How many sit-ups can you do?


Jan 19, 2004
Reaction score
So it was a boring night by my computer, I weighed in at 145. Bored once again I went to my room and looked at the time. I started doing sit ups, more and more until it was 9:30(It was 9:08 when I started).
I reached 550 at 9:29, and I decided to stop at that nice number. 550 situps in 21 minutes. I wasn't feeling tired or anything, just hungry(I hadn't eaten in like 3 1/2 hours and after I ate I went for a decent 1 hour bike ride(gets dark at 6).

Last year in december I weighed in at 175, and I hated doing 15, and liked to stop at 20-25 and 30+ was a bitch.

:) Look what you can do when stop drinking\eating:
-Soda(besides diet, but diet rarely)
-Major decrease in chocolate
and start:
-Walk 3 miles a day for a month
-Work over the summer
-Bike for 1 - 2 hours after school
It feels good to be able to do 550 without getting tired...from 30.
So how many sit-ups can you do?
hmm I did like 200 in 10 mins a few months ago then got lazy didnt feel like doing sit ups again..I felt kind of weird lol
alot i guess, sit ups just hurt my back. I have other excercises for my abs
Making a new thread to tell people how many sit ups you can do on the internet...

My condolences concerning your man-tool.
my usual routine is 200 in sets of 30 to 50 changing between crunches (flat back, knees and hips in the air, bent at 90 degrees) and crunches to the sides.
i do about 200 - 300 in sets of 50, i spend about an hour a night doing free weights and sit ups
dunno, never tried to see how many i could do, but I'm working on them, of course, mine are more for time, and not so much how many... i need to do about 90 in 2 minutes

try getting on a run program to increase distance, it's fun and really shows you what you're capable of
Never do that much cuz they're boring, the ab-slide is where its at!
The last two statements = true.

Why do sit-ups if you can waste less valuable gaming time on crunches :p
Can do around... 110 Situps before getting bored, 40 crunches before getting stomach ache.
I do incline situps whilst carrying a 20kg weight around my shoulders, i havn't done "standard" sit ups for a while now, they became a waste of time.
I can do about 100 of my "enhanced" sit ups.
My hero :)

Solaris said:
whats a crunch

Don't quote me on this, but a crunch is when you only go partway up a sit-up, so if you were to extend your fists forwards they'd be just a little past your knees. It's supposed to reduce back strain.
i havent really kept count longer than 10-20 minutes after the workout, never really thought that i would need it to enlargen my e-p3n0r
Why do sit-ups when I have a wang so big that I get angry phonecalls from PETA?
OvA said:
Why do sit-ups when I have a wang so big that I get angry phonecalls from PETA?
Well i have a 9 inch cock and i do sit ups.....

Sorry to be blunt.
short recoil said:
Well i have a 9 inch cock and i do sit ups.....

Sorry to be blunt.

So whats a crunch then?
It sounds harder than a normal sit up, but from the description it sounds easier.
I have a slight curvature in my spine so it kills to do situps. Plus I'm trying to put on weight.
100 - 150 crunches if our definitions are the same. Bring your knees up to your chest at the same time as doing a normal situp. Uses slightly different muscles and is a fair bit harder. I have no idea how many situps i can do... prolly a fair few.
Is a cruch easier, and I still don't understand what one is.
short recoil said:
Well i have a 9 inch cock and i do sit ups.....

Sorry to be blunt.

If there was one thread in this entire forum that you would post in, I knew it would be this one.

damn it, weres numbers when i need him :hmph:
Banned :rolleyes:

Whats wrong with the pirates? He's done well for himself, let him be proud.

Sit-ups are a great way to 'warm-up' prior to other physical activity, like running, squatting, push-ups etc.

No sexual orientation at all here you sick people...
Solaris said:
Is a cruch easier, and I still don't understand what one is.

Harder for me at least, much harder. Thats why I do them, sames time lol

Just do a situp but bend your knees and bring them up to your chest. :)

EDIT: Rep = Repitition
300... does **** all tho. takes ages muscles in abs 2 bu=ilt up for it to be any real strain,

do u do pussy sit ups or actually real ones,

wedge ur feet under something and do a sit up with out bending your back!

thats harder:)

crunches are better tho