How Much Do You Trust Your Government?

How well do you trust your government?

  • %25-50 Very low, I believe they lie often.

    Votes: 23 45.1%
  • %50-75 I have my reservations, but so far so good.

    Votes: 19 37.3%
  • I trust them fully, they've never betrayed my trust.

    Votes: 3 5.9%
  • I do not trust a word they tell me, liars.

    Votes: 6 11.8%

  • Total voters


Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Well with all the recent political discussion going on around here, I thought I would gauge the level of trust everyone has for their government. If you reply, please let us know if your American, British, etc. And if you want, site a few news articles for example, as to why you trust/don't trust your government.
As for me, my trust for my government (American) is very low. And no, even though I'm "anti-Bush" it isn't all his fault. A few reasons why below:
(Weapons tests on its own citizens! :angry: )

Thats just for example. Clearly the government doesn't have a problem with lying to protects its own ass, so how long has this kind of thing went on? What are they really covering up, and keeping classified? Who knows, but there has always been a lot of shady buisness in Washington. So my level of trust is very, very low.
What about you?
American: "%50-75 I have my reservations, but so far so good. "
British here, all governments lie, its natural but i pretty much trust most of what they do at the moment whether i agree with what they do is another matter.
Cool, just for clarification also, you don't have to vote entirely on the administration currently, past offensive can, and should be taken into account as well :)

(And I know if we're going off of old administration "cough" clinton "cough" the trust level is going to go pretty low :p )
Depends on the Gov.
My gov (PT) is higly trustable since they have no reasons to lie.
Now the US gov. lies all the time since they have tons of reasons...
American ,%25-50 Very low, I believe they lie often.(current adminstration)

%50-75 I have my reservations, but so far so good.(previous administration)
America: 25-50%.
I love Democracy, and I love my country, but Govt.s have to lie about certain things. Sometimes things that are important, and should be told to the public.

I did not trust the last administration at all since Clinton couldent even tell the truth about a BJ. Why do you think he was called "Slick Willy"?

50%+ with the current one.
I dont think much of the government at all really. They lie, and make stuff up all the time, all for a image which i care even less about. To be hoesnt, i just want a government that gives me what i need...that gives everyone what they need, not jsut what they think will make them look good. Im tired of being lied too, being told all this stuff just to reasure me. They are too damn politically correct...

The previous government was just as bad, in fact i think most governments have been bad. Thatcher was ok in a way, she was a lot more blunt about things and didnt try and avoid the issue.

EDIT: I despise my government actually when it comes to one thing...Europe. They are handing all our power away to a parliment that is in its infancy, and needs to be taught how to act. Its so corrupt at the moment, that its almost unbelievable. I wouldnt be surprised if in 10 years time, our parliment was simply a pointless room full of politicians with not power, with the European parliment dictating all our laws.

80% of our most recent laws have come from Europe, so its not that big a step....
American, not much trust at all.

I'm not going to be unreasonable and say they lie all the time, but I do believe they have black projects and assassinations that they cover up. Also, some things (like military accidents, for example) should be told in truth, but for some reason under the rule of "national security" they don't say much about it.

When I start a career I may want to join the CIA or something so I know the extent of what they do behind closed doors.
synth said:
American, not much trust at all.

I'm not going to be unreasonable and say they lie all the time, but I do believe they have black projects and assassinations that they cover up. Also, some things (like military accidents, for example) should be told in truth, but for some reason under the rule of "national security" they don't say much about it.

When I start a career I may want to join the CIA or something so I know the extent of what they do behind closed doors.

Well, think like this - «People of the USA today has been a great day. We have installed a democratic government in Iraq. Thousands died and no one seems to want us there but we invaded anyway because we are can't get oil from the Saudiis. You know we suspect 9/11 was their work. We've also started testing new bio-weapons. So people of the USA today has been a great day.»

