How old are you?

Turned 19 last month.

Edit: Last three digits of my post count match my racing number (look at my avatar)
Mutha****in' Twenty Two, mutha****er.

*Decides to get in his car and go to a bar to get an alcoholic drink and pick up a woman of legal consenting age for some legally allowed copulation, then vote in some election afterwards, return home to his apartment, and watch naughty late night TV with violence and sex n' shit.....then probably have to pay taxes and all that bake adult stuff.*
23...I think I am already about to hit my midlife crisis, though! D:

Ha thats ok Pitzy, we all go through that's the whole ideo of "I'm getting old! I'm not ****ing 18 any more!!!"

Pfft, don't sweat it half of the kids here lie about their age anywho

for instance i am 22...orami?
Less terrorists and interrogation, more taxes and jobseekers' allowance?
Pretty much. Although it's a strange feeling when your mates have their own kids who call you Uncle. D:
Ha thats ok Pitzy, we all go through that's the whole ideo of "I'm getting old! I'm not ****ing 18 any more!!!"

Plus, the older you get, the faster time seems to fly. Man, I hate thinking about getting old. Why can't the feeling I had when I was much younger of, "time passing by slower" just stick with me the rest of my life? Is it because as adults we have more to concern ourselves with? It's sucks big time. :(

Used to be for me that a day seemed like a week.
I am 35 :hmph:
That's pretty old. Do you wear flannel shirts, stretchy pants and loafers yet? Not to mention Depends and hearing aids. :rolleyes:

On a serious note, I hope I never have to wear diapers when I get in my 60s or so. Then again, I guess that would be convenient, never having to go to the bathroom to empty and all.
*looks above* Saturos you bastard! :D

Plus, the older you get, the faster time seems to fly. Man, I hate thinking about getting old. Why can't the feeling I had when I was much younger of, "time passing by slower" just stick with me the rest of my life? Is it because as adults we have more to concern ourselves with? It's sucks big time. :(

Used to be for me that a day seemed like a week.

Tell me about it brother. Times change and people change. Just one of those things that you get used to.

:( *sigh*
You'll be right in about a year and two months.
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