How real dads play with their kids.

I've always felt like there was something missing from my childhood.

Now I know what that something is.
lol, I like the tricks the guy does with the little girl near the end, making her do back flips and catching her feet and stuff.. lol.
Looks fun, but a few more throws and we might have a dangerous whoopsie.
they cut out the grandma hurlin part
That sucks, imagine what would happen if they dropped one D:
This would be an entirely different thread if they missed catching one of those kids.
This would be an entirely different thread if they missed catching one of those kids.

How so? In that the title would be "Girl breaks neck while playing with her dad?" Pshht... Yeah... that would be different...
How so? In that the title would be "Girl breaks neck while playing with her dad?" Pshht... Yeah... that would be different...


There's a world of difference between people doing crazy stuff that is potentially dangerous and it being kind of hilarious and cool, and people doing that same stuff and having it suddenly go horribly wrong. A kid being tossed between two guys with almost careless abandon and being successfully caught, is far different than the aforementioned, with her landing to the earth below.

You'd have responses that initially range from "haha, that's awesome" or "wow, those crazy guys are stupid!", to things like, "Oh wow, that was horrible.", "Poor girl", "Stupid irresponsible morons."
It was a little dangerous, but I don't think there was any way in hell they were not going to at least slow the fall to an amount that would prevent injury.

Remember that it's the sudden stop that causes injury, not the fall.

Reminds me of the outrage from Michael Jackson dangling his child out of a balcony.

In my opinion, it was cute. The kids absolutely loved it. I felt like they knew what they were doing - perhaps American football players.

I don't recommend it, but hey, I trust they know what they are doing if the kids mother was Okay with it.
Sure, if they were throwing the kids while standing on a roof I'd say that's crazy, but some on, the worst thing that could happen is a bump and a cut or two. Kids are such babies.
the worst thing that could happen is a bump and a cut or two.

I hope you are joking Pitz D:

This is really bad, it's going to give a lot of young stupid parents bad ideas. Sure, I've always done goofy fun tricks with my little brother, but nothing that would greatly risk a concussion, a broken neck, or death. :rolleyes:

Terrible, terrible parenting.
And if the video involved one of the adults dropping the kids the responses would be so different, they would no longer be, "Haha! This is awesome fun!", everyone would have all high nosed double standard pretentious responses like, "This was really stupid of them, very stupid parents.", but no injury and it's, "Awesome parents, that looks fun!!"
When you see the kid climbing around in the car while they are driving down the road. That is a high probability for insta-kill in an accident.

This is nothing. The kids would have landed on their feet from no more than 4 feet up if there was any chance that they wouldn't have at least caught the fall some what, but there wasn't any chance of that, really.

I mean come on, will you let your kid swing at the park?
I think some of you guys over estimate the resiliency of toddlers' bodies. A simple smack to the head could have very serious repercussions.

This is nothing. The kids would have landed on their feet from no more than 4 feet up if there was any chance that they wouldn't have at least caught the fall some what, but there wasn't any chance of that, really.

Please don't have children.

Last time I checked toddlers don't usually land on their feet, in fact, toddlers fall so often because they are top heavy....
I said it was a bad idea and don't recommend it, meaning - 'wouldn't do it, wouldn't allow it, don't think they were using good judgment.'

I just think you guys are over-reacting. Terrible parents? Some parents buy their kids bicycles and four wheelers and stuff that is much more dangerous.
Ok, if they didn't catch the kids - they would've been fine..

The kids were being thrown feet facing down (except once I think), the kids may MAY have, AT THE ABSOLUTE WORST, broken their leg.. If the kids fell, then probably would have a few scrapes, though. Kids get hurt, it's what they do.. It wouldn't have SERIOUSLY (meaning fatally or life changingly) injured the kids, you guys are pussies, seriously. :|

Obviously if your a frail man, don't attempt this but if (using good judgment) you are strong and have good coordination, then go for it, just don't toss them as far as you can, obviously.
Again, for the record, if I was the parent I wouldn't allow it, but would if it was in a pool.
Guys, guys, it's okay. The kid would have only broken a leg.
Dog, please do not have children either.