How good would be that?
American, and I trust it enough so as to not be uncomfortable.

hardly trust blair and his goons. they're just whoring the UK out to the rest of europe like farrow said. if europe had everyone's interests in mind and was actually good at what they did then i wouldn't mind, but these european poiliticians and legislators are even worse than what we have in parliament right now.

if the lib dems ever get into parliament, i'm pretty sure they'd actually do what they said they'd do...but it's a shame no-one ever votes for them.
As an American, I voted for the last option. For the past 50 years or so every time foreign policy move we've made was made to serve our intrests and our intrests only. We've toppled democratic leaders, elected by the people of democratic nations, and replaced them with corrupt dictators who will give us what we want. Our leaders are (for the most part) all in the pockets of corporate America, serving corporate intrests (and consequently the 5% of Americans that are CEOs, executives, etc of said corporations) and not the intrests of *real* Americans. Even more recently, our government has been bending the truth, giving us half-truths, and occasionally completely fabricating stories in order to get us to believe what they want us to and support things that under normal circumstance we would have never stood for.

Bill Clinton was nearly impeached for a blowjob. Why hasn't Bush been impeached? He has recklessly started two wars so far (maybe the first was permissable, but there is yet to be evidence found supporting any reason for the 2nd), been involved in a MAJOR corporate scandal (Enron? Anyone remember that? Or are you still too shocked by 9/11 to have any common sense?), rigged his own election (or at least had people do it for him)...

The Bush regime has used 9/11 as an excuse to pull all sorts of crap that we never would have allowed to happen previously. For example, what about the "PATRIOT Act" ??? What the hell is that? They should have named it the "Kiss Your God-Given Privacy and Freedom Away" Act, since now the government can search without a warrant or just cause, enter and search your home without just cause, detain and question you without a warrant or just cause, get private records (bank transactions, library history, credit card records, you name it), etc etc on and on... Bush has even claimed that he can declare ANY person a "Enemy Combatant", therefore stripping them of any rights - meaning he can lock them up and throw away the key, and NOBODY can do anything about it.

I think I'm done ranting for now. And yes, I read Michael Moore. He, unlike most politicians, speaks the truth (and has references to back it up).
50% - 75%.

Australian. I believe that our government has done fairly well, at least up to now.

What with Johnny Jackboot's lips being buried so deeply in Bush's backside that he either can't or won't say anything to stop Australia effectively becoming a lesser part of America, and him and Bush dragging us into military engagements that we should never have been a part of, I think things have taken a turn for the worse lately...

I personally think that Johnny and Bush get on so well together because each has finally found the only other person in the world that has such a keen resemblance to a chimp...
Brian Damage said:
50% - 75%.

Australian. I believe that our government has done fairly well, at least up to now.

What with Johnny Jackboot's lips being buried so deeply in Bush's backside that he either can't or won't say anything to stop Australia effectively becoming a lesser part of America, and him and Bush dragging us into military engagements that we should never have been a part of, I think things have taken a turn for the worse lately...

I personally think that Johnny and Bush get on so well together because each has finally found the only other person in the world that has such a keen resemblance to a chimp...

Are you Australians in Iraq?
I didn't knew that. Were you part of the invasion troops or are Maintenance guys like us (PT)?
The "Coalition of the Willing" would have been more aptly named as the "Coalition of the Blackmailed and Coerced" ... have you seen the list of countries that are on it? I haven't even heard of half of them.
Sprafa said:
Are you Australians in Iraq?
I didn't knew that. Were you part of the invasion troops or are Maintenance guys like us (PT)?

To be honest, I've never been sure. We were in Afghanistan, and I'm pretty sure we've been involved in Iraq.

Our soldiers were sent in, I do know that.
DreamThrall said:
The "Coalition of the Willing" would have been more aptly named as the "Coalition of the Blackmailed and Coerced" ... have you seen the list of countries that are on it? I haven't even heard of half of them.

There are 30 countries in the Coalition. Bold is European, Italic is Non-euro first world.

The Czech Republic
El Salvador
South Korea
The Netherlands
United Kingdom

The number of bold or italic nations in this list is 20, or exactally 2/3rds of the coalition.

In addition, 11 of those countries (the UK, Turkey, The Netherlands, Spain, South Korea, Japan, Italy, Hungary, Denmark, Australia) are economically stable enough so that they dont need to fear US repurcussions if they dont join in.

