How many pm's Do you have?


What can I say, the ladies love me.
always full ..delete a bunch at least once a week to make more room

I usually just delete right after reading them..
9 of mine are people sending me scans of when episode 1 was called aftermath LOL, 1 of them was requesting a picture.
54, all of them really quite old by now. I don't delete junk email either, got 157 and 112 unread for my BT email and hotmail respectively.

I guess me and Willie are penis brothers?
36. 6 of which are infraction notices :D (5 of which are from banimal from one thread D: )
I have 6 pms. One being an infraction from Hectic Glenn :flame:
31 Of which 2 are warnings and 1 infraction
41 ATM. It's been full only a few times.
136, although most of those are people complaining about infractions they've received, resulting in another infraction given. Just kidding! :)
PM sytem said:
Inbox contains 88 messages.
You have 189 messages stored, of a total 200 allowed.

and I only purged it last week.