How many of you are going to buy Halo 2?

Neo_Kuja said:
You *can* duel-wield 2 Assault rifles in Unreal Tournament 2004
For vehicles get Far Cry, as well as for the A.I, Far Cry rules again.
For storyline, get FFVII, and for the Energy Sword, get Deus Ex.
And for graphics that match, get Far Cry.

Original ?
Bull ........ :p

in UT2k4... the rifle is CRAP, and dual rifles is still poor. plus it is done SHIT. great game, but i have never actually dual weilded the rifles for one reason... i would rather actually get kills. plus theres no recoil... and its only with ONE TYPE OF GUN!!! no twin rocket launchers, or having a minigun and laser rifle!!

And in far cry, whats the point in veichles if you just use them in a crappy isleand? you cant do anyhting decent, just drive around, occasionally riding over a troop now and again. Sure, the veichles are great, but there are no oppertunities to actually have fun with them other than the first 2 minutes, then its just boring.

and FFVII has a great story... if not the BEST story ever to grace the playstation screen... but the only time i actually felt like i was doing something worthwhile (e.g. saving the world) was the last boss. dont get me wrong- FFVII felt ****ING AMAZING when killing sephorioth, but halo2 will be better.

and Deus ex's energy weapon was a one hit kill that just felt like some sort of metal pole. it had no feel to it, you just went up behind people and hit them over the head and they died. sure it was powerful, but it was the lamest weapon EVER.

now to sum up how halo 2 will do this...

in halo2 you'll be able to narrowly escape from a battle, roll past an enemy, jump up behind him and charge up your energy weapon... then ZOOM, with one swift, powerful strike, the soldier will go flying through the air, off the covenant ship we are standing on.

Then DONK... a sound behind us... flicking to the assault rifle, we jump max payne style to the side, laying down fire at the forces which swiftly take cover. Landing smoothly we grab the enemies gun, and weild the covenant rifle alongside our own. running to the regrouping enemies, we blast some energy into an elite, then swiftly blow off his head with some rounds.

Realising we are outnumbered, we leap to a nearby warthog, and skreetch off far away. The covenant have soon grabbed their own veichles and are in hot persuit. As we glide over the smooth hulk of the covenent battleshp we are on, we see a chance of escape... adn taking it, we skid around in a 180 slide, then drive straight for a ramp, hitting it with one wheel... catapualting out veichle down to the hard ground below.

Halo2 will own.. i cant wait!
Direwolf said:
ORRR...just buy Halo 2.
While Halo's level design was questionable, the rest of it was amazing. Good storyline, CHARACTERS, music, incredible polish and production values, and an impressive sense of scale.

Characters? I remember two. The holographic woman and that annoying robot.
Halo 2 is going to be amazing and don't be suprised if it wins goty over HL2 and Doom III and everything else out this year
Foxtrot said:
Sorry, but Halo 2 is still above that. You shoot the weapons with the left and right triggers, so the weapon in your left is the left trigger and the weapon in your right is the right trigger.

Red Faction 2 had that feature too if I remember correctly.
I am really excited to see where they take the story now. Just fighting on earth is going to be awesome, but supposedly you go off-planet sometime in the game as well.
Characters? I remember two. The holographic woman and that annoying robot.
Then thats your poor memory. :D
How about the Sarge, Captain Keyes, Foehammer, Guilty Spark, and many of the soldier and engineers. Those last two were often reproduced, but they were lively, individual, and often funny.
Direwolf said:
Then thats your poor memory. :D
How about the Sarge, Captain Keyes, Foehammer, Guilty Spark, and many of the soldier and engineers. Those last two were often reproduced, but they were lively, individual, and often funny.
Sarge and Captain Keyes weren't major characters. I refered to 343 as annoying robot, Foehammer was a ship.. not a character and the soldiers were no more special than the barneys in HL.

Halo was not a bad game.. not by any stretch of the imagination. But I just don't get what you guys drool about.
Foehammer was the designation of the ships pilot...she got a good amount of conversation in there. I didn't say major characters, I said CHARACTERS. Having real ones is not something you see much in games.
ShadowFox said:
Sarge and Captain Keyes weren't major characters. I refered to 343 as annoying robot, Foehammer was a ship.. not a character and the soldiers were no more special than the barneys in HL.

