How Mad Have You Gotten At A Game?

Only really get pissed with BF2 and then i just swear shitloads over VOIP/TS/thin air

If am really getting pissed off i just quit and put on some fukin heavy Metallica tune!
BF2's the only game I ever get pissed off at too.

I see someone running across a road and take about 3 controlled sprays at him, but he doesn't die, then he notices me, prones then kills me within 1 second. It's just plain bullshit sometimes. They need to delay the time you can fire after proning a little bit.

Or I notice someone in an easy position to kill them, then the millisecond before I fire someone else kills me.
BF2's the only game I ever get pissed off at too.

I see someone running across a road and take about 3 controlled sprays at him, but he doesn't die, then he notices me, prones then kills me within 1 second. It's just plain bullshit sometimes. They need to delay the time you can fire after proning a little bit.

Or I notice someone in an easy position to kill them, then the millisecond before I fire someone else kills me.

Tell me about it, sometimes the M16 feels perfect and hits with every burst..then next round it misses all the time..cue anger
Wierd, BF2 is one game I rarely get frustrated with, simply put; if I struggle with a certain aspect I just go do something else. If my heli gunner sucks I'll just go on foot, if my aim's off then I go drive a tank, etc until I find a good streak. :D

The most pissed off has to be when I was younger (games were a helluva lot tougher on SNES and a few on the PS1) and I'd get royally pissed off and start squeezing the controller and slamming it on the couch. Never broke any piece of electronic though.

When my computer (or any other electrical appliances) break however, that's when I start to get violent with it.
Edit - Oh yeah, also I was very close to tears a couple of times on the final boss of DOA4, which I've already mentioned. But that's not just cause she's tough, that's cause she's a f*cking hax :frown:

That reminds me about the last boss, Jinpachi Mishima, in Tekken 5. He's a cheating little ****ing tit, annoying cheap-ass punches and kicks which you can't block nor dodge. Namco must have gotten their brains removed when they designed this bitch.
Jak II was one big frustrating POS, every checkpoint took me me like 140 try's, but unlike Viewtiful Joe, DMC3 and tekken 5 it wasn't fun whatsoever. It just had good production value's and you wanted to know what happend next.

Viewtiful Joe though fun could be very frustrating because of the saves.
You have to fight like 4 boses you fought before, only they are harder now, and they were goddam hard the first time, then after that you get a new boss named Fire Leo who is a shit load harder then all of them combined. I spent more the 6 hours trying to beat them all, 2 hours where spend on Fire Leo.

And it wasn't the difficulty that frustrated me, because that was great, the
game was hard but not too hard, the bosses were really hard, but that is the way it should be. It's just that at that point you could not save, so if I quit I would have to fight all 5 of them all over again. Eventually I broke down, put the controller down and quit, and never played that game since. I have no time to spend so much time on a game, I don't want tp spend so much time on that difficulty, VJ is not fun in large doses.

And it's a real shame, because it could have been a game I played a lot, since you can unlock chars like Dante from DMC and captain blue, and they all have different styles of play.

Then you have tekken 5, the last boss is incredibly cheap, I mean when even the biggest fans, the ones that play in tourny's think he is cheap. The guy has a move that cannot be blocked is one of the fastest in the game and freezes you for enough time that he can doe a supermove, not only that a couple of his moves which have very wide range involves him swinging his body back and then forward and he damages you with his arms. The annoying thing about that is that you can only touch his leg when he does that, every other move will fail and you can't go back in time to evade, and you cannot block it.

That reminds me about the last boss, Jinpachi Mishima, in Tekken 4. He's a cheating little ****ing tit, annoying cheap-ass punches and kicks which you can't block nor dodge. Namco must have gotten their brains removed when they designed this bitch.
Thats Tekken 5, thats what I found frustrating too.
I would become enraged at Street Fighter II on the SNES and I broke 2 of those lovely controllers with my fists as I felt it was one of the "cheapest" games around way back in the day....
I used to play a lot of SCII on the Gamecube a while back, but one day I recall, after making a lot of progress with story mode and whatnot, there came a character (who I had beaten previously on numerous occasions) that I couldn't hit, let alone defeat.

Long story short, the disc was out of the cube, across the room.... and then I kicked the lid off the Gamecube.
Well... I've gotten pretty mad when playing SWAT 4. I try to beat the missions by arresting everyone instead of killing em. When I couldn't beat a mission a few times I'd drop the non lethal weapons and blow the living shit out of the suspects instead using unecessary use of deadly force!
Well... I've gotten pretty mad when playing SWAT 4. I try to beat the missions by arresting everyone instead of killing em. When I couldn't beat a mission a few times I'd drop the non lethal weapons and blow the living shit out of the suspects instead using unecessary use of deadly force!

Hah, I remember when I couldnt beat a mission in that game, I loaded up the kidnapper mission and tortured his mommy. One time I also got my brother in on it and we tazered her like 18 times, shot her with beanbags and pepper balls, and then blew her knees off with magnums. Fun stuff.

