How high can you hear?

This is kinda pointless as you can just wack up your volume, so its hardly a 'fair test'.

But i tried it truthfully and could sense that 21.1 was there but couldnt actually hear it. Was more like a change in pressure kind of sense more than a sound.
This is kinda pointless as you can just wack up your volume, so its hardly a 'fair test'.

But i tried it truthfully and could sense that 21.1 was there but couldnt actually hear it. Was more like a change in pressure kind of sense more than a sound.
I get that sometimes. I'll walk in the front door of my house, and I can "feel" that someone had for some reason left the TV in the living room on but turned the Xbox/DVD player off. However once I get in the room, I can actually hear the quiet high-pitched whine coming from the speakers.
I thought I was the only one that could "feel" that until about a year ago.
I get that sometimes. I'll walk in the front door of my house, and I can "feel" that someone had for some reason left the TV in the living room on but turned the Xbox/DVD player off. However once I get in the room, I can actually hear the quiet high-pitched whine coming from the speakers.

Ditto man. When i walk to my front door from outside i can hear that the TV is on by a high-pitched sound but i cant hear the tv itself. Its really weird.
Be aware that the quality of your soundcard/speakers may affect the maximum frequency that can be generated!

Manufacturers are aware of the limits of the human ear, so may not bother to allow them to emit very high frequencies.
The only way to find out is to get a microphone (which can detect these frequencies) and analyse the noise.
I thought I was the only one that could "feel" that until about a year ago.

Yeah, I "feel" that too. Maybe it has something to do with the way sound waves move through the air and change pressure or something?
I can hear up to 16.7, but I'm also not sure of the frequency response of my headphones. However, I'm 24 and have been to way too many loud concerts... I've even got a bit of tinnitus, so that might be accurate. I can hear CRTs (old monitors, TVs) when they're on though.
16.6(or 7?)...
That's messed up. Maybe my ears still need to grow.
I know my ears can hear from 14.5Hz (pressure chamber) to 18.5kHz.
I can hear up to 18.8 khz. Further than that I could only hear clicks at the beginning and end of a sound.
Nm, my headphones suck. On my speakers I can hear up to 18.8.
15Khz is about my limit, which considering I'm 35 and wear headphones for a living, isn't too bad.
I heard all but the last one, but it's a pretty terrible test since it's blank in order to make the test look more legit... D:
22.4 hurt my ears.. 8 was just horrible. It was freaking high.
lol, there is NO sound in the 22.4 sound file man.

This placebo effect is really interesting.

rly? It still hurt, tho.. I swear to jebus there is sound.. that's f*cked.
My speakers make a noise even if a totally blank file is being played :(