How often do you use floss?


  • Three times a day or more often

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • Two times a day

    Votes: 2 2.9%
  • Once a day

    Votes: 6 8.7%
  • Every 2-3 day

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • Every 4-6 day

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • Once a week

    Votes: 6 8.7%
  • Twice a month

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • Once a month

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • More rarely than once a month

    Votes: 16 23.2%
  • Never

    Votes: 33 47.8%

  • Total voters

The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
Reaction score

EDIT: Shit , I ****ed up the closing date on the poll, will someone remove it please (the closing date, not the poll).
I occasionally feel the need to floss, usually on a Saturday morning...

But only once a week, never anymore but sometimes less.
WTF, I have to use floss every day, otherwise I get caries. It's not fair! :(
not nearly as often as I should. e.g. just as often as you brush teeth.(after every meal)
Holy shit, how the hell can so many people never use floss?!

Surely you all realize that brushing your teeth and mouth wash doesn't fully get rid of all the bits caught in between your teeth?!

I floss at the end of every day for about 5 minutes.
Twice a day. I'm a bit of a health freak, however spending 20 minutes a day brushing, flossing and rinsing was one of the best, er, "investments" I have ever made. My teeth are awesome.
My dentists always says that I should floss but just can't see the point. I can never do it right anyway and usually end up making my gums bleed so I just don't bother.
I hardly floss, and if I do it it's with a piece of string I found randomly and not an actual flossing wire lol
The last time I flossed, the dentist did it.
Never. Good ol brush and mouthwash will do the trick for me
I never floss or use mouth wash, I only brush like, every other day.

Only ever had one cavity too!
I never floss or use mouth wash, I only brush like, every other day.

Only ever had one cavity too!

You are lucky. If I don't floss it's a guaranteed 2-3 cavities.

I should floss every day but I only get around to it every 5 days or so :\
Twice a day. I'm a bit of a health freak, however spending 20 minutes a day brushing, flossing and rinsing was one of the best, er, "investments" I have ever made. My teeth are awesome.
Yeah, that's gonna save you a lot of money and a lot of pain in the future.

Will someone please make sure that the poll doesn't close tomorrow? Are all the mods at the brothel, or what?
I have braces and I'm supposed to floss at least once a day. It's such a pain in the ass, though. You have to thread the floss in between each brace and the wiring and so on. Hate it. On top of that, I have to brush my teeth twice: once with regular toothpaste and once with special prescription toothpaste. Then, I have to use this tiny brush and brush in between each brace.

It takes like a solid 15 minutes to do everything.
Will someone explain what I'm supposed to do when flossing. I've never really done more than one tooth. Should I floss inbetween EVERY tooth? I've never had one filling.
If thats the perk of being a mod, sign me the **** up!


You do know that the brothel is inhabited by prostitutes that are all identical twins of Munro, don't you? We're sent there for punishment, not payment.

Fixed your poll Monkey, and I floss once every six months when I go to the dentist and they do it for me. I brush every day (occasionally skipping a day or brushing twice a day) but don't spend much time on it at all, but I've never had a cavity and the dentist is always praising me about how little plaque I have and how clean my teeth are, so I suppose it works :cool:
I floss pretty much every day, especially after eating very tough meats such as well-done steak or pork.

Otherwise you get huge pieces of shit stuck in between your teeth that slowly rot against your gums.
I brush once a day and floss never, and mouthwash when I'm too lazy to brush. *usually once every couple weekends*..

I've only had cavities while I was a kid *NEVER brushed back then....* and now I'm doing A-OK. Gotta go to the dentist for a touch up, though, as it's been....6 years?
I can no longer floss because I have so many fillings that they have all connected.
This says a lot about how much I flossed before the fillings.
I'm supposed to, but I forget. Every time.
Whenever i have bits of anything stuck in between my teeth
eg Orange fiber?
I don't floss. Maybe I should but I haven't had the need (never had a filling).

Also lol at the mods closing the Mouthwash poll, clearly there is a need for a "dental hygiene" sub-forum.
It's weird how it works. Some people can spend 20 minutes a day with their teeth and get holes all the time, and some people can ignore them and never get holes. Guess it has something to do with genes.
Never have. Probably never will.

I've never had anything wrong with my teeth either, except a slight crossbite, but it doesnt bother me at all. And I really could look after my teeth much better.
It's weird how it works. Some people can spend 20 minutes a day with their teeth and get holes all the time, and some people can ignore them and never get holes. Guess it has something to do with genes.

I think teeth all just appreciate irony.
some gov't water sanitation plants add fluoride to their clean water. this makes all the difference.

you can get fluoride in mouthwash like ACT

I tried once but it didn't wanna fit around my teefs. Yeah, that's probably not a good thing.
I use Interdental brushes cos I lost some teeth & have a bridge. But floss also, its great
I can no longer floss because I have so many fillings that they have all connected.
This says a lot about how much I flossed before the fillings.


I understand. :(

But surely the artificial fillings are more invincible than the puny, natural tooth that was exposed there before :P
Tis only a matter of time before everyone joins us in our cybernetic teeth implants, first teeth... next LASER EYES!