How many PMs do you have?

0 Unread, Total null.


0 Unread, Total 1. (I PM:d Venom) shh..
0 Unread, Total 64 ...I've erased about 30

I get most of my pm's whenever I post something negative about the Iraq war :)
Private Messages: 0 Unread, Total 40.

My inbox got full not too long ago so i had to delete everything (almost).
Well spank my ass, I have 5! And I have no idea what they are, lets check!

Hmm, one was about Thugenstein and the others were sent to me by mistake lol.
You last visited: Today at 01:00 PM
Private Messages: 0 Unread, Total 21.
0 Unread Total 51

I've emptyed my PMinbox about 4 times :eek:

It's tough being a mod :E
Private Messages: 0 Unread, Total 52.

T'was full awhile ago, deleted many of them.
Absolutely none. Nobody loves me.
Four, two about hentai, one about gmail (which I haven't replied to...), and one... well see for yourself, I got this awhile ago :|

Private Message: u r the 1
From: Bad^Hat (I did not send this...)

04-12-2003, 03:40 AM

I am contacting u to tell u that u r the 1!
I will contakt u with furthr info...

I have a total of NONE :E I delete 'em as soon as I've read them basically. Same with files on my hdd. It's a disease (no I don't touch the system files etc)...

Send away!
0 Unread, 40 in inbox. I've deleted over 250.
@Abom - Well, aren't we Mr. Popular :p

Total - 13.
Private Messages: 0 Unread, Total 37.

I've emptied my PMs 3 or 4 times myself
Abom said:
Everyone loves me!

sorry, something in my throat... :thumbs:
J/k Abom :LOL:

I predict most of 'em are "Why'd you close my thread!?!?!?!"
31 now... and one I didn't even know I had... whoops...

And I've never gotten a warning... :D
0 Unread, Total 0... I think I have the cooties since i never got any PMs for a year. :\
I've gotten a warning once :(

/me is ashamed.
0 unread total 19 .... everyone pm right now.
I got a warning :)

Typically I can't be screwed PMing people unless I have to ^_^
Private Messages: 0 Unread, Total 68.

deleted a few though, don't know how many exactly

one warning from fenric, and a 'scathing PM' from pat_thetic :p
in total i have five,i've never gotten a warning but as odd as this sounds most of them are threats :(