How Much Copies of HL2 will be sold ... ?


Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
How Much Copies of HL2 will be sold in the first month ?
I think it will sale better then DOOM3.
I think HL2 will be one of those games who will sale 1 milion copies on the first month.

And after it will be on shelfs , where can we see how much it sold ?
I think Vivendi were predicting a few million by the year's end or something. I can't remember the exact figure...
It will sell better then Doom 3, mainly because of CS:S, I mean if HL2 had no decent multiplayer everybody would just get it illegal.
Well "Doom" is a more legendary name, but Hl2 does come with CS:S...

It Could go either way, but i think it will be close.... im more leaning to doom 3 to win, just by its legendary brand name...
How many? I dont know. I'd venture a guess at more than Doom 3, less than the Sims 2.
Reaperman said:
Well "Doom" is a more legendary name, but Hl2 does come with CS:S...

It Could go either way, but i think it will be close.... im more leaning to doom 3 to win, just by its legendary brand name...

Counter-Strike could also be considered a legendary brand name, especially among younger games who probably aren't that familiar with Doom and grew up playing games like CS. Like you said, could go either way.
Foegel said:
It will sell better then Doom 3, mainly because of CS:S, I mean if HL2 had no decent multiplayer everybody would just get it illegal.

I agree with you that HL2 will most likely sell better than Doom 3. About your other point, though, did people really buy Doom 3 because of its multiplayer? I think Max Payne sold pretty well, too, and it has no multiplayer whatsoever. Besides, I suppose a great majority of buyers don't even know what warez means. :)
perrkele said:
I agree with you that HL2 will most likely sell better than Doom 3. About your other point, though, did people really buy Doom 3 because of its multiplayer? I think Max Payne sold pretty well, too, and it has no multiplayer whatsoever. Besides, I suppose a great majority of buyers don't even know what warez means. :)

Maybe your right, I thought I read somewhere that Doom 3 was massively downloaded. I have no idea of the real numbers. But there is a part of the gamers that will only buy games for the multiplayer.
UmbrellaMaster said:
How many? I dont know. I'd venture a guess at more than Doom 3, less than the Sims 2.

qft. The Sims makes me sick. It's this massive money pot for totally junky games. Each release has something like 150 new models, a few new animations, and a really, really weak story (which seems to be optional). They can can pump out dozens of these expansions, makes tons of money, and sit there beating the crap out any other producer.

It's like Microsoft Jr.
I think something like eh... 4.546.276? I think it will be less downloaded than Doom 3 because of the multiplayer part like Foegel said. Most people wanted Doom 3 for the singleplayer so if you bought or downloaded it it made no difference except you have €60 less to spend on something else. But Half-Life 2 offers a good single- and multiplayer.

BTW if you want to run Doom 3 well you have to spend so much on hardware upgrades so you don't have money left to buy Doom 3 :p
Foegel said:
Maybe your right, I thought I read somewhere that Doom 3 was massively downloaded. I have no idea of the real numbers. But there is a part of the gamers that will only buy games for the multiplayer.

It was the one of the first highly anticipated releases after bittorrent became popular. That, and it was easy to pirate. There were several million dollars in lost revenue because of it. Makes me sick.
D3 was downloaded illegaly over 50.000 copies or so for the first week of its release or maybe even b4, and yes HL2 will prolly sell more cuz of CSS.
Ar.Pi said:
D3 was downloaded illegaly over 50.000 copies or so for the first week of its release or maybe even b4, and yes HL2 will prolly sell more cuz of CSS.

The rate at which the DoomIII torrents were downloaded was starggering. At any one time it was over 50,000, and this was within or on the day of release.

As for HL2, what made HL1 so succesful was its kick ass array of mods. Now, if Johnny McIlikewarez decides to try to play his pirated version of HL2 off of steam, and tries to connect to a CS:S server, his balls are busted. Not so much so as with any other game I can think of. I just hope Valve does a good job in keeping pirated versions of HL2 from interfering with ligit owners.
A killion Copies (Ah, havent used "a killion" since 1st grade, it feels so good)
HL2 would be sold about 5 000 000 copies?
it has great multiplayer (umm... CSS has)
and ill think that singleplayer will be also great
some1 told me that hl2 will b pirated, 1 month after relase date.
Yea, easy.

The reason Doom III was being pirated so much in the beginning was because it was available via torrents on a Thursday, and it wasn't being released until the following Monday/Tuesday, so a lot of people didn't want to wait.
Baal said:
Yea, easy.

The reason Doom III was being pirated so much in the beginning was because it was available via torrents on a Thursday, and it wasn't being released until the following Monday/Tuesday, so a lot of people didn't want to wait.

+ the fact that it would get released in Europe two weeks later then in the US.

Valve is doing a smart thing with this worldwide release.
7,927,284,271,254,189,451,500,510,795,781,890,002.5 copies will be sold.
TST_Devgru Seal said:
7,927,284,271,254,189,451,500,510,795,781,890,002.5 copies will be sold.
Somebody's getting ripped. :p

Anyway...I'd venture to say about 10^10 copies in the first year.
User Name said:
Somebody's getting ripped. :p

Anyway...I'd venture to say about 10^10 in the first year.

Yeah, they bought it over steam, and they bought it, and it hasn't finished the transaction...
people...seriously...let's use some very simple math to figure out it's's the equation I've come up with...

x/y^2 divided by q/r plus 3.14^ minus the overall gaming population which I believe can be derived by multiplying that figure with w/p^2...

according to my calculations it'll sell:

one copy

crap, I must have used a wrong variable in there somewhere...

Doom III was pirated alot more then HL2 will be for several reasons.

1. word of mouth, friends dont let friends drink and drive (oops wrong subject), I ment friends tell friends not to waste their money on such garbage, because it has about 0 replaybility.

2. multiplayer outlook, and mod outlook isnt to great again applies to 0 replayability. Who wants to buy a $50 game that your going to spend a day maybe 3 playing, then it sits on your shelf.

Half life 2 acording to the people who have gotten a chance to play it say the sp is great, has a good storyline, great gameplay and everything. Hl2 will have tons of mods, down the road, and just about all of them are/will be mp.

SO its pretty easy to guess hl2 will sell more then doom III, and Ill say farcry. But less then halo 2, GTA 3, sims 2.