How many megabytes of illegal content on your computer?

I Am a good person
I have 0kb ;)
last thing i downloaded had a virus, that was abouth hmm 2 years ago on my old comp, and it was only a image taking service thing, or whatever
christ. My second HD is 160 gigs, and it has something like 5 left. I would estimate that at least 120 of those are illegal.

F*ck off, RIAA :E let me think... i'd guess about 20 gigs worth.
Who cares how many GB of illegal content is there? Whole ****ing data on HD is illegal.... wtf? Some around 154 GB.
My MP3 archive alone is 60gb ... add to that my films folder (30gb), ISOs folder (software isos - 30gb), application installers folder (20gb) and TV shows (lost/spaced/liveattheapollo - 20gb) it equals quite a lot of stuff. That's excluding the C drive (already installed stuff).

I don't sell the stuff, share the stuff or get any profit from using the stuff myself. I do buy lots of albums of music I like, and I have paid for my OS. The main reason for downloading pirated software was for Uni work.
I also paid for my OS (and am about to pay for Vista), I spend a lot of money on music, and I buy any game worth buying. The only games I torrent are ones that I have already bought but lost/broken the disc, or ones I can't find in stores. I buy about 50% of my movies (half the ones on my HDD are ripped from DVDs I own) and I own 10-15 seasons of various shows (24, Firefly, Dead Like Me, Six Feet Under, etc) on DVD.

I figure I'm a fairly moral pirate, if I'm a pirate.
i pirate games not worthy of 50-60 bucks. There is SOMETIMES a game that is acutally worth 50 bucks, but...
I never pirate games (I don't even know how to install them without the disc). It's mainly American TV shows, music and some movies that I can't be bothered to pay $13 for in the cinema.
I hav illegal content

but not in the pc D:
11 inches.

...Oh sorry, not that kind of bragging thread, erm, no idea.
Not really sure but probably around 10gb, none of that is games though :D
Funny enough, my school just caught me using BT and shut it down and told me I need to see IT about it. I've brushed them off so far. The funny thing is that I've been doing ti for the past 3 and a half years, and they catch me now!? What morons.

Hmmm... as much as I'd love to guesstimate, let's just say it's a lot, and until they shut me down recently, it was rapidly growing.

edit: Oh, and my Windows doesn;t pass the Authenticity check, if you get my drift...
Pretty much all apps, games and music are legit. If it's available in the shops at a fair price, I buy it. :)

However, if it's unavailable and/or ludicrously over-priced...

About 150 gigabytes at a rough estimate.
I don't think I have anything illegal currently on my PC. The MP3s I have are from CD's I own and a few are free mp3s i got from the net. Though I have +1000 GB of tv episodes that I recorded on my drives. :x
i pirate games not worthy of 50-60 bucks. There is SOMETIMES a game that is acutally worth 50 bucks, but...

That's how I am. I refurse to buy ANOTHER game for 40 bucks, then have it suck ass, like X3.


OKOK it was an alright game, just not down my alley. I wish I would have DLed it though.
About 4 GB of music and vids, + various software.

If I had bought all that legally, I would have had to sell my PC. :p
About 4 GB of music and vids, + various software.

If I had bought all that legally, I would have had to sell my PC. :p

As far I know, you can get various software for 100 Rs in Gray market, videos eh...?