How many times have you reinstalled your OS


Jul 8, 2006
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Just wondering, how many times have you had to reinstall your OS and how long have you had you PC for?

One system we had for seven years was on its fourth Win98 SE.
The current family one is one its second XP and its not even two months old.
My own is three years old and its on its fourth (98 SE, XP, 2K, XP).

Also, I hate the way some OEMs don't give you an installation disk (Dell, in our case). Instead they have a disk restorer on a hidden partition. Its really bad.
This PC - Never.
My Old Win 98 PC - 7 Times.. Peice of crap..
I can't count how many times I've reinstalled Windows XP. I've had to call MS up and reset my key a number of times although sometimes it was just because I put in new hardware.
I reformat every 6 months or so, so many times, (over 10)
Never. 5 years.

Formatting is last resort to an unshootable problem.
This PC - Never.
My Old Win 98 PC - 7 Times.. Peice of crap..

Same here. Except my Old win98 had to be reinstalled 10 times and the motherboard was friend 9 of those times. (The 1 was the origional installation, all those years ago)
EDIT: Mean admins deleted my Sig. :(
I'll be re-installing it for the first time this week. I've got my mates portable harddrive here, so I'm going to move across everything vital like writings/work and music then I'll re-format. I'm going to get rid of whats making my computer mess up so much once and for all.
Indeed. Last time I formatted was when I bought a new hard drive, about a year ago.

Really? You need to un-install for a new hardrive? My computer came with 2 hardrives, both with windows XP, I just shut off the computer, unlock the current hardrive with a key, slip it out and shove the other in..
Really? You need to un-install for a new hardrive? My computer came with 2 hardrives, both with windows XP, I just shut off the computer, unlock the current hardrive with a key, slip it out and shove the other in..

I think he means he formatted the new drive.
never, even when i upgraded all my hardware (apart from the drives)
I just had to reinstall XP again on my system due to a trojan thingy. It's handy for me, I've got too hard drives, so put all my important stuff on one, then format the other. Only problem is my boot record search yoke still thinks that 2K is there, and gives me the option of starting it. I had a dream last night where I did, and everything went horribly wrong.
Once...hard drive went nuts, clicking, whirring, dumped everything... :(
A handful of times for a handful of reasons. Its not that bad a process and it feels so good to have a nice fresh install! :thumbs:
A handful of times for a handful of reasons. Its not that bad a process and it feels so good to have a nice fresh install! :thumbs:

Yup. When I first did it I was really scared, but I'm used to it now, its no longer a big deal and it is satisfying having a freshly installed OS on freshly formatte HDD. Now that I have DSL I can have my PC back the way it was in a few hours.
On this computer; not once. I take very good care of it with various programs to make sure it stays speedy and clean, and the performance loss since I bought it is negligible.
The only reason I ever reformat is because I have to much stuff and want a nice clean computer. My computer has never gotton slower. I know exactly what is running at almost any givin time. I know what should be running and what shouldn't.

My computer stays clean, efficent, and all out kick ass.
Never. Not on the last one either, or the one before that. Why bother?
On my new PC never, but it's only 2 months old. On my first PC with Win 98(now it would be 8 years old RIP:x ) I've lost count how many times I've reinstalled the OS, probably more then 50 times.
I just reinstalled my OS a week or so ago.

I like to do reformats twice or three times a year.
Hmmm, I can't remember how long we've had this but I'd guess 2/3 times.
Never. Not on the last one either, or the one before that. Why bother?

BEcause PCs get filled with crap thats hard to weed out over time. Also, malware can screw up your OS. A few days ago I got a virus (or a trojan or worm; don't know the difference) and ran Grisoft AVG. It "healed" the infected files by deleting them, and then I couldn't open IE or MP7. Probably other stuff as well. Therefore, I formatted and now everything's as cool as a cucumber. That's why, dude.
i formatted about 4 times within 6 months because of a trojan and just mess ups i did changing some windows files.
Well, about 4 times total, beginning when I got my first PC.
BEcause PCs get filled with crap thats hard to weed out over time. Also, malware can screw up your OS. A few days ago I got a virus (or a trojan or worm; don't know the difference) and ran Grisoft AVG. It "healed" the infected files by deleting them, and then I couldn't open IE or MP7. Probably other stuff as well. Therefore, I formatted and now everything's as cool as a cucumber. That's why, dude.

Doesn't it also delete all the stuff you want to keep? Coz I haven't got a backup to load everything on.
there are hundreds of programs that can keep your pc healty
and i've reinstalled my OS for 2 times in 3 years...