Now, if you were trying to be a smart-ass when you made your post you succeded briliantly. However, if you were actually trying to make some sort of valid point, you failed miserably.
ductonius said:
Now, if you were trying to be a smart-ass when you made your post you succeded briliantly. However, if you were actually trying to make some sort of valid point, you failed miserably.

I knew I forgot something... How's this: "Coalition of the Blackmailed, Coerced and Bribed" ?

Not to mention the fact that the majority of the people actually living in the countries wanted nothing to do with the war.

And do you mean to say that an American trade embargo wouldn't topple the economy in any of those countries? Please.
DreamThrall said:
Even more recently, our government has been bending the truth, giving us half-truths, and occasionally completely fabricating stories in order to get us to believe what they want us to and support things that under normal circumstance we would have never stood for.

unfortunately, americans wouldn't have supported the war (which imo was totally fine...not the way bush went about it, but the war itself was good for us and for the world) unless they were told that iraq had weapons and ties to al-qaeda.

DreamThrall said:
Why hasn't Bush been impeached? He has recklessly started two wars so far (maybe the first was permissable, but there is yet to be evidence found supporting any reason for the 2nd)

you michael moore-ites are totally lost about the war. Iraq/Saddam lost a war...agreed to terms...then didn't abide by those terms. That's reason enough to go back and get rid of him...but like i said...unfortunately, americans were content to let Saddam make fun of us and of the UN by defying the terms of his surrender, so they used 9/11 as an excuse to do what they thought was right and good. If you can't understand that, you're being stupid.

It's fine if you disagree with the war. I don't have a problem with you thinking that it's ok for saddam to ignore the UN and America...that's your opinion. But if you can't understand why the bush admin. used 9/11 and WMD as an excuse to do what they thought was right, you're missing a lot about how public opinion and government really works.

DreamThrall said:
I think I'm done ranting for now. And yes, I read Michael Moore. He, unlike most politicians, speaks the truth (and has references to back it up).

Michael Moore has a lot of great things to say, but he puts as much spin on things and bends the truth just as much as the Bush admin. has...please grow a brain and think for yourself :\

Mr. Moore's genius is that he gets people pissed off about things...he gets people politically active in a good way...he gets people on both sides of an issue all riled up so that change can don't say i'm bashing Moore.
Which WMD were you referring to? The ones our CIA and pharmacutical corporations gave him in the 80's? Because they haven't found ANY evidence. Anything that's been reported so far was jumped on by the media, and then later disproved... but nobody ever hears about that part. I'm not saying we should have just let Saddam do as he chose, but there's a reason why 95% of the REST of the world DID NOT want us to go to war. The UN should have gotten more involved, rather than just saying "You have 3 weeks to conform to our demands" and then when that was up saying "Okay, you didn't do that, but you have 4 weeks to conform to these demands..." etc etc...

If the only thing that was different about Saddam was that he was buddy buddy with the US government (like he was during the Iran-Iraq war, when we gave him millions of dollars in military equipment and consulting), then you know what we would have done about his so-called WMD operations and crimes against humanity? Nothing. Our friends, the Saudi Arabians have been listed amongst the worst of human right violators by multiple human rights groups, yet they are one of our best allies. Why? They have billions upon billions of dollars invested in US stocks, and even more billions sitting in our banks. So we look the other way and let them get on mistreating their people. It's no wonder people in that part of the world hate the American government so much.
50-75% The Canadian government really isn't so bad. It of course lies just like any other government but their lies are usually much smaller and involve things that are easier to repair.
This might not make sense...but I know the government must lie their asses off...but I trust them anyways... They're probably lying for a reason.
AmishSlayer said:
This might not make sense...but I know the government must lie their asses off...but I trust them anyways... They're probably lying for a reason.

There are certain lies that would be acceptable... most people would not be able to handle knowledge, for example, if we've been in contact with alien intelligence. Generally this isn't really lying, but rather withholding information. There are other situations where this ideology holds true, but other that is doesn't. For example, when we were being lied to about how many soldiers were dying in Vietnam. Or when there was intelligence before 9/11 about al Qaeda planning terror attacks inside the US, perhaps using planes as missiles (!). Or when we were being lied to about how Saddam Hussein was producing weapons of mass destruction - that whole thing about buying the Uranium and tubes or whatever was rediculous.
DreamThrall said:
Not to mention the fact that the majority of the people actually living in the countries wanted nothing to do with the war.

