How often do you upgrade your computer?

How often do you upgrade your computer?

  • Every month: I'm obsessed with high details

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Every 6 months: got money to burn

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • Every year: I use my tax return

    Votes: 17 27.9%
  • Every two years: since top games run like crap

    Votes: 25 41.0%
  • Every three years: I love fps slideshows

    Votes: 11 18.0%
  • Fours years or more: when I win the lottery

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • Never: I love my Pentium 133

    Votes: 2 3.3%

  • Total voters
Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
I'm talking about upgrades that are $100 dollars or more and I'm talking averages here.

I upgrade about every three years (just when the games become unplayable), and I was suprised that so many people upgrade their computer so regularily.
I only upgrade when I really have to... and that really is looking rather close. I'm not cut out for spending all this money on something that will be out of date in a weeks time. ¬_¬
I just 1 year ago upgraded from a P2 500mhz, I'm not gonna post my new specs after upgrading cause im lazy.
I upgrade yearly. I don't upgrade every single part, just the big bottlenecks. The first was my video card, which couldn't run the BF1942 demo. Then it was my processor/RAM, which wouldn't run Halo very well. And now it's going to be my hard drive/everything. I need a job.
qckbeam said:
Not nearly as often as I want to :)

same :)
i tend to upgrade about once every 3 years.. perhaps i'd upgrade more frequently if i had extra cash/cash to burn type scenerio.. but the damn car insurance, house insurance, water, electricity and various other bills take most of my hard earned cash :( :|

if i could have it my way...i'd like to upgrade a little every year.. but eh.. life ain't perfect :p
Same, once every 3 years. I got this computer in late 2001, and soon I need to upgrade. I can run Battlefield Vietnam att 20-30 FPS with these specs at all setting medium and shadows off

Pentium 4 2ghz
Geforce 3

:[ It was so elite when I got it...
None of the above!

I upgrade over a period of time..

IE. one month, I'll buy RAM. The next, a new motherboard, the next, a CPU, the next, a graphics card, the next, a new HD, the next, more RAM.. etc..

So.. my upgrading is an ongoing project. Which hasn't changed much since earlier this year, the only upgrade I've done in the past 5 months is 512MB extra RAM
I'm upgrading next week infact. It's been a tiny bit more than a year. I'm just planning out what I'm going to get now.
I don't really like upgrading. You can always buy a fancy new gfx card but your older proc will not fully make use of the new gfx card. So I just buy a new computer every x years.
heh back when i had a job id upgrade every 3 months :(
I mostly upgrade my vid card every 6 months. I do little things in between like new harddrives or add fans etc..
Major upgrades(read:new comp=Mobo/Cpu/Case/PSU/Ram/Vidcard all at the same time) every 2-3 years.

All kinds of smaller upgrades in between to keep things smooth(a CPU or some ram here ....A Videocard or hard drive there)
I quess every two years is the closest for me.
I just bought a new Mobo and Vid card. best thing was they put a 512 stick of 400ddr in the box by mistake. :)
Respect those who have old computers :D

2 votes for over 4 years and older, including me.

AMD Athlon 900Mghz
384 mb ram
geforce 4 mx 440

Memory and card bought 2 or 3 years ago now i think. But computer itself is 5 years old. Soon new pc though, thank god :)
every, two years.

Now my computer is 3.9 years old, and I am using my bro pc to play the latest games But he doesn't really like me to play around with his pc, so I am going to build the ultimate machine next month or next october when the 512MB cards releases :P
Never, I usually just buy a whole new one. Mainly cos im hardware illiterate and dont know how to upgrade it by myself but ah well. :thumbs:
I upgrade when games become unplayable, I've had my pc for two years now, only upgrade I've made to it was the vid card and since I just tweak the configuration as much as I can. I'll have to see how D3 and HL2 run, if it's smooth all the better, if it's not then upgrade time!
Thats indeed a good way, its just a waste of money to go buying the best top notch vidcard only to buy a new one 3 months later to only get some more FPS.
I upgrade my computer when it needs upgrading. The level of technology and the rate it's increasing these days is always changing. If I come across a program or a game I can't run/play then I simply live with it but if I come across several programs or games that dont run or run fairly poorly then I think it's time for an upgrade. There's no definate time like a couple months or couple years when you should upgrade. It's all personal preference and what you use your system for.
Dr. Freeman said:
same :)
i tend to upgrade about once every 3 years.. perhaps i'd upgrade more frequently if i had extra cash/cash to burn type scenerio.. but the damn car insurance, house insurance, water, electricity and various other bills take most of my hard earned cash :( :|

if i could have it my way...i'd like to upgrade a little every year.. but eh.. life ain't perfect :p
Yeah, I do three years as well... except for the occasional bit of essential hardware.
I let the games/sw I run tell me when its time to upgrade. When I can't do what I want to do(min 30fps) with what I have, then I know its time.
I also have price points too.
I have set spending limits on each component. Never more than $300 on a cpu or a video card, never more than $125 on mobo. Just to keep myself honest, and not gettng too close to the bleeding edge.
lazicsavo said:
I'm talking about upgrades that are $100 dollars or more and I'm talking averages here.

I upgrade about every three years (just when the games become unplayable), and I was suprised that so many people upgrade their computer so regularily.

Answered the same (about every 3 years).

Just don't have the cash to be spending $100-500 ever six months or so just so I can play two or three new games a year.
every 2 years, tho i bought my ti 4200 last may and its not serving me well since i didnt know bout dx9 back then..
Normally I upgrade if there’s been a big leap in performance in certain areas every year and get a totally new rig every two. But money problems till just recently mean I’m on the exact same comp I bought 3 years ago. :S