How low can he go?


Nov 1, 2004
Reaction score
Sorry to those of you who get fed up with threads about this guy, but I thought this was pretty bad.

At the start of the month, a guy who was a regular at commited suicide despite the best efforts of those on the forums to talk him out of it.

Ever the vulture, Jack Thompson wrote to the site after hearing about the incident, saying:

Jack Thompson said:
"Your "gamer friend" will find peace through the Lord, Jesus Christ, but sadly it's too late for that.

There is a void in every heart. You can fill it up with the things of God, or the things not of God. This unfortunate soul chose to fill it up with combat games. The playing of these video games is masturbatory activity, meaning senseless self-stimulation. If you gamers could use a dictionary you would know that that term is not necessarily a sexual one.

The real tragedy here extends beyond the life and death of this one fellow. There are literally millions of young people and young adults whose despair is deepend by turning to the things of this world and then finding them meaningless.

All of you gamers need to put down the controllers and get a life. The utter inanity of the vast majority of postings here shows how vapid "gaming" really is.

You are one of the cheerleaders for this wasting of time and the wasting of lives. Do you feel any remorse for having contributed to this "culture of death?" Of course not. Hey, let's all play MORE games, and ignore all the really productive things to do with our lives.

Let's pretend to be shocked that a gamer might descend into deeper depression, as his gamer "buds," knowing he was killing himself, couldn't figure out how to call 911 themselves for him. That would have involved leaving their computers I guess.

Sad. Sad for all of you."

I have to say the response from the site was pretty good though: said:
"Once again, Mr. Thompson, you've proven that your ignorance knows no bounds. We're not going to participate in this war you wish to wage against us -- we're bigger than that. We're bigger than you.

This is a case where our tragedy is greater than the sum of our transgressions. The fact that you want to exploit the loss that both we and his family have suffered to forward your own selfish, religiously driven ambitions speaks volumes about the integrity (or lack, thereof) of your character, and it only serves to strengthen our resolve.

You can continue to try and discredit us and insult us, though no true man of God would do such a thing. We pity you and your ignorance, and only hope that someday you can come to terms with and mature away from your biggotry. As Metal Gear Solid fans, we have learned to believe in the best of individuals. We've learned to show charity. We've become better people, and through the loss of our friend, we've become a closer-knit community.

We forgive you, Jack, and we hope that God will do the same for you."

I'm just sad that Jack sinks so low as to try and gain moral high ground from a death like this...

I ****ing hate that ****ed up ****head.
What a complete ****. Oh hey, someone's committed suicide. I'll use it for my own bullshit gain!

15357 said:

I ****ing hate that ****ed up ****head.
^ what mr. numbers said

Another bullshit from Jack Thompson
What an idiot. Someone commits suicide and he has to use it to make himself look all high and mighty while trying to make gamers look bad. Bastard doesnt even care, just wants to use it for his personal grudge.
That makes perfect sense if a man who posts on an MGS forum commits suicide it must be a result of playing MGS, it coulden't possibly be caused by anything else. Obviously that extremly disrespectful comment by Jack Thompson was to gain moral high ground.
When was the last time Jack Thompson did anything productive with his life?

He's been too busy being a Zealot against Video/Computer Games to offer anything remotely productive.
What an asshat. Using a situation like this against a community. Obviously people will be upset and he's just not making it easier for them.

I can honestly say I don't like this guy now.

My thoughts go out to the family and friends of the guy who commited suicide :(
Unfocused said:
Very good response from

Yes, the community of gamers and friends turn out to be far more professional than he ever will be.

Ignore Jack Thompson, the guy doesn't deserve an attention at all.
There is a void in every heart, fill it with god.... yadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayadayada.........
I want to take this guy to court, i want to sue his ass. over something, anything.
Wtf :|

Seriously, what kind of ****ed up freak abuses someones death for his own personal gain? 'El oh el someone commited suicide rawfl im so going 2 rite to dem'
Funny how so many "men of god" will go lower than the rest of us...

that bastard really crossed the line this time.
jack thompson said:
lolz, gamer commit suicide. I be teh bringing teh lord almightyz to help me disrespect his grave. LOOK AT ME, I WEAR YOUR ASS AS A HAT !!

thats all I got out of his response, responded very maturly to something i would have just signed jack up for beastiality porn over. **** you jack.

