How is the Radeon 9600 TX going to compare to....

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Originally posted by Owskie
edits dont bump so dont just ask me to edit
asks for a reply to my question ****ING **** **** ****ING AGAIN ****
I trust my Radeon 9700 Pro to perform well for another year no matter how many ****ing graphics cards come out. I'm not buying any new hardware until 2005.
i will probably buy Ati Radeon 9600 XT its cheap and very good for the price i can say its awesome for the price ;)
Originally posted by Kitarist
i will probably buy Ati Radeon 9600 XT its cheap and very good for the price i can say its awesome for the price ;)
So calm and cute. :):bounce:
how much better is it than the
i want/need a card b4 max payne 2 and gothic 2 come out

Originally posted by Yatta
I trust my Radeon 9700 Pro to perform well for another year no matter how many ****ing graphics cards come out. I'm not buying any new hardware until 2005.

I second that.. I just spent 500 Canadian on my new card before the 9800 pro came out, and if they think this little pos 9600xt is going to outperform my 500 dollar card for 300 bucks less, then they are sadly mistaken... it's not even going to outperform my damn GF4ti4600 for crying out loud. It's a cheap end high performance card that probably wont be able to handle all the features that the 9800 and FX cards can. Similar to the 5200 and 5600 FX from nVidia I am sure. But we will have to wait til the benchmarks and reviews come out to be certain, because if it does outperform a 9700 pro, I will be one pomf.
Moved to hardware. Please post in the appropriate forum.
My 9800 PRO is no longer teh kang. :(
I bet somebody will release a working BIOS for 9800 Non Pro & Pro cards so they'll be turned into XT cards.

My Non Pro w/ Samsung (GC-33) Modules already runs perfectly stable at 412/730. That's a pretty good overclock from 325/580.

Originally posted by Owskie
how much better is it than the
i want/need a card b4 max payne 2 and gothic 2 come out


It's supposed to be better than 9700 PRO for fuck's sake. But I doubt you'll buy it since Max Payne 2 comes out Oct 15th.