How many people still play BF2?

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Party Escort Bot
Sep 14, 2003
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I am considering reinstalling BF2. But before I go through the painful install process is it actually worth installing? Are there still plenty of people playing online or is it pretty much dead these days?
There are a handful of servers that still get a lot of people in them.
There are a ton of servers, honestly. Every time I look, there are 5-10 popular servers playing the map I want to play.
Yeah, there are still loads of servers, not "a handful". Their number might drop though, come BC2.
I guess quantifying a "handful" is tough work. Considering BF2's heydey and the number of popular servers other games have, I think that it would be considered a handful.

In my experience there are usually about 10-20 servers that have more than 10 people playing and of those maybe half have acceptable pings.
It's pretty tough to find a 64 player server on a 64 player map that isn't infantry only with a slot open.
Yeah, there are much servers and there are many people whp play it, the latest patch (Armored Fury and Euro Force :O) convinced more people to go play BF2 again.