How long does your PC stay running each day?

How long does your PC run per day?

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Jul 25, 2007
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I've got to know. I've been concerned about when I might need to buy new critical parts for my PC, despite it's quality, name-brand hardware. Stuff that usually fails on most people like the CPU,LCD monitor, or PSU due to frequent use. Since I do alot of my work, (and play) right here on my PC, I was wondering how much longer it could last running almost all day like it does, being that it's a year and a few months old already? (Other family members use it too. It's not really a, "Personal Computer" anymore. :( )

Turning on and off your PC constantly puts more strain on your PC than if you just let it running.

Well, I might be wrong about that, but I'm pretty sure you use less power if you just keep it on.

Turning on and off your PC constantly puts more strain on your PC than if you just let it running.

Well, I might be wrong about that, but I'm pretty sure you use less power if you just keep it on.

if you restart frequently then yes that would use more power. leaving it on still uses power though.
Any more I leave it on 24/7. I used to turn it off at night.

Yeah, it used to be bad to turn the PC on/off. But that was before ATX standards. Before that it was bad for the PC just like flipping a light bulb on/off. Now is a different story (some circuitry is always on).
Any more I leave it on 24/7. I used to turn it off at night.

Yeah, it used to be bad to turn the PC on/off. But that was before ATX standards. Before that it was bad for the PC just like flipping a light bulb on/off. Now is a different story (some circuitry is always on).
When idle, a PC uses little more wattage than a light-bulb, ammirite? I use XP's soft-power features (who doesn't?) and turn it off when I go to sleep or go out somewhere. But even then, it's constantly in use by a few of my family like my mum. What about LCD monitors? I've heard they're notorious for only lasting about as little as a year and a half, but others say that my Viewsonic I purchased last year is a wise choice and I shouldn't worry. Still, I think it would be wise to put some money away just in case the PSU or monitor goes out. Don't you guys agree?
It would be good to have some money saved for a new one in case. And a hard drive with your files backed up as well. :p
But I wouldn't expect your PC to go down hill that soon. Unless it is really dusty where you live, have poor power in the house, bad PSU or throw metal scraps inside it often.
Unless it is really dusty where you live
It is pretty dusty out here in the countryside, but I try to keep the inside of my PSU and PC case dust free using cans of compressed air once every two weeks or so.
have poor power in the house
Power company's not the best supplier of power in the world, but I have a UPS (6400 Ultra) that conditions power before it even gets to the PSU and even shields against lightning. No worries here.
bad PSU or throw metal scraps inside it often.
If by bad PSU you mean manufacturer burn-in errors, then I don't think I've had this problem so far. Since it's a 600Wt, it hardly gets too overworked. And no, I don't open my case and use the
video and sound boards as display shelves for my trinkets and figurines. :laugh: ( I have a see-thru case cover)
I turn it off like once or twice a week.

And FYI your computer still uses power if its shut down. Unless you unplug it, it will continue to drain some power. Same with cellphone chargers that arnt plugged into a cell phone, and pretty much any electronic device.

Also, todays computers are pretty much unaffected by frequent shut downs and restarts.
Well I use it but then I go to class so I put it on sleep mode.
I'd say "not long" during the week, but I'm on it most of the time at the weekends, so I opted for Frequenty ;)

My work PC is only on as long as I'm at work, which is 37 hours a week. That's about 7/7.5 hours a day, which still comes under "not long", even though it's most of the day :p
My laptop is on during lunch break and when I get home from class until I sleep.
I always turn mine off at night because it's too noisy. I don't bother with standby because some fans stay running and my TV card crashes the computer if I try to use it after.

Even if none of these problems existed, I probably still would shut it down or at least put it into a standby (if the TV card worked) when I know I won't be using it for a long period. I find it wastefull to just leave it running. It's like leaving a light on when you go to sleep. While the computer still uses power when off (for ATX anyway) it can't be as much as leaving it on.
Geez, can't be good for all your computers running that continuously. Then again I'd like to keep mine for a long time (3+ years more).
I use it too much, and booting takes too long, so it stays on all day every day.
I leave mine on 24/7. Currently its been up for over a week. I do try to reboot every now and then to clear up the ram so it runs smoother.
I see no point in leaving my computer on all day. It only takes a minute to boot up. :\
I turn it off before i go to sleep like proper lads do. I turn it on when I get back from college.
The only time I restart is at the 2 week point (because usually the ol' compy needs it by then) or if automatic updates come on while I'm not at home.