You dont know that any more than I do, which is to say, not at all.

DreamThrall said:
And do you mean to say that an American trade embargo wouldn't topple the economy in any of those countries? Please.

It would probaby damage those nations a great deal, but, you see, the US didnt threaten anyone with an embargo. If the threat of a trade embargo is what the US used to "coherce" these nations into joining, then why are those that have not joined not yet under a trade embargo?

Like I have said before (in another thead), it is possible to assign ulterior motives to any action. It can be said that the US coherced the other nations into joining its coalition by threat of economic reprisals. However, it can also be said that France, Germany and Russia were opposed to the war because of thier various and documented business dealings with Saddam.

The fact of the matter is that if a country such as Canada can not join the war and escape economic reprisals, a country like Japan or the UK has nothing to fear.
The New Zealand government have always been a bunch of prats, always dipping into the tax-payers $$ just a little too much, from travel to... boxer shorts (true story). We have Labour in power at the moment, led by Helen Clark (teh ugly, see attach), who isn't doing too shabby TBH. I think in NZ it's more a case of liking them rather than trusting them, we don't have much going on over here in terms of weapons and military, our navy is kind of active but the airforce is pretty much non-existent now. I think what swayed me is when we refused to give troops to fight in Iraq, despite Australia hopping on the bandwagon (our neighbours, occasional partners in crime). Michael Moore even congratulated us for that move ^^;

And our rugby team pwns! gg

[edit] - Forgot attach, check here -
Bad^Hat said:
The New Zealand government have always been a bunch of prats, always dipping into the tax-payers $$ just a little too much, from travel to... boxer shorts (true story). We have Labour in power at the moment, led by Helen Clark (teh ugly, see attach), who isn't doing too shabby TBH. I think in NZ it's more a case of liking them rather than trusting them, we don't have much going on over here in terms of weapons and military, our navy is kind of active but the airforce is pretty much non-existent now. I think what swayed me is when we refused to give troops to fight in Iraq, despite Australia hopping on the bandwagon (our neighbours, occasional partners in crime). Michael Moore even congratulated us for that move ^^;

And our rugby team pwns! gg

[edit] - Forgot attach, check here -

Simply frightening. Why, that woman is so scary, I think I'll never be able to sleep again.
DreamThrall said:
Which WMD were you referring to? The ones our CIA and pharmacutical corporations gave him in the 80's? Because they haven't found ANY evidence. Anything that's been reported so far was jumped on by the media, and then later disproved... but nobody ever hears about that part. I'm not saying we should have just let Saddam do as he chose, but there's a reason why 95% of the REST of the world DID NOT want us to go to war. The UN should have gotten more involved, rather than just saying "You have 3 weeks to conform to our demands" and then when that was up saying "Okay, you didn't do that, but you have 4 weeks to conform to these demands..." etc etc...

all i'm saying is you shouldn't be shocked that we went to war in iraq. the "reasons" the american public was given were to justify the war to the american public, not to the bush administration.

we've been wanting to get rid of saddam for about 12 years now, and when bush jr. got into office, he was like, "i need an excuse to finish this guy off because he's fcking everything up."

my point this case, the ends justify the means, imo. i don't think bush went about it in the right way...we ended up pissing everyone off...which wasn't quite necessary. but bush was done playing around with the UN...that's his personality. but the end result is going to (hopefully) be a more stable region and a better future for the middle east and our relations with the middle east.

all this BS about who supported the war and blah blah in relation to the democratic primaries is really stupid. I DONT CARE about who was right or wrong before...WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO NOW? the bush admin has clearly messed up the post-war situation and i wanna know what the plan is to fix things.

anyway that's getting off topic...but our government almost always runs itself on a "the ends justify the means" frame of thought....because if the means have to be justified 100% of the time, nothing would ever get done in this country.
GhostValkyrie said:
Simply frightening. Why, that woman is so scary, I think I'll never be able to sleep again.

"Clarkse" :LOL: