How is HL2 in an arcade gonna work?

Where did you hear theyre putting it in an arcade? I highly doubt they will. If they did I would bet some stuff would get stolen.
the closest thing to arcade is Code NAme Gordon on STEAM and thats with a keyboard and mouse
Look on the front page. HL2 arcade.

Personally I don't think it will work, but hey, those Japs are crazy, they can play anything.
Oh, I dont check the frontpage news. Its usually mods and stuff. HL2 arcade is going to be a flop. Or like I said someone will just steal whatever is running it.
reactivateme said:
Where did you hear theyre putting it in an arcade? I highly doubt they will. If they did I would bet some stuff would get stolen.


I think they had counter-strike in the arcade a while back (i forget where). IT's just uses a mouse and a keyboard
reactivateme said:
Oh, I dont check the frontpage news. Its usually mods and stuff. HL2 arcade is going to be a flop. Or like I said someone will just steal whatever is running it.

Sweet god, how does hearing that it will be an arcade game tell you that it will make no money, you have known about it for like 10 mins and you are already taking out the stock!


CS arcade? I guess its like playing CS...standing...with quarters
It doesnt take a genious to realize that HL2 is not an arcade game. UNLESS! they plan on making a shorter version of the game. Really now, who would sit infront of a arcade screen for 10 hours. . . .maybe Im asking the wrong people
They are - check the front page. And yeah I wondered how they'd do that too...
I'd guess maybe dual joysticks...if you can convert a game to run on a console, then it could be converted into an arcade box. The legnth is an issue, but we're talking about a culture where people have died during marathon LAN sessions...
i've played CS:S on my xbox controller, and it was not too bad...but you cannot spin quickly. Simple mod for a keybind(or button bind in this case), and it could work...kinds like playing Halo. Crappy interface, but console are popular...
Lemonking said:
yeah Japs do love Arcade Games

Consoles and arcade games are big in Japan. They go through them like we do hollywood movies. Whenever a great PC title comes out over here someone in the Japan gaming industry tries to get it to the arcades before it comes to consoles. They do very well compared to your average arcade game over there.

My guess is they will have a custom keyboard with just the arrow keys in front where awsd are located along with the vital keys, like weapons switching and crouching and the such. This is easy to do. Just take a keyboard and remove the unwanted keys and place it inside the case. As for a mouse and fire buttons. My guess is either a track ball mouse with buttons next to it or a control stick with buttons on it. Like a slimed down flight stick.
reactivateme said:
Oh, I dont check the frontpage news. Its usually mods and stuff. HL2 arcade is going to be a flop. Or like I said someone will just steal whatever is running it.
Good going stealing a ****ing cockpit.
I have a feeling that reactivateme simply failed to understand the way they want to do it. If it's one of those big-ticket arcade setups that takes three years to be seen in Australia, then they'll have all sorts of failsafes against theft.

It's going to be a custom version of HL2, anyway, running on a customised XP, on custom hardware, and we probably won't see it before 2005. So... no real problems there... and it'll have no effect on HL2's arrival on the 16th...
I get the impression it will be a shooter game similar to House of the Dead, with just guns or something
But cooler if they did it right, I reckon.

I mean, headcrab zombies > normal zombies any day.
Well HL² is already coming to Xbox, why shouldnt it come to arcades ? They dont HAVE to use the standard joystick etc... there are plenty of alternatives. There will probably be autoaiming in the xbox version like there was in Halo for xbox, wich would be a good thing for an arcade game aswell.

Not that I would ever play the arcade or console versions
There's alot of worse things coming out for the arcades, and I doubt they'll be fierce enough to mess up the story. Most likely it won't be seen outside Asia, and I reckon this is why's staff was pondering whether to put it up on the frontpage or not.

Edit: Anyone seen this supposed CS arcade machine? It should have the same kind of controls as the HL2 one will have.
it'll probably have fit inducing strobes and a crowbar you can swing enthusiasticly at thin air.

Actually that sounds kinda fun
It'll probably be just like unreal tournament, which went to the arcades a few years back, it had 2 joysticks, and jump and fire button
HL2 is scheduled for 2005 Xbox release. Has been for ages though.
Well HL² is already coming to Xbox, why shouldnt it come to arcades ?

Screw the xbox version (IT WILL SUCK ON XBOX)! And release it in arcades and PS3 instead.

They will probably turn it into a light gun game in arcades. But hope they make it a FPS like the PC version.