Halo was not a bad game.. not by any stretch of the imagination. But I just don't get what you guys drool about.
I wouldn't put the soldiers up as high as Barney from Half-Life, the soldiers are pretty high up though. Although a Halo game where you play as a soldier would be cool, that was what I was hoping multiplayer would be. With classes, Human VS Covenant. Humans get a sniper class, soldier, close range soldier, engineer, etc. And the covenenant could be the elites, jackals, grunts(haha) etc.
Foxtrot said:
I wouldn't put the soldiers up as high as Barney from Half-Life, the soldiers are pretty high up though. Although a Halo game where you play as a soldier would be cool, that was what I was hoping multiplayer would be. With classes, Human VS Covenant. Humans get a sniper class, soldier, close range soldier, engineer, etc. And the covenenant could be the elites, jackals, grunts(haha) etc.
You just actually reminded me of something. Most people like Halo for the same reason we liked Half-Life. It had good character, great design, and a fun experience.
Foxtrot said:
I wouldn't put the soldiers up as high as Barney from Half-Life, the soldiers are pretty high up though. Although a Halo game where you play as a soldier would be cool, that was what I was hoping multiplayer would be. With classes, Human VS Covenant. Humans get a sniper class, soldier, close range soldier, engineer, etc. And the covenenant could be the elites, jackals, grunts(haha) etc.

That is the way Halo should have been. And that was what I was expecting until Bungie was bought. It was neat.. there was wildlife, and simply huge maps. And awesome squad communication. It was one of the coolest things I ever saw. Of course, the game ended up being very different.
That likely would have sucked on a four player game though. :D
Direwolf said:
That likely would have sucked on a four player game though. :D

True. And I guess that is why they made the decision to scrap it. I'd estimate the video had at least 10 players.
The reason I bought an xbox was because of Halo. I remember reading about Halo in PC accelerator and about the multiplayer. It would be offense VS defense and the offense team had to take over a base but the base had lots of defenses(turrets and stuff) but the base also had back doors and stuff. The offense could use vehicles like tanks or jeeps and even dropships. You could parachute out of a dropship, that would have been so sweet. Also the communication was going to be done mainly by hand signals(the picture in the magazine was MC doing a come here signal with his finger and the caption was "Pull my finger, no really it will be funny" or somthing like that).
It seems like Halo 2 is going to have somthing very similar to this.
ShadowFox said:
Foehammer was a ship..

It happens, the ship was echo 4-19 (pellican)

I've read the halo books, and if they are a signal of what's to come than I can assure you that John 117 (MC) is gonna kick major butt in halo 2. ;)
Having loved the original, I can't wait for Halo 2 \o/ :)

It's not often you get a fps that actually offers a challenge, Golden Eye, Perfect Dark and Halo did - I see no reason why Halo 2 won't either.
Perfect Dark was too easy compared to Goldeneye, IMO.
I dunno - some of the later levels were rock hard imo (to complete in a good time anyways :) )
The very last one gave me lots of trouble, but that is the only one.
Still, compared to most shooters Perfect Dark does put you through your paces.

I'm fed up of buying a shooter and completing it in a few nights/one week (CoD/Far Cry etc)
hey no worries guys with PC's waiting for Halo 2, (if you even want it), but just a sweet reminder, Unreal 3 , and many other next gen PC games.. :) . and some kick ass graphics cards that will totally overshadow Halo 2, just 3 or 5 months after its release on Xbox.

it'll end up being more of a collectors piece on PC by the time it comes out :p
Warbie said:
Still, compared to most shooters Perfect Dark does put you through your paces.

I'm fed up of buying a shooter and completing it in a few nights/one week (CoD/Far Cry etc)
That is true, but compared to Goldeneye and Halo I think it could have been a bit harder.
clarky003 said:
hey no worries guys with PC's waiting for Halo 2, (if you even want it), but just a sweet reminder, Unreal 3 , and many other next gen PC games.. :) . and some kick ass graphics cards that will totally overshadow Halo 2, just 3 or 5 months after its release on Xbox.

it'll end up being more of a collectors piece on PC by the time it comes out :p

How do we know Unreal 3 will be any good? Unreal 2 was rubbish, I doubt anyone will try and deny that. The Unreal 3 engine looks great :) ....... but without a decent game behind it the results will still be shite (another polished turd :/ ).

