How many people can fit in a metro?

they have those people especially for packing in the passengers... i wanna ride! at least if the train crashes, there's plenty of padding.
These things are happening in Japan only at the rush hour and only at the most important stations. It's very usual and I don't think this is something to laugh about.
Kotik said:
These things are happening in Japan only at the rush hour and only at the most important stations. It's very usual and I don't think this is something to laugh about. pooper. You're not the guy getting crammed into the train are you?
I thought the car too...

Hey, they choose to ride those things, they choose to become funny.
I don't wanna be at the next stop along the line, as soon as them doors open people will be flying everywhere.... like snakes in the nut can.
Jackal hit said:
they have those people especially for packing in the passengers... i wanna ride! at least if the train crashes, there's plenty of padding.

Only for the guy at the back...what about the driver having hundreds of vacuum packed Japanese people flying at you at great speed.

Ok so they arent vacuum packed but it sounds good :D
Vacuum packed :D that is the best description of that video. That was funny as
heh, if you tried to do that on the london underground you'd get funny looks.
Dedalus said:
heh, if you tried to do that on the london underground you'd get funny looks.

If by funny looks you mean your face rearranged to resemble a relief map of the london subway system, then I agree with you.

London folk late for work can be touchy. :cheese:
Yeah tell me about it, i keep telling everyone i was helping those children onto the train but the jury just wouldnt listen.
Dedalus said:
heh, if you tried to do that on the london underground you'd get funny looks.

On some of the tubes I've been on, I wouldn't be surprised if the guards weren't doing that :x. I feel sorry for the people that needed to get off at the next stop for that train . . . only to find the doors open on the opposite side :flame: