How much do you care about your stats?


Companion Cube
Feb 22, 2004
Reaction score
Would you rather play doing something that you're good at all the time (even if it gets boring) because you know that's the best way to earn points, or would you rather play with different kits, sneak up to an enemy base and blow up a starting heli for the fun of it, even though you know, that you won't earn as much points?
The 2nd.

But I want the unlocks too.
I care about stats, probably more than i thought i would.
For example, i often dont bother c4ing enemy assets because i know it wont help me personally.
Don't really care about the detailed stats, but I do like to see my actual rank. Been out of playing for a month, though, so I've got a lot to catch up on.
I just play ftw, not too fussed about personal score or points, but just bothered about team winning, but then again i love the good old "c4 up the arse" trick
Nah, I unlocked my PKM, now I just play on unranked servers. Becasue on the ranked all the retaretedness happens, on an unranked server it never happend that I was shot waiting for my plane, I never saw bunnyhoppings, I never had the red name tag bug( WTF does that only happen in ranked), there is almost no spawncamping, not much BH whoring. But there is still a lot of punishments.
I ALWAYS play on ranked servers, and I try an earn as many points as poss. Like if by the end of a 30 minute round on a map, I dont have at least say 50 points, then Il be pretty annoyed. I play support and hand out lots of ammo, coz I know its good for my stats and obviously helps the team too.
I always play on ranked servers but I wont go out of my way to point farm ...I play to have fun ..although I'm working towards my next unlock ...only 8000 points or 263 days to go
I always play on ranked servers. I really like going for awards (now I kinda ran out of awards to go for beyond just playing a LOT). I still play whatever the squad could use most whenever I play and I don't really go out of my way to try and get the most points possible.
Unfocused said:
Would you rather play doing something that you're good at all the time (even if it gets boring) because you know that's the best way to earn points, or would you rather play with different kits, sneak up to an enemy base and blow up a starting heli for the fun of it, even though you know, that you won't earn as much points?

I play BF2 for fun, but I don't mind pumping up my stats in the meantime. That's why I always play on ranked servers. I tend to go support most of the time, but I also play AT, specops, sniper and medic ocasionally (don't really like the mech coz of the shotgun). Besides, the only thing I am really good at is dying.
I care about the stats outside of the game, but pretty much only for the different ranks and badges and medals and stuff you get. Going for global points is pretty much pointless as it only shows how much you play. I would care a lot more about rank if global points per minute was more important, that shows true skill.

Inside the game I don't care about stats at all it seems, even though I go in thinking about stats. I go on special op missions in the enemy's main base all the time.
It's funny how ppl don't like the shotgun. I love the USMC shotgun, I play engineer if I want to rack up some kills :)
CptStern said:
I always play on ranked servers but I wont go out of my way to point farm ...I play to have fun ..although I'm working towards my next unlock ...only 8000 points or 263 days to go

I have 7,500 until my next unlock and it says about 40 days!! I guess that isn't such a good thing! But yea, I don't really care about stats, I always pilot the helicopters and stuff etc.. because its all im good at, me and my handy joystick.

I get about an hours worth of gametime a day ya you can see how it will take me so long
Unfocused said:
It's funny how ppl don't like the shotgun. I love the USMC shotgun, I play engineer if I want to rack up some kills :)

I too enjoy the shotgun, though I find the MEC one is more effective. Semi-Auto > Pump-Action (in effectiveness anyway).

I almost always play on ranked server's just because I want my next unlock (the Jackhammer Shotgun). Good old engineer.
I play on ranked because more people are on them....--;

If i ever want to play with some friends who are lanning with me, and don't own the game and i dont want to play bots, we'll play on unranked.
Canadian Gunner said:
I too enjoy the shotgun, though I find the MEC one is more effective. Semi-Auto > Pump-Action (in effectiveness anyway).

I almost always play on ranked server's just because I want my next unlock (the Jackhammer Shotgun). Good old engineer.

