How is "hair" rendered on source?

Eon Blue said:
6 pages devoted to hair?!

Oh my God, you must be new. There have been far longer threads devoted to far less significant things. Welcome to the magical world of HL2.NET. Spam's summer home.
RFarmer said:
I think anything that adds to the visual experience definately adds to the gameplay. The more realistic it looks, the more it immerses me.

Ps-And for the guy who said it took 6 hours to render one frame from in monsters inc. Times that by 24 and you get what it takes for one second. Blah blah blah blah blah the answer you get for total rendering time for the movie is 1036800 hours. That's a crap ton. There is only 8760 hours in a year. LMFAO........ That would take 118.36 years.

It would take two renderers half as long, three a third as long, four a quarter... do you see where I'm going here?

Oh, and according to Pixar themselves, "each frame represents 1/24 of a second screen time and takes about six hours to render, though some frames have taken as many as ninety hours."
lans said:
I was wondering - does source use a special shader to render hair, like the eyes? or like older games hair is a texture?

I know the HL2 character models are using textures for hair, but is it otherwise possible to render realistic fur/hair in source?

"No we won't have that in HL2 BUT YOU CAN MOD IT!!!" - Valve
Cybernoid said:
"No we won't have that in HL2 BUT YOU CAN MOD IT!!!" - Valve

Yeah, you can mod it in if you know how to program shaders. But if you do you're probably already working for a game developer.