How rich are you?


Aug 3, 2003
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That's right my friends, now's your chance to own all of the community! Just enter your yearly salary and it'll tell you your richness :naughty:

It says I'm in the top 5.5% :|
You are in the top 0,001% richest people in the world.
You don¹t need to know any more than that (and besides our calculator can't do sums that big).
Please consider donating just a small amount of your enormous wealth to help some of the poorest people in the world. Many of their lives could be improved dramatically or even saved if you donate just one hour's salary (approx $Infinity)
You are in the top 12.95% richest people in the world.

That was just a guess of how much I make a year but if any thing it'd be a lower estimate
Sorry, if you earn less than $90 a year we are unable to calculate your position on the richlist.

If this is the case you would be one of the billions of people who earn less than $2 a day. Typically you would also not have access to a computer or an Internet connection.

If you are earning less than $90 a year it¹d be unfair to ask you to donate money to Care International, if however, you actually earn more than this it may be worth re-calculating your position

Bastards... :(
im on a course.. with only 50 pounds a week

but im only 17 :p
my pocket money puts me in the top 40.36% >.<
and I'm 13. When i enter my dad's salary i get the top 0.42%
You are in the top 11.84% richest people in the world.
There are 5,289,469,598 people poorer than you.
How do you feel about that? A bit richer we hope. Please consider donating just a small amount to help some of the poorest people in the world. Many of their lives could be improved dramatically or even saved if you donate just one hour's salary (approx €9.59)

Oh, and in case you’re interested you are the 710,530,402 richest person in the world.
You are in the top 10.02% richest people in the world.
There are 5,398,344,113 people poorer than you.
How do you feel about that? A bit richer we hope. Please consider donating just a small amount to help some of the poorest people in the world. Many of their lives could be improved dramatically or even saved if you donate just one hour's salary (approx $17.36)

Oh, and in case you’re interested you are the 601,655,887 richest person in the world.

pwned x 5,398,344,113
There are 5,113,738,680 people poorer than you.

That feels so good for something so wrong.

Heh, I only work once per week.
Apparently i'm in the "top 0.894%", and i'm the "53,757,688th richest person" in the whole wide World....yeah right.
just cuz you make XX dollars/euros/*insert strange currency here* doesnt make you rich... you need to take into account all of the money you waste on booze, hookers, cable, and cigs :farmer:
and theres people in malasia working 7 days a week 20 hours a day for pennies :(
Yeah, they're screwing up our averages and making us feel guilty. Heartless bastards. :B
I'm the 981,363,637 richest person on earth.....well, at least i'm moving up in the world, since I used to be getting $0 annually
There are 5,018,636,363 people poorer than you - really? I dunno, they should put a thing on there that says + or - some amount of people
You are in the top 0.689% richest people in the world.
"You are in the top 0.748% richest people in the world." - My dad

holy f**k i feel guilty ;(

There are 5,955,082,055 people poorer than me.
From my student loan each year:

You are in the top 11.94% richest people in the world.
There are 5,283,337,645 people poorer than you.
How do you feel about that? A bit richer we hope. Please consider donating just a small amount to help some of the poorest people in the world. Many of their lives could be improved dramatically or even saved if you donate just one hour's salary (approx £6.25)

Oh, and in case you’re interested you are the 716,662,355 richest person in the world.

Meh, I'm poorer than that considering I'm spending it all on alcohol.

"You are in the top 0.748% richest people in the world." - My dad

holy f**k i feel guilty

There are 5,955,082,055 people poorer than me.

Don't feel bad... just imagine, if they were richer than you tomorrow, they'd make you perform unusual services for a shiny penny.
From my study grant ($1630/year) : "You are in the top 21.96% richest people in the world." Damn, all I need to do to get those money is to attend to school!
The_Monkey said:
From my study grant ($1630/year) : "You are in the top 21.96% richest people in the world." Damn, all I need to do to get those money is to attend to school!

until those banks want their money back ;)

edit: oh wait, it's a grant, nevermind
You are in the top 12.05% richest people in the world.
There are 5,276,739,974 people poorer than you.
You are in the top 0.731% richest people in the world.
There are 5,956,094,435 people poorer than you.
How do you feel about that? A bit richer we hope. Please consider donating just a small amount to help some of the poorest people in the world. Many of their lives could be improved dramatically or even saved if you donate just one hour's salary (approx $54.16)

Oh, and in case you’re interested you are the 43,905,565 richest person in the world.

That's my family income. However I think it's completly inaccurate. People have different expenses to tend to & a yearly salary cannot justify that.
You are in the top 3.17% richest people in the world.
There are 5,809,565,217 people poorer than you.

Man does this make me feel better :D
That site is sooo lame. I put in £1000 ($2100'ish) and it's pretty near the rich part.
StardogChampion said:
That site is sooo lame. I put in £1000 ($2100'ish) and it's pretty near the rich part.

It's actually pretty legit if you read through this -->

You look at that chart and realize that the top 10% of the world's population accounts for 94% of the worlds distribution of money and your $2100 annual salary really isn't all that rich. So basically, unless you fall into the top 10% category, then over 90% of the worlds money is distributed among people that make more than you.

It's actually a pretty clever setup to make you feel like you should be donating to this charity.
Holy crap! I only make around $5,000 a year, and I'm in the top 15% in the world! Kinda puts things in perspective...
$9.50/hr x 40 hrs a week x 52 weeks/year means I'm making just under $20,000 at this rate.

Top 10%
You are in the top 13.32% richest people in the world.
There are 5,200,413,971 people poorer than you.

Take that you 5.2 mil losers!
You are in the top 2.59% richest people in the world.
There are 5,844,347,826 people poorer than you.
How do you feel about that? A bit richer we hope. Please consider donating just a small amount to help some of the poorest people in the world. Many of their lives could be improved dramatically or even saved if you donate just one hour's salary (approx $29.16)

Oh, and in case you’re interested you are the 155,652,174 richest person in the world.

EDIT: That's my mom
You are in the top 61.16% richest people in the world.
There are 2,330,250,000 people poorer than you.

Hooray for $720 a year!