How many of you are going to buy Halo 2?

A Halo 2 fanboy on HL2 forums ...... how idiotic can you get ?
Halo 2? Nope, didn't like the first one very well so I doubt I'll be getting the second one.

1. Halo was a POS
2. Halo 2 has nothing significantly new as far as I've seen (It cracks me up how the crowd cheers when he uses the energy sword, its a ****ing melee weapon. Wow!)

I think that people are getting all excited about such gimmicky things. Dual wielding will barely add anything to the game. Just looks like the same old stuff with a few features tacked on. The only thing that even looks remotely cool is the vehicle destruction system. But a wad of gum won't save a sinking oil tanker. Just imo of course, I'm just in a frustrated mood today.
:dozey: I'll get it, but hopefully it isn't like the first where sometimes you'll be fighting off enemies by the dozens and dozens and dozens... and dozens in little corridors just to switch something to open a door, to find out you have to fight off more dozens and dozens and dozens... and dozens of more enemies. Hmmm sounds like classic Doom?
I don't have, and do not intend on buying an x-box, so I'll buy it when it comes out for PC. And after using keyboard and mouse combo for computer fps games, console control pads disgust me as far as control. I did play it once or twice on xbox (the origional) and i hated the aiming system.
:x Oh yeah, I forget that Halo 2 is being released on XBox and not PC at the SAME TIME. Well I too will have to wait until the PC version comes out, it aint my thing to play FPS on consoles anymore.
Neo_Kuja said:
A Halo 2 fanboy on HL2 forums ...... how idiotic can you get ?

Now I do take offence, sir...I do!

You can be a fanboy of both games at the same time. :p
Im interested in it. But I ain't going to EVER get it.

For some simples reasons.

I don't have nor do I want to own an Xbox.

And the PC port of Halo sucked beyond all comprehension.
I'm not betting Halo2 will be any better.
And it dosn't look like anything new. Just somewhat better graphics and now NPC can drive (big woop)
/raises hand

yeah, i'll be buying Halo 2. but if i get a PC release date that's soon after the console one, i'll be getting it for the PC. btw, is it certain as to wether it's coming out on the PC or not?

I thought #1 was a good game, and from what i've seen the second will be pretty cool too. But it is overhyped, i think. I don't know what made the franchise so popular, but it isn't anything new or revolutionary, but still, it was a good game imo.
Halo ran up a lot of hype because it was the only game on the X-box for a while.

This really gave the game a much bigger boost than if it had been a PC relase.

TBH I think if Halo had been a PC relase it would of faded away a long long time ago.
Halo 2 looks good, but it's way overhyped around here. Some of my friends really like Halo and worship it like it's the best game ever, and when I told them that I think HL2 will be so much better than Halo 2, they looked at me like I was crazy or something.
But anyway it does look pretty cool. The new features don't look that revolutionary or anything, but they do look fun. I'll definitely buy it.
I was very impressed with many of the production values of Halo, so I have high hopes for Halo 2, which are only added to by the trailers. I don't own an XBox, but I might have to get one for this. :D
halo2 IMO will be great, ill get it when it comes to the PC. im not an X-box fanboy or anything who worships the origonal, but i do think that is great too. its not top of my list, but the trailer has found a soft spot in my heart... :)
I'll be getting it. It's going to be one of the best games this year no matter what. And although we haven't seen what Half-Life's core mp will be, it's a sure bet Halo 2's will be better, even with the inferior control setup. [Note: this is my opinion. I know alot of you here unfairly dislike Halo for whatever random reason.]
i love playing ctf in the original halo. But its always on a friend's xbox on account of me not having one. so no i'm not getting it
Flyingdebris said:
i love playing ctf in the original halo. But its always on a friend's xbox on account of me not having one. so no i'm not getting it
Buy UT2004 and play vCTF. It's the same, but much better.

There's even a vCTF-BloodGultch.
ElFuhrer said:
Just looks like the same old stuff with a few features tacked on.

