How rich are you?

Tr0n said:
I'm a poor mother ****er.

and yet you have the money for a computer.....

(mine isn't actually mine, it's owned by the goverment)
15357 said:
and yet you have the money for a computer.....

(mine isn't actually mine, it's owned by the goverment)
I'm a poor mother ****er. ;)

I'm on my step moms laptop....I have no money ether.
Tr0n said:
I'm a poor mother ****er. ;)

I'm on my step moms laptop....I have no money ether.


um.... look at bold texts
so who is the rich of the forums?

*<RJMC> sing "rich girl" of gwen stefany*
Don't worry, Ranga. You're only 251,139,46459 below me.


You are in the top 0,001% richest people in the world.
You don¹t need to know any more than that (and besides our calculator can't do sums that big).
Please consider donating just a small amount of your enormous wealth to help some of the poorest people in the world. Many of their lives could be improved dramatically or even saved if you donate just one hour's salary (approx €6944444444444.44)


4,000 posts! w00t!
Danimal said:
4,000 posts! w00t!
Tsk tsk...bragging about your postcount eh?

Didn't eatbugs do the same and get his postcount sent back to 0?
No, he just got 120 posts in one day.

They were spam.

I've done that a few times and so have others.

Edit: Oh they was spam...oh ok.
You are in the top 16.35% richest people in the world.


Of course, that's not me. That's my mom's.

EDIT: Oh wait, it's ANNUAL income. thought it's monthly...

Top 2.31% then. :E