How much will additional Memory help with loading times?

  • Thread starter henrythered2001
  • Start date


My friend just got HL2 and his main complaint is the very long loading times for it.

Now he is asking me an opinion on whether or not adding more ram will help a lot.

Basically he wants to upgrade from 512 Meg to 1 GB. What do you guys think will it help much? He has a generally outdated system except for the video card

Here are his system specs:

AMD 1800+ 1.53 Ghz
2 - 256 MB, DDR 266 Mhz sticks
Radeon 9800 pro
Windows 2000
probably will help a bit bcause hl2 recommended ram is 512 i got 760 and i had 256
put -heapsize 30000 for 300mb of ram dedicated to hl2 (or more if you have more)

I used that and i have 512 mb of ram

Works nicely, considering HL2 defaults to a 64 mb size heap :p