Pump-action is for gentlemen :) I play with the pump-action shotgun in CS:S rather than the semi-auto, as well.
i have the shotgun unlock and its alright
i still have to empty a full clip to kill targets at ranges greater than 5 metres
i check the stats but they're depressing reading
my early crapness means i have a negative kill ratio despite finishing nearly every match these days 2 or 3 kills to 1 death: (
john3571000 said:
i have the shotgun unlock and its alright
i still have to empty a full clip to kill targets at ranges greater than 5 metres
i check the stats but they're depressing reading
my early crapness means i have a negative kill ratio despite finishing nearly every match these days 2 or 3 kills to 1 death: (

You have the unlock for the engineer or the anti-tank?
I was really serious about my stats until I got Sergent. Now I have the unlocks I want so I can take it easy.
I don't play on ranked servers... ever. My global score is probably around ~1000 as I could honestly care less if I am #1 or #25000. I just choose a good server, non-ranked (I hate stat padders, and you don't encounter them on non-ranked servers, so it's a win-win situation for me), with a good ping and a map I like. The end (except I would enjoy gaining weapon unlocks, but it isn't worth it IMHO).
I like my rank and K/D ratio - K/D streaks

the medals are nice to earn in game, but further than that, pointless.
Yeh, i love the drum noise when you get an award- "you have been recommended for an award"
You have the unlock for the engineer or the anti-tank?
i always play enginneer and pick up other kits when they are needed
the assault unlock on single fire is incredible - sooooooooo powerful

i never play unranked servers though - can you unlock any of the weapons there or do your existing unlocks carry over
john3571000 said:
i always play enginneer and pick up other kits when they are needed
the assault unlock on single fire is incredible - sooooooooo powerful

i never play unranked servers though - can you unlock any of the weapons there or do your existing unlocks carry over

No, everything is locked. No unlocks, at all.
I just discovered that I care quite a bit bout stats, as I'm quite pissed, that my 107 points (my record), valorous whatever ribbon, 17:0 k/d ratio and golden medal did not register. I even waited for the next map to load, to make sure my stats get registered (because they won't if you disconnect during the round you get them). Afterwards I looked in the BFHQ and nothing there. I was 10 minutes ago and still nothing. It's just numbers but it's nice to have them after all.

EDIT: phew I just checked and it did register it now. Anyway it still shows how I care. I'm not a stat-whore, I play for fun, but still it would be a shame for me if I lost those points.
Unfocused said:
It's funny how ppl don't like the shotgun. I love the USMC shotgun, I play engineer if I want to rack up some kills :)

Shotgun is pwn.

You really have to be good with stealth to be good with it though, but it really pwns.

But to me, being a medic all the time is fun. It might get boring being the same class every so often, but when the battle starts raging, and i'm running between 5 different men on defense, trying to keep them allive, it gets loads of fun.
I've played for roughly 100 hours and have about 8,153 points. Lets be realistic, I'm never making it to Sergeant. As soon as I get my second unlock, I'm going to forget about getting points and just concentrate on having fun. If that means playing support and getting 50+ points in a round, so be it. If it means playing sniper and stalking one guy the entire round just to put a single shot through his head, so be it. I've already gotten every badge ribbon and medal I can ever expect to get, and I'm closing in on the last time I'll ever get promoted, so **** the points!!
bvasgm said:
I've played for roughly 100 hours and have about 8,153 points. Lets be realistic, I'm never making it to Sergeant. As soon as I get my second unlock, I'm going to forget about getting points and just concentrate on having fun. If that means playing support and getting 50+ points in a round, so be it. If it means playing sniper and stalking one guy the entire round just to put a single shot through his head, so be it. I've already gotten every badge ribbon and medal I can ever expect to get, and I'm closing in on the last time I'll ever get promoted, so **** the points!!
Took the whole paragraph right out of my ... keyboard. I'm in about the same position. I usually play Spec-Ops just because I like doing evil things with C4. That aside, there's no way in hell I'm going to get any other awards now that I got my armored service ribbon (unless I decide to try commanding), let alone get another rank, so screw it. I'll just go have fun.
Yeah i have taken so many hours (around 130) just to get to 16K and im inlcined to think f**k it, and just concentrate on the fun- i like sniping, but the low number of kills for time had put me off it in the past- gonna start using it.
I'm nearing 100 hours of play and I'm at 14,200 pts. I plan to play for stats for a while still. Sometimes I'll play on an unranked server if others do or if I'm just in the mood to mess around but most of the time I'm serious.