How much would you pay for the collectors edition?

I would want a nice book with the concept art, maybe a soundtrack, action figure (combine soldier preferably :D ) and CS:S
Crusader said:
They just HAVE to have some kind of headcrab. Maybe a squishy one that sticks to walls when you throw it ^^
Haha! Great idea!

I would pay... ehhh 80 - 100 dollars...
How much would you pay for the collectors edition?

a bajillion krillion filllion sillion imadrillion dolarz and fiftee 4 end 1/3 sence

i'd pay as much as valve wanted me too, unless it was over 200 u.s. dollars

(it's gotta have some tight stuff, it is eighty dollars according to sites)
I'm not usually anti american but those in glass houses...

the consensus is that a headcrab would be cool :D