How long have YOU been a forumwhore?


Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
And not just counting, it can be any site.

I started forumwhoring January 24th, 2002, when I made a GameFAQs account, and I haven't stopped since then. Lord only knows the number of times I've clicked "post" or "reply"
I started at a Xbox 360 forum back in late 2004. I have been addicted ever sense then.
well, I've been actively posting here since December 2003, but I ran my own forums and posted on other ones since I was 12 or 13, so 2001 or so.
I have been at this site since....07-02-2006...thats less then a month....but sadly to say...I have had my "myspace" for almost three years. :(
Myspace has been around for that long? haha.

But myspace doesn't really count as forumwhoring, unless you mean group forums...
Started in 2002 with the SimHQ forums. Then moved on to the Vivendi Universal Games forums and now I'm here. Go me \o/
SIGames forum near the end of 2004 was my start into foruming :D
Hmm probably 2003 with Planet Medal of Honor
2002 or 2003

half-life counterstrike spray creation forums
I was a total jerk when I first started posting at around 12. I started posting at a site of a star-trek mod for homeworld 1...and my first post was a flame, and I became a troll for about a week until I discovered that trolling was bad etiquitte.
This was the first forum I actually registered with. Actually that's crap.. I'm pretty sure I was a member of numerous other forums before.. But I've smoked too much.. erm.. stuff between now and early 2004. My memory eludes me.

I know I used to lurk here for ages in the buildup to the 'original' HL2 release. As in, the one that never happened.
Was with back when I played Delta Force 1 & 2.. So I'd say about 2000.
Actually, now I think about it, I started an AVP clan forum waaaay back when AVP was still big, so around 99/00. Man, that was awesome. I was like 13, and started a marine clan. Within about 2 weeks we had ~30 members. Then I got bored and gave up on that, when I realised my 'deputies' had been hiring anyone, no matter how sucky.
Since September 2004, here. Right here.

I remember my first post. Some guy asked a question about Doom 3 and I told him to go to a Doom 3 forum.
Let's see... i think the first forum i started whoring on was CSbanana when it was still known as CSCentral(mid 90's... 1997?)...i think... there might have been some others that i posted on earlier, but i don't remember.. /shrug
Late 1999, registered at some Swedish forum that my classmates insisted me to do (although I didn't go by my usual name :P). I've been a forumwhore since then.
This and steampowered were my first. Now I am a regular on like 4-5 forums.
Probably since 2000. That was when I made my first true geek friend and he introduced me to the Counter-Strike betas for Half-Life (ah, those were the days). He was also a moderator for the official CS forums, so I got kind of drawn into that. Oh, the daily drama that existed in its Off-Topic section was sweet indeed.

Also posted on GameSpy forums for a bit, until I got banned. Same with 3DAP. And PlanetWolfenstein. And PlanetMOH. And a crapload of other Forumplanet divisions. Even on forums that I regularly attended found me acerbic and tip-toeing on the edge of being banned. Probably deserved too, as I had a penchant for saying very vile and inflammatory remarks. Me and a group of others a few years ago stormed the GoldenSun forums on FP and they went into such a panic that they actually locked their whole forum down due to their incompetence. They cried, offered to resign, and freaked out to the point where I almost felt bad. We actually incurred the wrath of shaithis who essentially told us he was fed up with our bullshit and was going to global ban our accounts. :(

I reckon I've been banned from about 85% of all the forums I've ever been on. Multiple times on quite a few of those.
somewhere between 2001 and 2002. On a bionicle forum- I was really into it back then, but nowadays bionicle is just all over the place story-wise and nowhere near as cool as it used to be. Kopaka ftmfW.
Too long. I've registered at a couple forums in 1999, but I became a very active poster and forum reader in 2000, on another forum. I've been helping run that site for over 5 years now, and yeah, I'm way used to this stuff.
Back in the days of Ultima Online, I'd assume. I was a prominent member of ERPA.

-Angry Lawyer
2001 or so, I don't remember much about what the deal with the forum was, but I remember almost all my posts were happy and non cynical, then somewhere along the line I changed and told penis jokes
Since July 2004. I used to post on some car forum or something and I got banned for being a spastic. Then I went to some other car forum, then to some gameing in general forum and then here.