I dont get very mad at games.

Well, thats not true. I get PISSED OFF at games, but I guess I have amazing control. Sometimes if I am playing a console and I die because of something stupid or at a really bad time I will feel like throwing something really really hard... and I might even raise the controller like I am about to. But then I just lower my hand, get up and turn the console off. I usually dont even save, so sometimes it is that last time I ever play the game.

Like in PoP:Two Thrones (?) I couldnt beat those two guys after the big chariot race, and I spent like 2 hours repeating it over and over trying to kill them, that really pissed me off.

And If I am playing dod:s or something... if I get pissed off I will just open console and type quit really fast instead of throwing something.
I also get pissed off at BF2 alot, some of the deaths I get are really dodgy.

But thats the only game I get angry at though.
The only time that I have been mad at a game is when saving games on Fable on PC. The saves don't really save until you quit the gamne properly, you cannot shutdown windows using the button on the keyboard
Got so peeved with BF2 today i went Commander! :O
Yesterday, I got so pissed off in DODs I literally slammed a fork (the pointy bit) into my "17 Flatscreen LCD monitor.
One time while playing Dave Mirra BMX for PS2 the phone rang...I had the controller cord wrapped around my leg and when I stood up it pulled the PS2 off of a waist high table. The PS2 was alright, but when you jar a PS2 while it is running, you get a HUGE deep circular scratch on the game. The game never worked again. Man I loved that game
That reminds me about the last boss, Jinpachi Mishima, in Tekken 5. He's a cheating little ****ing tit, annoying cheap-ass punches and kicks which you can't block nor dodge. Namco must have gotten their brains removed when they designed this bitch.
Sounds like it. She's really goddamn cheap, although apparently there's a formula to her. I've seen people perfect her because they've figured out how she works... thing is, it doesn't make you want to put in that effort, because she's just pure bullshit - there's NOTHING tactical to it at all.

ALL of her moves are combos - huge ones. Her grabs also do massive damage, and one of them she can pull off at range in the blink of an eye. To add insult to injury, you face her in a map with a danger zone on the floor and walls, meaning whenever she hits you into it, you take extra damage - which is alot. One of her grabs triggers the danger zone 4 or 5 times before it's done, and there's no way to tap your way out mid-way through. Oh, and she can teleport around the map. Whenever she feels like it. You could be in the middle of a combo and she'll zap behind you and deliver a fatal kick to your back before you have time to even think about countering :angry:

I get mad at Spider Solitaire all the time. I've never beaten it on any difficulty besides easy. It's impossible to win with more than 1 suit.
Like in PoP:Two Thrones (?) I couldnt beat those two guys after the big chariot race, and I spent like 2 hours repeating it over and over trying to kill them, that really pissed me off..

Same here. I had to get my brother to beat them for me >.>
cool thread, i usually just swear tbh.

the getaway, jesus christ that game could be infuriating...the harbour mission in Mafia, fecking snipers, there were a few more in that game. Getting ownd in bf2. The 'pool' sequence in the abondoned highschool in condemned, those crawling guys kept grabbing me and once i got one off me by shaking the mouse another would jump on me, it was like 7 quickloads before i realised there were 2 dead bums corpses leaning over the pools edge with SMG's...pfft

edit:also playing dmc3 on normal, its f**king hard alright!!!! :P
I've never been mad at a game... I've been mad at a PC for breaking during games and refusing to play CDs. This was my old 486 sx25 which got quite a beating but survived (the beatings actually made the thing work).

My ex girlfriend used to get seriously mad whilst playing games on her xbox, she threw the controllers at the walls etc. Silly cow.
What really pisses me off are days when I just cant aim in first person shooters. One day i'd be top of scoreboard, others i would be losing to noobs. When i get frustrated i just ragequit from the game and put on some Nine Inch Nails. Either that or get a drink.
Swearing (lots of games!)
and punched the screen once (didn't break it thank God!)

Mainly "****" and "Bastard"
My brother once punched the Xbox when he was losing in a game of "Rocky". He broke his hand and the Xbox won that round as well.
Once I broke a monitor, a mouse and a keyboard. My dad replaced the monitor with a 14" free one that he found somewhere haha, guess who was mad :D
Sometimes I've also destroyed game discs but I don't do that stuff anymore as I've grown up :)

But I do get mad, really mad sometimes :D
Most games don't make me mad anymore because they are made with what appears to be 3 year olds in mind. However, F-Zero GX seemed to always be ready to kick me in the nuts.

While racing some of the staff ghosts I was literaly screaming at the MOFO. Haven't thrown anything yet, though.
I usually yell ultra-long obscenities, like godmother****ing****(=female reproductive organ)dammit.
When ever I get mad at a game I usually just get really pissed and start throwing around swears. The one thing that I often do though is ask questions within my swearing, often insulting myself for being such an idiot. I Don't think I've ever had a crazy moment where I broke something, I just tend to get really mad, then I cool off in about 5 minutes