How many games will I have to trade in to EB games for Half-Life 2?

Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
Just wondering, I'm willing to trade-in: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, Unreal Tournament 2004, Unreal, and Unreal Mission Pack 1: Return to Na Pali.
Will I be able to trade those games in?
And which version will I be able to get if I can?
The Bronze? Silver, perhaps?
I had to trade in about £150 worth to get Doom3 :(

You will only be able to get the retail versions from EB.
bronze and silver are steam packages. you cant only get regualr and collectors from retail.
Tredoslop said:
Just wondering, I'm willing to trade-in: Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time, Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, Unreal Tournament 2004, Unreal, and Unreal Mission Pack 1: Return to Na Pali.
Will I be able to trade those games in?
And which version will I be able to get if I can?
The Bronze? Silver, perhaps?
Um, you can't buy Bronze or Silver or Gold at EB games...and EB dosen't give much money for pre-owned games most of the time.
Just bite the bullet and trade em all in! You won't want to play any of them anymore once you get to play hl2 anyway! :)

On the serious side tho, I have notices that EB (at least in my town) doesn't give you shit for games you trade in... maybe $5.00 or $10.00 each, and that is only if you have NEW games that are selling good right now, so you may not get enough even if you trade em all in.

I would sell them on Ebay possibly (I have had luck with this before) or at a garage sale/swap meet before I would trade em to EB, and then you could use the cash to get one of the better steam packages such as Gold.

Good luck.
You'll probably havet to trade in 3 games...
Battlefield Vietnam = £3, four weeks ago (at Gamestation)

Since I've bought the Collectors Edition, and paid it all up already, I had to trade a good chunk, almost all of my games in which I do not play anymore. I even threw a few of my old Xbox games in there. With what you got, you probably won't get anymore than $30 - $33 TOPS. Funny how EBgames encourages people to trade in games, yet they give absolute crap value worth. If they were just a tad bit more leniant, it would be different.
I received $40 from GameRush (Incorporated into Blockbuster) for Grand Theft Auto: Vice City last month. I recommend finding a local GameRush as they give back a very good amount of money.
Just a quick FYI, they arent supposed to trade any games that have a multiplayer, because of people copying the cd's and writing down the key, and really keeping the game, and jipping money from EB.
Black-Falcon said:
Just a quick FYI, they arent supposed to trade any games that have a multiplayer, because of people copying the cd's and writing down the key, and really keeping the game, and jipping money from EB.

That would probably explain why they give CRAP towards any game that includes multiplayer.

But I never knew that could not accept a trade-in for games that have multiplayer. hmm.
Goombatommy said:
Since I've bought the Collectors Edition, and paid it all up already, I had to trade a good chunk, almost all of my games in which I do not play anymore. I even threw a few of my old Xbox games in there. With what you got, you probably won't get anymore than $30 - $33 TOPS. Funny how EBgames encourages people to trade in games, yet they give absolute crap value worth. If they were just a tad bit more leniant, it would be different.

Exactly. I hate to burst your bubble, but EB trade ins are crap. You will have to have some pretty recent games to get any decent trade in value..... Any games over a year old I'd say the most you'll get from them is about 15- 20 bucks TOPS (and that is being optimistic). I suggest you go to Gamestop for trade ins (even if they aren't that much better), but you will get a little more trade in credit....

Although I will be buying the game retail (CE) from EB, I get really ticked off over their trade in values. You are better off just saving up your cash and buying the game.