say you are at CS:S?

How good would you say you are?

  • 1 - I get pwned by NOOBS

    Votes: 5 4.6%
  • 2

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • 3

    Votes: 3 2.8%
  • 4

    Votes: 6 5.5%
  • 5

    Votes: 12 11.0%
  • 6

    Votes: 13 11.9%
  • 7

    Votes: 28 25.7%
  • 8

    Votes: 21 19.3%
  • 9

    Votes: 9 8.3%
  • 10 - PRO

    Votes: 11 10.1%

  • Total voters


Aug 28, 2004
Reaction score
On a scale of 1-10 how good would you say you are, 1 being worst 10 being best.
I say about 7. I can pull off 4-1 or 5-1 ratios every here & there but I tend to stay behind my team & preserve myself for the rest of the match. 7 seems about right. Not good enough to lead yet or I'd be going 3-3932650 every time I play.
I would say 4. I play maybe once in a month. I really hate that game.
i use only get double kills than deaths. I love css but i stink at it
I said about 8. Half the time I'm top or near top of the score, but I do have my off days, and playing in scrims I suck harder than Dyson.
7. I haven't been playing recently, but when I did I was a beast most of the time.
Around 6 or 7. I tend to get a 3:1 ratio on public servers ...... but owning on a public is a million miles from playing in a clan at a decent level.
3, get about a 1:1 KDR , not too fussed, dont take the game seriously, usually go on with my mates and foOk about, i play a few othr games instead, which i think are better =P and im good at them.
i'd say 6/7, i can get some good scores but i know there are a lot of better players out there
Septih said:
i'd say 6/7, i can get some good scores but i know there are a lot of better players out there
Can we rank other people? Because I think Seppy is an 8, but he's too modest.
around 7 I think. same story as some I read: tend to get 2-1, 3-1 ratios opn average. Can have my complete owning streaks, but I can also have my nooby days...
I said 8. On the pub I always play on, there are a few guys on there I know are better than me, but besides them I can pretty much take everyone else 1v1 if I had to. But like everyone else, I can have a really off day, or I get stuck on the team with no coordination whatsoever, so we lose each and every round.

I just cant get used to the way the guns shoot... it just feels alien after playing non-source for so long.

Maybe a 5 with the Scout, since that gun feels nice.
I would say a 9. I pulled a 9:1 ratio last night and was pulling a 4:1 this morning. 2 days ago I even got 14:1 = D.
being 9-1 or 18-2 is just a lucky streak - but if you get up to like 27-3 then you're worthy of saying you have a 9:1 ratio :p
7.. sounds fair

sometimes i make a 10:1 ratio, (aztec autosniper ;) ) and in a normal game its round the 3:2 with a Maverick or AK
I said 7. Sometimes I pwn, sometimes I suck, my skill is strange :]

BTW: I play as Unfocused (stinger.aim92 being my old nick; can I change it on the forums BTW?), so some of you know how I play and may give me a lower (higher? lol) score :D
I dunno, i'd have to say i'm about an 8. I usually get up to 4th or 3rd place, sometimes 2nd or 1st.
kk sry for the n00b question, buy wgich sniper is the auto-sniper?
I would say 5, dead center, and the only time my name is in the lead is if everyone on my team disconnected and then reconnected.

I'm lucky if I get 2 kills in a round, and die almost every round (berzerker rush tactics don't work that well on most maps, and if it does, ppl wise up)

I mostly am at a 1:1 ratio, but yet I can still piss people off once in a while.

My favorite type of kill is the "meet the other guy around the corner point blank" one. Deadly with TMP or shotgun, and you get to see the dumb look on his face when he's trying to throw a grenade first (so to speak, of course).
Sometimes I get kill ratio 5:1, sometimes 1:1 sometimes 1:20, it all depends on my luck. I votes 4.
It depends on how i am feeling. I would say about an 8, cause i can own almost everyone one one one, but when there are 32 players pubs, i die alot, and usually at the beginning of the round.
I'm usually top of the server with between a 3:2 and a 4:1 ratio, but on bad days or good days it varies wildly (my best score was 63-4, and my worst was like 2-19).
ocassionally ill just be pure pwnge but most of the time im 3:1 or 4:1
I dont usually drop below 2:1
Sometimes I only play average, but then, alot of times, I just "somehow" play really really well. (no, I'm not trying to imply hacks :p)
I occasionally morph into a Biozeminade and just pwnzinate everything.
My biggest problem is usually the first 10 warm up rounds. Then when I am used to the combat style of others I have no problems avoiding death altogether.
bliink said:
Sometimes I only play average, but then, alot of times, I just "somehow" play really really well. (no, I'm not trying to imply hacks :p)

Same, put myself as a 6. Should be 5 come to think of it. Im spending much more time on NS and DoD recently.
Ill spectate a few rounds to get a sense of the style of all the players
I put myself as a 3.Sometimes I get really good scores for me 3:1 but mainly its more like 1:1. I think a lot of it does have to do with the team I am on (ie they soften them up for me if its a good score).But I tend to autoassign when I join a game as I think its the fairest way of keeping the game even rather than jumping into the winning side
I think 5....

On CS, I think 11, My bullets were attracted to people's heads
After I knifed 3 people in 1 round I'd say 10 :-P
And if I join a random server, I'm at the top spot about 50% of the time. But there are still people (cheaters!!!!!!!!!! :p) who own me so I voted 8.
Septih said:
i'd say 6/7, i can get some good scores but i know there are a lot of better players out there

Tbh i think this is about right, and i'd rate myself on a similiar level. Idd we can get some fairly impressive scores. But tbh at the end of the day there are a lot of better players out there. Seppy, i commend your honesty

Yah would rate myself at 6 too, I get some nice scores sometimes but thats all to random to be good at the game.