How many screenshots did you take during the first time you played?

About 80 megs worth. That's 558 screenshots. I thought I was sick... but then I just read eediot's post. =P
None, too busy playing the game. Still have'nt finished it either.
wow, i bound my screenshot key to t so i could hit it easier. i beat the game and i have 534 screenshots
I was too busy playing the game... I... couldn't stop... *twitch*
The second time I went through it I took 486. Heheh.
HunterSeeker said:
Uncountable, I kept hitting the F5 key instead of F6.
Same here, I keep doing that! Annoying, but it's no big deal.. :p

I'm not quite done with my first time through (i'm taking so long, it's unbelievable) but rest assured I'll be taking some intentional pics on my second way through :)
I don't remember how many I took, because I'd go through and delete the ones I didn't want anymore...but I guess probably around 100 or so. Right now I currently have 25 saved in my screenshot folder.
I don't think I took a single screenshot on my first playthrough. Wait, no, I took just one, when the resistance member who's with you when you encounter the first Manhack decided to sit in a cardboard box.

So, like others, usually if I see something brilliant, I save my game- and then rather than looking at it in the future I play through it :D
only took pics of funny ragdoll poses that were made accidently that i found on the way, and maybe some funny bugs
So far... only 2... the one on my current sig and the other one I put in my sig a week ago.
0 on the first run through. But many after that when I played through it again.
You shouldve seen my mate Jordan when i came over to his house. It was the first time he was at the first strider battle. He was just moving around and rapidly pressing F5 O_O it was crazy
Bless his little cotton socks!

It must have been running at like 1fps though with all those screen grabs.
I took about 17 on my first time through. After playing through 2 more times and getting garry's mod and jbmod, I have 156 :p. Most of them are from me just fooling around. Some of the funniest are:
this, this, this, this, this, and this. :LOL:
I dunno. How do you take a screenshot? I did miss the "save" button (F6) a few times and hit another F-button, so there could be a few, but the correct answer is "none, on purpose".
God knows how many. I wondered why when I went back I had like 15 quick saves and about 400 pictures :p
The first thing I took a screenshot of was that SEXY spiral bumpmapping inside the pipes of the early canal sections.

Beautiful stuff... And I don't even have AA on...
lol i have about a 1000+ screenshots i think and a demo i use for testin and a demo of the ending aswell :p i loved that game and still do
The first time through? None. I could care less about screenshots I take during normal gameplay, really. I don't understand the fuss.
I always like to take screenshots of my victims in counter-strike CS and HL2 Deathmatch. I love the decals.
the first time through only about 20 and thoes were all in the first part, after that I was too into the game to be worried about screens :p
I took maybe 50 or 60...

An antlion is eating human flesh at the beginning of the chapter "sandtrap".

i take em all the time now, dont know how many hundreds....always the favorites on those "show me ur ss's threads" but i never took any the first time playing through....u guys took a lot for ur first time through, i wasnt even thinking about a ss when i first played it.
OMG, you are TALKING to Mr. Screenshot here!

Ever since I was blown away by Doom 1's visuals (yes, a VERRY long time ago!) I took loads of pictures of it and Doom 2, picked out the best ones I liked, printed them all out (first on a dot-matrix, ugh) and put them up on my wall.

I am literally that sad, yes. Then I did it all with the Quakes, Unreal 1, Half-Life 1, and a few others. Pathetically, I took, sorted and printed out HUNDREDS of Quake 2 shots, which turned out to be graphically the most inferior of what I called at the time "The Unholy Trinity" (Quake 2, Half-Life and Unreal).

I took them up to the time of Quake 3 Arena, but then stopped, but have kept all the printouts.

Most recently, though, I have made MPEG movies of Doom 3 using Fraps and TGCEnc, and was thinking about a HL2 movie of that type, but since my stupid DVD player can only handle MPEGs in the form of VideoCDs, I figured that 9 discs alone for Doom 3 was too much, so I got rid of those.

But recently, I have felt tempted to take pictures again because you can take them to those machines that create prints from JPEGs taken with digital cameras, and the quality would be REALLY awesome, much better than inkjet printouts. I might just try that one day.
With every game I play, I run through it once without taking any, then a second time taking hundreds, sometimes thousands.
During the scene in the factory, two Combine Elites dropped down onto a walkway, so I shot them both. One got shot in the chest by my crossbow and then slid under a railing on which both of his feet got caught in the same position so that he hung evenly, gently swaying for a little while. I was like "Way cool!" and took a few screenshots.
