How long has hl2 been tested now?


Apr 11, 2004
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how many days so far? 4?5? i just checked my latest issue of PC Powerplay(Nov) issue and they say they should have a review of hl2 by dec issue but the interesting thing i saw in the mag is an advert for bloodlines and is says its coming out this november. Now we all know hl2 must come out before bloddlines, so do you guys think it would be logical for vu to release hl2 either end of september or sometime oct in order to let bloodlines come out in nov? vu would not release hl2 and bloodlines both in nov would they?
i think the phrase

1million and 1 times comes to mind... :borg:

EDIT : Inanimate, nice post count (69) tehehehe, im such a child :bounce:
How can we even know how long it has been tested.

Maybe they're finished but not giving away a gold announcement. Who knows...
The Half-Life 2 Release canditiate has been in testing for a week, that assumes it hasn't been rejected yet.
god damn those courts, i bet it has something to do with the fek'n release date. DAMN THOS LKUG:IOUWF:JK B:O*HFI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

whoo..........i feel dizzy
DavE0r said:
god damn those courts, i bet it has something to do with the fek'n release date. DAMN THOS LKUG:IOUWF:JK B:O*HFI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

whoo..........i feel dizzy
I argee!
Bloodlines will get pushed if nessisary.
HL2 will come out if and when VU says.

I would not be suprised, however, if VU's laywers are telling them to hold off on the gold announcement, and if they begin manufacturing it all the same. (just for leverage)
f|uke said:
Bloodlines will get pushed if nessisary.
HL2 will come out if and when VU says.

I would not be suprised, however, if VU's laywers are telling them to hold off on the gold announcement, and if they begin manufacturing it all the same. (just for leverage)

They can't hold off the gold announcement if you're pointing at keeping it "hidden". That's pretty much impossible.
Dead-Inside said:
They can't hold off the gold announcement if you're pointing at keeping it "hidden". That's pretty much impossible.

Indeed, and most-likely (contractualy) illegal.
hmm, theyve been playtesting HL2 for a couple of months now...
DIdnt valve say once the game goes gold they will like put off fire works near the valve office? Who lives near them?