How many games on your steam list?

People who get their games for free shouldn't count ;(
Twenty games I acquired through Steam, demos excluded. I usually add my other games as well.
Make that 49. Just got the Remake of Monkey Island.
Samon and Wolfy-sama are just big cheaters.
Whatever. We got 450 free games in exchange for working our asses off on this site for years and years. I have 51 purchased games on my largest non-press steam account.
Also, that journalist account thing is weird. So you apply for a content writer position, write a few articles and can play any game without a limit for free? The reward:work ratio seems massive. What are the conditions?

No, it was a deal done back in the day with Valve, who gave staff members a press account. They don't hand them out to anyone who becomes a content writer, though.
95 apparently, though given my penchant for caving in to Steam deals I expect that will go up this weekend. :rolleyes: