how much does weed cost where you are?

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Nov 8, 2003
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yeah, just wondering. dont know myself because I normally fob off other people, well, always that is. Not so pathetic that way. Apparently its dirt cheap here though.
According to my mom which's specailist in drugattics ect, smoking a strong weed regulary for 5 years will have a huge impact on your ability to think clear.
I wouldn't suggest doing weed. My brother does and hes slowly going down hill and I've tried getting him to stop several times. From what I hear its just like 10 bucks for a dime bag. Depends on what type of weed also there are many different types. But don't be smokin it now.
lmao some mod needs to close this...welll around here it costs YOUR SOUL lol seriously why in the hell did you make this thread there is already a drug thread? oh and its not cheap ill tell you that.
and how much do ou need to get you going Letters? we can pretty much share out a full pipe (like grandad smokes) among three people very easily.
all i know is about $5 a joint. Thats the BC weed stoners seems to hold such high respect for. Not my cup of tea.
I say no matter what people are going to do drugs. The US should legalize it then it would help boost the economy.
2 doll0rz/kilo is pretty cheap. The groundhog out back overcharges at $2.50, though... pisses me off...
I don't do drugs and I don't need them. I got my stash of nutrigrains right here and I'm set. One bite and I'm good to go for the whole day and it is actually good for me unlike drugs.
Coolio2man, are you talking about weed. it does sound kinda steep??? lost time I heard it was something equivelant to $2 for a coin baggie.
From what I've seen and experienced, alcohol and cigarettes have a much more detrimental effect on your health than ol' mary jane . And around here, it's about 25$ an eighth an ounce for medium weed, don't ask me how i know....
just curious, it seems like a lot of u have similar avatars with a close up of someone face with an odd expression. Coincidence or no?
Yay, finally one of my threads is popular, i think ill talk about sex and death next, their always hot sellers.
JonTheCanuck said:
just curious, it seems like a lot of u have similar avatars with a close up of someone face with an odd expression. Coincidence or no?


oh ye of the the link and have fun!

btw, answer to the topic would be 'too much'. but seriously, costs me a couple of drinks at the bar for the friends i get them off.
herbster said:
Yay, finally one of my threads is popular, i think ill talk about sex and death next, their always hot sellers.

you can combine the two and get necrophilia..but that wouldn't be as popular so yeah your idea sounds good
herbster said:
and how much do ou need to get you going Letters? we can pretty much share out a full pipe (like grandad smokes) among three people very easily.
1) Not much, obviously
2) I need the whole pipe
i was thinking the same thing, but i wouldnt like to sleep with half-life 2. (im sorry, i realise i have no sense of humour.
AzzMan said:
From what I've seen and experienced, alcohol and cigarettes have a much more detrimental effect on your health than ol' mary jane . And around here, it's about 25$ an eighth an ounce for medium weed, don't ask me how i know....

Weed is worse then cigs in terms of how much tar gets into your lungs because you hold it in there as long as you can unlike cigs. As for alcohol it has the same effects.
weed makes your boobs saggy. seriously, crack is the way to go.

linux means your boobs are already saggy. if your using it that is.
Why isnt this thread closed, its clearly inappropriate.
Pressure said:
Drugs are just a waste of time and money. Period.

ugh thats relative to what the person wants. Youve never heard someone say "video games[or put somethin else here] are a waste of time and money. Period."? come on we all have, so seriously no offense but you cant preach that.
ouch! a pothead with the iq of an eraser is insulting me because i use linux. dont be pissed off because you have saggy boobs and i dont, im sure there are plenty of plastic surgeons in south africa.
my threas has died. great. all takers, i plan to take a trip into the topic of death. bring your stories, we are a caring and understanding community. and you cant see us laughing from the other side of the world.

p.s. death is never funny.

p.p.s. except if it wins a darwin award.
gh0st, watch what you say, warned.

herbster, this was an inapropriate thread
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