How long have YOU been a forumwhore?

I've only been banned from two forums. I got KoS'd at one point in GameFAQs, mainly because of my "offensive language." Then I got banned from a spinoff of that site because the admin didn't like me for whatever reason.

Oh, and I'm banned from Nickelodeon's forums. Shame too, the discussions they had there were incredibly deep.
I think I started at the PC Gamer UK forums in 2001, maybe? Possibly 2000.
I left maybe two years afterwards - I went back the other day and was flamed within three posts by someone who had more pots than me (considering I'd had to sign up again, this wasn't hard). I've not been back since and, if the boards are just rammed with idiots who deride others because their postcount is lower, I have no intention of returning.
Used to check forums on and off a LOOONNNG time ago...This is the first one where I signed up and actually became an active member.

I still lurk on other sites too..
By the way - what is the address for the PC Gamer forum?
I think I started at the PC Gamer UK forums in 2001, maybe? Possibly 2000.
I left maybe two years afterwards - I went back the other day and was flamed within three posts by someone who had more pots than me (considering I'd had to sign up again, this wasn't hard). I've not been back since and, if the boards are just rammed with idiots who deride others because their postcount is lower, I have no intention of returning.

I haven't found much flaming due to postcount in my time there, but hey there are dicks everywhere nowadays

By the way - what is the address for the PC Gamer forum?

I get banned all the time...
Usually for politics.
I haven't found much flaming due to postcount in my time there, but hey there are dicks everywhere nowadays
Well, my last visit was only two months ago. I'm testing the water again though.
I was getting into the forums, but it turned out there was a lot of postcount-based arrogance (the guy who flamed me there had racked up something like 18,000-odd posts in two years - he must be cool!) derision and general all-round-twattishness, plus it was horribly cliquey. So f*ck 'em.
I want to find a nice community, quite a bit smaller than this one, with people with vaired intrests ect.

I used to belong to one, was awesome, then it closed :(
My main whoring spots are here, Hetairia, Interlopers, and Nuclear Dawn.