How many sit-ups can you do?

venturon said:
Don't quote me on this, but a crunch is when you only go partway up a sit-up, so if you were to extend your fists forwards they'd be just a little past your knees. It's supposed to reduce back strain.

Not exactly.

A crunch is when you just lift up the top of your back from the floor, and you do them really fast. You'll see why it's called a crunch when you do them, because you're "crunching" your abs.

Although the description makes it sound easier, it isn't for several reasons: the bottom of the back never leaves the floor, which centralizes the workout to your abs (sit-ups use the hip flexors), you do them much faster, and you have no momentum whatsoever.
TheSomeone said:
Not exactly.

A crunch is when you just lift up the top of your back from the floor, and you do them really fast. You'll see why it's called a crunch when you do them, because you're "crunching" your abs.

Although the description makes it sound easier, it isn't for several reasons: the bottom of the back never leaves the floor, which centralizes the workout to your abs (sit-ups use the hip flexors), you do them much faster, and you have no momentum whatsoever.

Hehe, yeah this guys right. I was thinking of something else....

Scrunch purhaps... lol.

And yes, those are indeed very difficult.
stick to them and theyll do ur stomach good...just cant be assed..soo borin