And not just counting, it can be any site.
I started forumwhoring January 24th, 2002, when I made a GameFAQs account, and I haven't stopped since then. Lord only knows the number of times I've clicked "post" or "reply"
I was a total jerk when I first started posting at around 12. I started posting at a site of a star-trek mod for homeworld 1...and my first post was a flame, and I became a troll for about a week until I discovered that trolling was bad etiquitte.
This was the first forum I actually registered with. Actually that's crap.. I'm pretty sure I was a member of numerous other forums before.. But I've smoked too much.. erm.. stuff between now and early 2004. My memory eludes me.
I know I used to lurk here for ages in the buildup to the 'original' HL2 release. As in, the one that never happened.
Actually, now I think about it, I started an AVP clan forum waaaay back when AVP was still big, so around 99/00. Man, that was awesome. I was like 13, and started a marine clan. Within about 2 weeks we had ~30 members. Then I got bored and gave up on that, when I realised my 'deputies' had been hiring anyone, no matter how sucky.
Let's see... i think the first forum i started whoring on was CSbanana when it was still known as CSCentral(mid 90's... 1997?)...i think... there might have been some others that i posted on earlier, but i don't remember.. /shrug
Late 1999, registered at some Swedish forum that my classmates insisted me to do (although I didn't go by my usual name ). I've been a forumwhore since then.
Probably since 2000. That was when I made my first true geek friend and he introduced me to the Counter-Strike betas for Half-Life (ah, those were the days). He was also a moderator for the official CS forums, so I got kind of drawn into that. Oh, the daily drama that existed in its Off-Topic section was sweet indeed.
Also posted on GameSpy forums for a bit, until I got banned. Same with 3DAP. And PlanetWolfenstein. And PlanetMOH. And a crapload of other Forumplanet divisions. Even on forums that I regularly attended found me acerbic and tip-toeing on the edge of being banned. Probably deserved too, as I had a penchant for saying very vile and inflammatory remarks. Me and a group of others a few years ago stormed the GoldenSun forums on FP and they went into such a panic that they actually locked their whole forum down due to their incompetence. They cried, offered to resign, and freaked out to the point where I almost felt bad. We actually incurred the wrath of shaithis who essentially told us he was fed up with our bullshit and was going to global ban our accounts.
I reckon I've been banned from about 85% of all the forums I've ever been on. Multiple times on quite a few of those.
somewhere between 2001 and 2002. On a bionicle forum- I was really into it back then, but nowadays bionicle is just all over the place story-wise and nowhere near as cool as it used to be. Kopaka ftmfW.
Too long. I've registered at a couple forums in 1999, but I became a very active poster and forum reader in 2000, on another forum. I've been helping run that site for over 5 years now, and yeah, I'm way used to this stuff.
Been on forums since the late nineties. Started on this one: I really started posting regularly on forums (gaming mostly) in 2002. Joined this one in 2003.
2001 or so, I don't remember much about what the deal with the forum was, but I remember almost all my posts were happy and non cynical, then somewhere along the line I changed and told penis jokes
Since July 2004. I used to post on some car forum or something and I got banned for being a spastic. Then I went to some other car forum, then to some gameing in general forum and then here.