R.I.P and may your family have help in this time of need
I don't know that using the death of another is especially shocking. While reprehensible, it is one of the most common ways to polarize any group of people. The greeks, the romans, the english, the scottish, the americans, the germans, the russians, and countless other nations and groups have used that tactic. In a way, even the community is using that boy's death against Jack Thompson, or at least the feelings of sympathy and mourning that surround his death.
yeah, but going to his friends right after and saying "yeah, he should have come to god, its your guys fault cuz you like videa gamez" is just being a rude asshole. I woudnt be as suprised if he used it in interviews or somehting, but taunt his forumite friends? what the ****..
I like how he generalizes every single gamer as a fat lazy dork with no social life who doesn't know how to use a dictionary. (And the last bit doesn't even make any sense, gamers like us are usually the smartest of our generation)
Im not fat but I'm lazy, and i know a gamer who could kick anyones ass from my school, He went to boot camp three years in a row on his own free will 0_0. Seriously.. he scares me..
I looked it up in the dictionary and masturbation was listed as being purely sexual.
Perhaps Jack meant to say he was using a metaphor, and that we should look THAT up in the dictionary. :)
Note: Most Christians aren't like this nutjob.

Just for the record.
EDIT: Vegeta, heh.
Adrien C said:
He does have a point however..
No. He doesn't.

He's a completely ****ed up psychopath that has been (ab)using gamers for the last few years and has made money off our backs doing it. It's time we strike back.

/me loads double-barrel shotgun
Muffin Man said:
thats all I got out of his response, responded very maturly to something i would have just signed jack up for beastiality porn over. **** you jack.

R.I.P and may your family have help in this time of need
QFT. I can't even stand to READ half of his shit, and I actually read this and what the **** is this Hell spawned asshole's problem? God the more I read about him the more thoughts I of..... Well, I'm not at liberty to say. I just wanna know how they could have called 911 when they may not even know where the **** he lived!

R.I.P. May your soul have everlasting peace, and your family the best.

And just because I feel like saying this, Jack Thompson, I'll ****ing see you in Hell.........
I'm sickened by Jack Thompson's callousness.
Beerdude26 said:
No. He doesn't.

He's a completely ****ed up psychopath that has been (ab)using gamers for the last few years and has made money off our backs doing it. It's time we strike back.

/me loads double-barrel shotgun
Lemme just get my pog.. err I mean beating stick. Myup.
What an Idiot. Using someones death for his own personal advantage... Deserves to burn in Hell.

Most of the stuff he said was obviously made up on the spot, unprofessional for someone of his status, designed for a cheap shot at the community and gamers everywhere.
Jack Thompson has no power left, all he does now is go around calling gamers stupid and how horrible gaming is for your health, much like a forum troll.
Dalamari said:
Jack Thompson has no power left, all he does now is go around calling gamers stupid and how horrible gaming is for your health, much like a forum troll.
Only in real life. Let's ban him :D
*takes ban stick*
Adrien C said:
He does have a point however..

You find a point in that mass of religous ignorance and general ass-hat-ery and I'll show you a three headed monkey.

As for Thompson, I really wish I could fathom the logical reasoning behind this fools posts but I'd like to raise this question to him if I ever met him:

Jesus was a Carpenter, AND he was nailed to a piece of wood made by a carpenter coincidence? By your logic Jack this makes all carpenters Evil souless cretins destined on a path to death.
My anger towards his paragraphs written in keyboard hits:

sdfjlsdbvfsdbfsdobvcsdibvacuogajlcnsdv;ksn vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7vswjvbsdvdfbgf564ng6nm4ty6u45645thj9459v748g789gtr3479dgr2397dgr97g23479drg349drg3479drg34dr79g49gr97d4r9g7
vegeta897 said:
Perhaps Jack meant to say he was using a metaphor, and that we should look THAT up in the dictionary. :)
I thought it might've been a satire :|
People like this anger me. It makes religious people or Christians look like asshats. He's screwed himself over.