Plus, who would really want Halo 2 on the PC? The original was clearly better on the XBox, it's unlikely things will be different for the sequal.
Warbie said:
How do we know Unreal 3 will be any good? Unreal 2 was rubbish, I doubt anyone will try and deny that. The Unreal 3 engine looks great :) ....... but without a decent game behind it the results will still be shite (another polished turd :/ ).
I believe that Epic contracted the work on U2 out to Legend. If Epic itself made U3, it's bound to be great.

Correct me if I'm wrong on that.

And yeah, I'll get Halo 2.
Ill buy 7 copies just so I have one to defecate on every day of the week it comes out.
Yes, do that. Actually, why not buy 365 copies, one for each day of the year.
Man, there are some really intense fanboys around here. I expected better from you guys. Halo for the Xbox is a pretty fun game, plain and simple. Even you guys have to admit that the game is at least an aveerage FPShooter. Moreover, Halo 2 will improve on the first one in just about every way.

Damn, not even giving a game a chance before it's released is the DEFINITION of fanboyism. Jesus...
Yup. It's really incredible. I mean, I know it's a halflife2 fansite, and obviously the people who post here are gonna be half-life fans (me being one as well of course), but I just can't stand these people with the "either or" mentality, where all other FPS suck, or aren't "revolutionary" or whatever. It's stupid, but to each their own I guess.
I'm getting Halo 2. 2nd most wanted game in my list. The story is gonna be good, i just hope theres better level design this time, which im sure there will be. But of course it isn't compare to, oh f*ck it you all know what im going to say.

also, Halo gets bashed WAY too much on these forums. Its not the greatest game ever, but it still doesnt mean its shit. It kicks Far Cry's ass any day of the week
To me, Halo seems like an average shooter. I had way more fun playing HL Deathmatch than I ever did with Halo. Maybe it's just the people I'm playing with. I usually get stuck playing with a bunch of tank whores who look off other peoples' screens to see where to shoot. The imbalanced tank and the movement speed of Halo are really what got me down. You simply cannot turn or move quickly enough for close-quarters combat, even if you raise your sensitivity settings way up.
Another thing is, I've never been an explosives user. I hate how easy it is to waste or be wasted with the rockets and tanks, so I usually don't use them. Halo is a game where you almost have to use a rocket launcher to win. The other guns just aren't powerful enough to do satisfactory damage. The only gun that comes close is the sniper rifle, and then you just get an unmoving, boring sniper battle. Regardless of my playing style, I still usually manage to take 1st or 2nd place to my friends who use nothing but explosives. In my opinion, faster paced games multiplayer games are better, and Halo is just too slow paced.
Soundwave said:
Yup. It's really incredible. I mean, I know it's a halflife2 fansite, and obviously the people who post here are gonna be half-life fans (me being one as well of course), but I just can't stand these people with the "either or" mentality, where all other FPS suck, or aren't "revolutionary" or whatever. It's stupid, but to each their own I guess.

Or perhaps we just didn't have that much fun playing it. I thought Halo was alright.. but perhaps my expectations were too high going into it. It has nothing to do with any either or mentality. And Halo wasn't revolutionary on the PC.
well... i won't buy it... i'll download then emulate it... ahh.... 2 birds with one stone

no, i don't have an xbox, and yes... i'm a cheap bastard
I don't own an Xbox but I know my friend will definitely be getting Halo2 and I am really looking forward to it. Coop or splitscreen MP on a console while everybody is right there is great fun and I'm not sure of how many upcoming Xbox FPS even offer these features let alone offer them at the quality and polish that Halo2 certainly will.
OK... so everyone who doesn't like Halo is a HL 'fanboy', right? There's a pre-order pinky demon sitting on top of my monitor who would beg to differ. I like lots of games and I'm usually pretty forgiving (I have trouble finishing may mediocre games) but I still think that my cat pukes up better things than Halo.
No thats not true but anyone who says it sucks is a fool, it may not be to their taste but it's not a bad game.
Do you really want me to go over all the places Halo falls short of the standard? Because I don't feel like saying it all again.