How much would you pay for the collectors edition?


Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
I have been pondering this as it was one of the questions on te marketing project questionnare recently distributed on this forum. I reckon if the thing came with :

"dog tags"
pewter figures
tentacle beast ornament
pens pencils and rubbers ("erasers" for American viewers)
bumper stickers - (I brake for resonance cascades and gonarchs etc)
glo in the dark stickers
mouldable alyx/gordon face (as in movable not the fungus)
bean bag headcrab - best idea on the forum ever IMO
crowbar toy
wind up strider - lol
pheromone bath bombs
hl2 - DUH
and maybe (touch wood) some source engine mods (CS/DOD etc)

I would not feel ripped off paying about £100
or am I just an over excited fanboy?

other ideas for contents/bumber stickers/badges also welcome :)
I think there was already a thread about this. Hmph.

I'd only pay about $70 MAYBE. But it doesn't matter, I'm getting it free anyways. *hugs IGN sweepstakes*
pheromone bath bombs!?!? That would be awesome!
I wouldn't pay more than $100 Canadian after taxes, unless there was some really sweet stuff with the game (like the beanbag headcrab)
SubKamran said:
I think there was already a thread about this. Hmph.

I'd only pay about $70 MAYBE. But it doesn't matter, I'm getting it free anyways. *hugs IGN sweepstakes*

I'm sorry this is a repeated thread but I feel the suggestions for contents help to enhance it

I'm also very sorry that you are getting it for free - damn IGN :frown:
$50 if it was just HL2 and some extra crap.

$70 if it was HL2 + CS-S + TFC-S + DOD-S + HL-S.
ne-waller said:
I'm sorry this is a repeated thread but I feel the suggestions for contents help to enhance it

I'm also very sorry that you are getting it for free - damn IGN :frown:

I get the normal version free, I don't know if I'll buy the collector's. :D
Why would you pay even a cent more for games that have been free for years?
Crowbar toy? how bout a real crowbar u get it given over the counter covered in antlion blood :cheese:
comoxer said:
Crowbar toy? how bout a real crowbar u get it given over the counter covered in antlion blood :cheese:

I was just thinking about the fun to be had whacking by brothers over the heads with the rolls from wrapping paper every xmas, and pondering that a hl2 theme migh... i interupt this post to declare that I am well knackered and can't be bothered to explain myself. I'm staying up far too late to watch the election results on TV

p.s. I dont want any apathy bast***ds taking the piss. Exercise your democratic right or quit complaining about the war in iraq/the EU/NHS/i'm gonna go to bed as soon as this is over. :rolling:
I'd pay 70 bucks (American) if it included posters, head-crab beanbag, crowbar toy, and all of the HL1 source ports. Oh, and HL2 of course. If it was just this, i wouldn't feel ripped off.

But i'd only buy it this way if the source ports do cost extra. Otherwise i'd just pay 50 for normal HL2+multiplayer, then D/L the ports for free.
50 bucks? thats about £30 over here, or less. damn you yanks, getting games cheaper!
yeah the average new PC or console game is $50 American. then if it's good it stays that price. But if it really sucks and the sales are low, it goes to about $20-$30 in a month or two.

You guys pay £50'ish for a game, i take it?
It depends what it comes with. If it came with a silver crowbar about 3 feet long...I would pay about $80 dollars..but I am willing to pay more for that :thumbs:
oldagerocker said:
'rubbers' is not funny gusolson.

Depends on what 'rubbers' means in the UK where you live. In the US it means condoms.
Moejoe said:
You guys pay £50'ish for a game, i take it?

errr expensive console games and pc games from extortionate highstreet retailers usually sell at about RRP £39.99 but the majority of PC games can be bought online for £25-30 -thats what hl2 will probably be (Amazon preorder)
If it came with HL-S, CS-S, and other miscellaneous toys and whatnot, I'd pay around $80 CAD for it.
depending on what came with it... 100 bucks cdn MAX.
ne-waller said:
errr expensive console games and pc games from extortionate highstreet retailers usually sell at about RRP £39.99 but the majority of PC games can be bought online for £25-30 -thats what hl2 will probably be (Amazon preorder)

Okay, as you can tell i'm none too good at converting currencies. Just, what oldagerocker said

oldagerocker said:
"50 bucks? thats about £30 over here, or less. damn you yanks, getting games cheaper!"

made me think you guys have to pay a lot more than us. Anyway, thanks for the correction.
Ive just noticed that the time on the posts is about 10 mins too quick
I would probably pay no more than $100. As it is I plan on building a new comp before HL2 comes out.
It all depends on what all it comes with.. the more cool bonus crap that I like, the more I'd be willing to shell out..

-I'd pay a few bucks more for a cool poster I could hang up in my room.
-I'd pay a good 5-10 bucks extra for a highly detailed map of City 17.(Like poster sized)
-I would pay a crapload for a lengthy "making of" DVD. (I just love that stuff :D)
-It would be cool to see stuff that was cutout of the game and what not.
-And a beanbag (Or better yet, Stressball) Headcrab would be pretty cool.

For that package, I'd pay a good 80-85 bucks. If they included Half-Life, Blue Shift, Opposing Force and Decay, all upgraded to the source engine with new graphics and redesigned levels, I'd probably pay another 40-50 bucks on top of the previous stuff.
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The day a game comes with custom "rubbers" (condoms, for you british viewers), is the day the "sexual revolution" has gone too far. ;)
SubKamran said:
I think there was already a thread about this. Hmph.

I'd only pay about $70 MAYBE. But it doesn't matter, I'm getting it free anyways. *hugs IGN sweepstakes*

dont care.. even if i have to save up for a month i will buy it in the end
$80 if it was worth it, and by that I mean has more *extras* than your normal collectors edition game. I'm not gonna pay $30 more for a headcrab keychain you know... :)
No more than £50.

i just dont feel like paying extra for a shirt that maybe 2 other people i meet for the rest of my life will understand.

However ive been pondering a "lifetime" subscription of Steam, if Valve make one.

id pay maybe £50 for that.
HL2 game/HL2 making of DVD/HL2 Art book/HL2 figurine - I'd pay upto $80 USD.

If they are going to come out with a collector's edition they better make it worth it.
Do we have any idea exactly -what- will be in the Collectors Edition? Comfirmed stuff that is, not just conjecture...
Lanthanide said:
Do we have any idea exactly -what- will be in the Collectors Edition? Comfirmed stuff that is, not just conjecture...

I believe the current description by valve is "cool stuff for people who like cool stuff" so no not really

but it will be COOL! :D
urmm if it had stuff worth getting in it then like £70....thats only if it had some really cool stuff ie tf2, dod2, cs2, opfor2, blueshift2, whatever. For stuff like a making of DVD and some cool bits and pieces maybe £40
I don't see myself ever buying the collectors edition because it's just really overpriced. I'm already getting a free T-shirt with my preorder and that's good enough for me! I'm buying it for the gameplay, not the other stuff for centimental value.
Well, I have a problem. No matter what the content is of the HL2 SpEd box I would still pay like $100, easily.

And I would pay even more if it had a really really good content. =)
I remember the Age of mythology special edition in the Uk.

spend an extra £30 and get a cup a teashirt and a freaking minature of a myth unit :dozey: