How high can you hear?



The fact that I can't hear the 22.4hz makes me sad :(
18.8 was fine, could sense something at the next one up but that was it
17.7 I could hear it fine, but the next one up was like, "wtf, where's the sound?"
Tried again 18.8 I just heard it...well, more like..sense/heard...I don't know, it was weird.
My family once made fun of me because I was unable to hear the loud cicadas outside.
17.7khz for me. Hey I want to hear the others too! :(
Oh god, what the ****. I can't hear any of them.

EDIT: I played it in a different player and now I can hear most of them. I couldn't hear them in quicktime or windows media player. But I could in media player classic.
I can hear 21.1 perfectly fine, but 22.4 is absolutely silent to me. I guess my limit is somewhere inbetween.

Funnily enough, I turned the volume RIGHT up on my Z680 speakers (powerful beasts) to try and hear the 22.4 and it made me feel very VERY ill (sick/nauseous/headachey) but still silent.

edit: And then I found this. Lol.
17.7. I could sort of hear the sounding turning on then off at the start and end of 18.8, like clicks.

Gah, I'm getting old.
Could hear 21.1khz perfectly

But 22.4khz completely silent? Someone download and make sure there is a sound LOL
People, keep in mind that most headphones aren't rated to play sounds > 20kHz.

I could hear all the tones just fine except the last one, which was silent not because I couldn't hear it but because my headphones can't play that frequency. It was surprising they could even play the 21.1kHz.

Check your speaker/headphones Frequency Response before you think its just your ears.
Yeah, they did did that on Mythbusters, to see if you shat yourself if exposed to very high volymes of frequency that you can't hear. It turned out to be false, but it did make you feel sick.
Holy shit, after banging on all those drums as loud, and as long as I did I thought I'd be at at like, 15.
I guess I just don't listen to music really loud.
BIG-ASS NOTE: These aren't pure frequencies (because of your speakers/headphones), so you WILL hear higher/lower frequencies.

Using these tests, I could go up to 19KHz, while doing an actual test during Physics with an actual oscillator that solely created one frequency only, I only got up to 17KHz D:

EDIT: Doing this test, I got up to 21.7KHz. Total Bullshens I'm afraid :|
I've done a auditive perception test as part of my neurophysiological psychology evaluation, and it says that I have some problems with hearing. It's not that I can't hear for shit, but I have unnormal hearing. I hear way better at low frequencies (125-500Hz) than you normally do but worse on high frequencies such as 6000 Hz.

I haven't tried this test yet... I'm too lazy.
21.1 for me, couldn't hear 24.4 at all, might be my speakers. My mom could also hear up to 21.1 so it might not be working.
I could hear 21.1 faintly, but 24 was silent, but my headphones can only go to 21.5k so that is expected.

I got scared one time while lying in bed though, I could hear the crickets outside with my right ear perfectly, but if I put my hand only on my right ear I didn't hear the crickets at all. I heard everything else with my left ear, but not the crickets. Never experienced that since though, think my left ear was a bit dirty or something.
I have just managed to hear the 21.1khz one by turning the speakers volume to the max (forgot to do that last time, I got 17.7 max). But I can't hear anything on 22.4khz
21.1khz very faintly.

Also Spunge is right, I just confirmed it. If you thought you could hear or sense 22.4 you are lying or it's the placebo effect.
K, there seems to be a lot of low frequency noise in these. Here's one I made at around 16k, highest Reason would let me, with a highpass so there's no low end noise. You might have to turn up the volume.

I'm surprised any of your speakers/headphones could even play 21k.
44.1Khz lol

Highest frequency most consumer soundcards can do. (Mine can do 96K muahaha)
I can only hear up to 15.8, but I think that's because I'm using a shit-tastic pair of speakers that came with a portable CD player and are thus powered by a 5/8" headphone jack.
I can only hear up to 15.8, but I think that's because I'm using a shit-tastic pair of speakers that came with a portable CD player and are thus powered by a 5/8" headphone jack.
5/8"!?!? Over half an inch!? Jesus christ what kind of jack is that. I think you mean 1/8th?