How many fingers do you type with?

How many fingers do you use to type with

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Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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I type (generally) with 5, three on my left and two on my right. I never used a learn-to-type programme or anything like that but I've just typed so much I know where every key is and I can type quite fast and without looking at the the keyboard. Also, when resting my fingers (and thumbs) rest of left-shift, A, W, F, space-bar, L, P, ] and enter.

How do you type?
I have my own travelling freakshow because I can type at 130WPM with two fingers...
I'm gonna have to take a video of my hands while I type before I'll know for sure. I'll save my vote until then.

I'm gonna guess 7 though.
I think I type with 6 or 7 fingers.
mine varies depending on what im doing but usually 4
Always two. One on each hand
i use all my fingers on my left hand but never my pinky on my right... which is odd as im right handed. I think it's due to the keyboard layout.
Do thumbs on the spacebar count?
Does the right pinky for enter count?
If so, 10. If not, 7.
I don't think I use my right pinky that much sadly, poor little blighter is just too demented to type well. I'll use the poor bugger for enter I guess.
i use all fingers, not all for typing though, some are for space, shift, apostrophe etc
I use eight fingers see I can type this fast and without typos loopk oh no A TYPOE shit another one!!
Depends. Sometimes I type with two alone (index fingers), only when I'm lazy though :p Sometimes with 8, sometimes with 10.
9 including the one for the spacebar. I use my right thumb for it. My left one just kind of floats..
My projection was correct, I think I use 7

I don't use my uhh...the fingers next to the pinky :O Or my right thumb.

I use the rest though...I think.
I cant use my pinkies because theyre too weak, espcially after a fat kid sat on one and broke it. I voted four, but I use six. Never notice before. Education!
Had to study my hands typing lol, but I reckon 4, maybe 6... depending...

...soooo different neeeeeeds.
Depends on the situation but i think i use most of them, except the pinky's...they too cute to waste on typing most of the time :D
I use only three to type letters. Index on my left hand, Index and Middle on my right. I use both thumbs to hit space bar, and my right pinky to hold shift.
8 fingers, I never use my pinky fingers, 6 fingers if you don't count using thumbs for space bar
well it looks like i mostly type with four fingers, index and middle on either hand, but i use my other fingers occasionally
9 I use pinkies for a and enter and ' or backspace and I use thumb for spacebar and
Four, all on my left hand.

Thumb usually rests on the space bar the whole time.
I use all fingers and both thumbs. left pinky for shift, right pinky for enter, and both thumbs on the space bar (but not simultaneously).