I saw a bunch of flashing lights and annoying people then the amen break then I closed the tab.
I was expecting high quality CGI of a rat inside a human head controlling a cook with levers and buttons.

I was dissapoint :(
Is this how you feel when you take psychedelic drugs?
You can't really express an acid trip through a youtube video.

However said acid would make watching that video completely different to how you are sober, now.

You could listen to something like a blender making a smoothy right up next to your ear and when you're done you probably think there's bits of your subconscious sprayed amongst the place, though your eye gets distracted by a particularly shiny spot on a wall, and as you inspect on ponder on the spot, you somehow find out a way to turn the whole situation into a metaphor that wraps up your life and/or societies workings.

You'd then turn to your friend, who's also tripping balls and try to explain the whole thing to him, though he only turns around with a sweaty perplexed face (One of which you see so much detail in, you could almost reach into his pores and pull out hunks of gold), trying to explain the same thing.

You never get the point across, half an hour after you guys are sitting there like idiots rambling, you say something that has to do with your original point so you get all excited, clapping your hands or snapping your fingers, "THAT IS WHAT I WAS TRYING TO SAY ALL ALONG!" and then your friend turns to you and agreesandthenitallhappensandbeforeyouknowityou'rethrownintoonegiganticmessofwords,colours,senstaionsandsituationsthatmakesyoure-evaluateandre-pondertheveryfoundationsofyourmoralstructuresentencesspilloutintoparagraphsandparagraphsspilloutintoepicstoriessourroundingandalmostdrowningyouinthisseaofcompleteanduttereuphoria.

(This probably happens in the first hour or so of actual tripping, it's impossible for me to explain the rest without having to invent some new dictionary of words engineered specifically to express certain points)

Then you laugh about it the next day.
What happens if you jerk your willie and watch porn while on LSD? Now thats something i want to try.

I quite liked that video, thanks for posting it.