how much can you know about yourself if you've never been in a fight?


Aug 4, 2003
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tyler durdan speaks wise words

anyone been in a fight here? i haven't been in a proper one
Me neither... I'm too concerned about my teeth :/ break me anything, but not my f***in' teeth...
If you haven't been in a fight at least you know that you're smart enough not to get into them.

Seriously, fighting tells you nothing positive about yourself that you couldn't figure out from doing something else.
I got in a fight in second grade...that's about it
I got into a fight in Year 8, where I was thrown into a shrubbery and I kicked the guy in the balls and we both ended up lying on the floor going 'owwww'...that's when I was around 13. Never been in a proper fight since then, although I have punched someone, and someone's punched me.

Its not nice, don't recomend it. :p

Especially after lotsa alcamohol! lol
I've been in a fight only once in kindergarten, and my head ended up meeting a nice iron pole.
Any fights I get in end in one punch, as the people I fight are normally so shocked I hit them they either just sit there and cry or insult me or run off.
Once got assaulted when I was 16. Ended when someone broke it up a few seconds in, the guy permanently fudged up the angle of one of my teeth by a few degrees. Other than that, I've managed to avoid fights, basically. Couple of incidents where I had to stand up for myself, but they've never really degenerated into fisticuffs.

-Angry Lawyer
I've been involved in several (usually alcohol-fuelled). It's not big, and it's not clever (and a night in the cells does wonders for your sense of perspective)
Only in year 7, but I think one is coming for me when I get back to Mexico, some dick head keeps isulting me, time I show him not to **** with me.
Best tips I have been given, is to hit first on the nose, break the nose, then keep hiting him.
I got in plenty of fights when I lived in cairo, never were my fault, I had this friend who just attracted trouble wherever we went. This one time, we went to McDees to grab a bite to eat with a few other friends after school, and he started splashing his girlfriend with a bottle of water. The manager went berserk and started slapping and shoving him around, then everybody got involved including the whole ****ing McDonalds staff. It turned into a rugby melee, I got the crap kicked out of me, my watch broken, and hit in the balls. Good times.
Pi Mu Rho said:
I've been involved in several (usually alcohol-fuelled). It's not big, and it's not clever (and a night in the cells does wonders for your sense of perspective)

:O Wouldn't expect that from you Pi, the things alcohol does eh?

Never been in a fight. 'Cept that little thing a while ago but that was just me hitting him a few times, not really a fight. Wouldn't mind getting in a fight, but I think thats teenage testosterone speaking.
I've never been in a fight, well, that's to say they never fight back, because I take them out in one kick using my Ninja skillz.
Nah you don't learn anything from fights, just how much of a scary pants you are.

But for me fights are generally easy, I wear glasses. So people most of the times when they want to fight me say, that they don't hit people with glasses, and not on their glasses, so I immidietly know they're going to hit in the glasses, and can easly avoid the first puch, and after that it's easy.
Pi Mu Rho said:
(and a night in the cells does wonders for your sense of perspective)

**** that!

Run away, I would hate to be properly arrested or stay in the cells.
a few people have come onto me.

the martial arts really helped ;)
I fought someone in those summo wrestling suites....I guess I am vicious as someone told me. I tea bagged the guy I beat.
Foxtrot said:
I fought someone in those summo wrestling suites....I guess I am vicious as someone told me. I tea bagged the guy I beat.

I can't say I've ever been in a fight. A few wee scuffles maybe, but not all out fisticuffs.

Mind you, there are a few people out there that need a good bloody punch. :hmph:
Tyler Durden also appreciates self-destruction over self-improvement.
I've been in a couple of scraps, nothing major. None of them were started by me, if someone takes a swing, I'm not going to stand there and take it. The most "serious" one I can remember was about two years ago, some bastard threw some dirty horrible wet sloppy cake at me as I walked by, in the side of my head. I went over to him and shoved the cake all over his face. Needless to say, he wasn't amsued, and took a swing at me hitting me in the chest, so I just took one punch and hit him in the mouth, resulting in a really nasty scar across a few of my knuckles, I didn't show it at the time, but I think that punch hurt me more than him :LOL:
shadow6899 said:
^^lol it's all about where u hit him... hit em in a soft spot on their face. Not pure bone, like the jaw.

I think I hit him in the side of the face, but my knuckles kind of slid across and scraped his teeth. :hmph: Still, it was enough :p
I find that most of the idiots who pull stunts like the cake thing are just asking for a fight - so don't give it to them, and watch them suffer.
Kind of related, when is it deemed "ok" to fight dirty? I mean pulling hair or biting, in school fights its pretty much agreed that its a wussy thing to do, and you'll get endless hassle if you did, but what if it's a pretty serious fight and its all you can do?

Is it always "anything goes" or is it down to personal "honour"?
SimonomiS said:
Kind of related, when is it deemed "ok" to fight dirty? I mean pulling hair or biting, in school fights its pretty much agreed that its a wussy thing to do, and you'll get endless hassle if you did, but what if it's a pretty serious fight and its all you can do?

Is it always "anything goes" or is it down to personal "honour"?

Pfft, fight to win, don't fight to look pretty and amuse the crowd... There is no honor in not having your front teeth for the rest of your life because some jack ass got the better of you when there was a damn good metal pipe within' arms reach...

(just don't kill them)
There ain't no Queensbury rules in a real fight. You'd damn well better fight dirty, because the other guy's definitely going to.
Pi Mu Rho said:
There ain't no Queensbury rules in a real fight. You'd damn well better fight dirty, because the other guy's definitely going to.

Well said. The winner of a fight is almost always the one whose mentality is the closest to being ready to kill the other guy...
CrazyHarij said:
Well said. The winner of a fight is almost always the one whose mentality is the closest to being ready to kill the other guy...

I'm glad you said almost always, I mean if I really, deep in my heart and mind wanted to kill Arnie and got in a fight with him...I doubt I'd win.

The Mods in agreement to fight dirty eh? Does this tell us something... :LOL:
I never been in a fight with someone I genuinely disliked.

Back when I did security however.... well, thats for another thread ;)
bliink said:
Back when I did security however.... well, thats for another thread ;)

So make it!

I want to hear, its more interesting than, 'How do you wipe your ass." type threads.
I think everyone has been in a fight here... There is a conflict in all of us when making choices throughout life :)
nick_t said:
I think everyone has been in a fight here... There is a conflict in all of us when making choices throughout life :)
Not really.

Nice try on philosophy tho.
like i said i've never been in a fight and its very rare i lose my temper but i have done within the last year or so with this complete asshole on my college course...we do a creative computing lesson as part of a subcourse that funds the main course and we were all stood up and gathered around the tutour for some reason and that nob jock was slapping me round the head so i just flipped and threw him into some macs and left the room

then we all went and got drunk and i ended up arm wrestling him for some reason

oh how manly
Gunner said:
I got in plenty of fights when I lived in cairo, never were my fault, I had this friend who just attracted trouble wherever we went. This one time, we went to McDees to grab a bite to eat with a few other friends after school, and he started splashing his girlfriend with a bottle of water. The manager went berserk and started slapping and shoving him around, then everybody got involved including the whole ****ing McDonalds staff. It turned into a rugby melee, I got the crap kicked out of me, my watch broken, and hit in the balls. Good times.
I wish I was there too watch..
how do you have a 5000 post count and it says your a newbie? Hacker.. :p
I always avoided fights, I never wanted to get despended, or grounded, so I just stayed outve peoples way and they stayed out've mine.