True... but do remember that thing called a story line. Halo 2 is set after Halo 1 so naturally there shouldn't be many new features.
Its looks fun, but way overhyped. Everything in the game has been done before, and better. Still looks fun though.

So what if theres nothing new with it? I dont know about you guys, but I play games to have fun. Its not the "new" elements of a game that makes it fun, but the game itself.
Soundwave said:
I'll be getting it. It's going to be one of the best games this year no matter what. And although we haven't seen what Half-Life's core mp will be, it's a sure bet Halo 2's will be better, even with the inferior control setup. [Note: this is my opinion. I know alot of you here unfairly dislike Halo for whatever random reason.]

I know what you mean. Zanibar made me piss in my pants - damn it was humungous!

and bungie claims that there maps even 3 or 4 times bigger than that! 16 player xbox live ownage! if only I had xbox live.... ;(
Gonna buy the pc version after i buy Painkiller, Doom3, Half-life2, Mabye Farcry and then Halo2.
ElFuhrer said:

1. Halo was a POS
2. Halo 2 has nothing significantly new as far as I've seen (It cracks me up how the crowd cheers when he uses the energy sword, its a ****ing melee weapon. Wow!)

I think that people are getting all excited about such gimmicky things. Dual wielding will barely add anything to the game. Just looks like the same old stuff with a few features tacked on. The only thing that even looks remotely cool is the vehicle destruction system. But a wad of gum won't save a sinking oil tanker. Just imo of course, I'm just in a frustrated mood today.
.....The reason the crowd cheered was because the energy sword was suppose to be in the first game but was cut. Dual weilding I think will add a lot to the game, I don't think it has been tried in any game before. It also has very good AI either almost as good or as good as Half-Life 2s. Also the story is going to be really good, I thought it wasn't too good but the books add a lot.
^What he said.

Also, the original Halo's combat is the best in an FPS yet. Yeah, I said it. I never got tired of the firefights with the Covenant, ever.

Not to mention the PC version's multiplayer is just plain excellent, it replaced TFC as my fav online game of all time. Obviously not everyone is going to think this, but regardless. The original Halo's combat is far above Half-Life's for example, and unless they make some big changes with the actual core combat in HL2, it will be better than that as well.
Foxtrot said:
... Dual weilding I think will add a lot to the game, I don't think it has been tried in any game before.

*cough*counterstrike1.6,buyweapon,combo1and5*cough* :rolleyes:
I'm going to buy it. And HL2 fanboys, stop mocking Halo 2.
lans said:
*cough*counterstrike1.6,buyweapon,combo1and5*cough* :rolleyes:

Can you dual wield a picked up MAC10 and a USP in that game? Um, no.
You *can* duel-wield 2 Assault rifles in Unreal Tournament 2004
For vehicles get Far Cry, as well as for the A.I, Far Cry rules again.
For storyline, get FFVII, and for the Energy Sword, get Deus Ex.
And for graphics that match, get Far Cry.

Original ?
Bull ........ :p
Neo_Kuja said:
You *can* duel-wield 2 Assault rifles in Unreal Tournament 2004
For vehicles get Far Cry, as well as for the A.I, Far Cry rules again.
For storyline, get FFVII, and for the Energy Sword, get Deus Ex.
And for graphics that match, get Far Cry.

Original ?
Bull ........ :p
ORRR...just buy Halo 2.
While Halo's level design was questionable, the rest of it was amazing. Good storyline, CHARACTERS, music, incredible polish and production values, and an impressive sense of scale.
lans said:
*cough*counterstrike1.6,buyweapon,combo1and5*cough* :rolleyes:
Sorry, but Halo 2 is still above that. You shoot the weapons with the left and right triggers, so the weapon in your left is the left trigger and the weapon in your right is the right trigger.
oops I missed that part of Foxtrot's post. Now that part, is wrong. Remember Goldeneye?
No I don't....I remember you could have 2 weapons and they could be different ones(only with the glitch if I remember correctly) but they both shot at the same time.