I mean, really do you think they would have been fine? Do you understand anything about physics? Or are children made of pure rubber to you? Especially the parts where he was swinging her upside down and catching her legs, great way to get your face slammed into ground or your neck broken.

"AT THE ABSOLUTE WORST, broken their leg", you say that like it's not a big deal for a toddler to break it's damn leg.
A few scrapes? They get hurt, That's what kids do? Come on, are you that dense? There's a big difference between falling off your bike, and throwing a kid in all sorts of odd tricks back and forth. I don't think you understand what would happen if their head hit the ground.

Our little neighbor recently fell of her bike and hit her head, she couldn't remember things and they found out she had a blood clot from the impact.... Now the impact wasn't that much, so imagine basically throwing a toddler at the ground, or throwing a toddler at the ground while spinning in mid-air. :rolleyes:

"Yeah, huh, huh, you guy's are pussies for not throwing your childr- Oh shit...."
I think ZT may not have very good hand-eye coordination.
I once swung my little cousin around by his feet, and his head accidentally crashed through the plate sliding glass of the book cabinet in their living room. Ground that glass into a powder, he did. Not a scratch on 'em!
NONE OF YOU CAN HAVE CHILDREN!!!!! :frown::frown::frown::frown::frown::frown:
I wasn't serious of course......

He didn't grind the glass into a powder, it chopped through his ****ing head and neck like... glass through flesh.
I said it's fine to throw your kids back and forth as long as you use your good judgment to determine if you can control the situation (honestly, who here, as a child, wasn't thrown up and down by their father/uncle or whatever?), I never said anything about doing tricks with the kids like near the end of the video.

Your too uptight ZT, YOU shouldn't have kids, they'll grow up scared of the world while shitting themselves at every little thing.
Raise your children inside sterile padded containers with special oxygen.
I never knew being thrown through the air develops a sense of confidence and self-assurance.
12 feet my ass, maybe 5-6 feet, they may as well have been giving the kid to eachother and not tossing them, man!

EDIT: Actually there is no difference between throwing your kid 1 foot in the air, if you drop him, he's falling about 6-7 feet straight down, opposed to 5-7 feet hitting the ground, being thrown across? I'm sure he'd get more hurt slamming into the ground straight on rather then absorbing some of the trauma sliding across the ground and hitting it on an angle.
12 feet my ass, maybe 5-6 feet

Look closer.

EDIT: Actually there is no difference between throwing your kid 1 foot in the air, if you drop him, he's falling about 6-7 feet straight down, opposed to 5-7 feet hitting the ground, being thrown across? I'm sure he'd get more hurt slamming into the ground straight on rather then absorbing some of the trauma sliding across the ground and hitting it on an angle.

*slams head on desk* Once again, you are not understanding simple physics, the impact is very different, the velocity at which they are traveling when falling straight down 7 feet and when they are being tossed 12 feet across is very different and involves much less control. You have much more control of catching your kid when you toss him one foot in the air right in front of you than tossing your kid 12 feet across to another person that you also are expecting to have equal hand-eye coordination and to catch then correctly each time.
I agree it involves less control, but I don't agree on the fact that dropping a child 7 feet straight down will hurt significantly less then if you, basically, slide a child 12 feet across grass.

The child will get more bruises and scapes sliding across, but the child being dropped is in danger of things like broken leg/ankle, shattered pelvis, or if he tries to break his falls with his hands - broken arm/wrists/fingers..
This is right up there with Midget tossing in the greatest sports of all time
broken leg/ankle, shattered pelvis, or if he tries to break his falls with his hands - broken arm/wrists/fingers.. broken smashed cracked shattered snapped

Or you could not play lawn darts with your kids.
Why, I don't have to buy kids at the store.
If the kid was thrown like he was, especially in the most powerful throw shown, and there was nothing to stop him, the kid would be injured. I don't think one can argue that he wouldn't.

You can't buy lawn darts at the store.
He looks like an old woman right there.