How should the Half-Life Series End?


Jul 26, 2005
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I think it should end in a Bar with Barney finally buying you that beer and a Vortigan in the seat next to yah. Barney approaches the Bartender, which turns around and ends up being the G-man, who you thought was dead....... oh yah, Alyx is dead.
Not bad.

I think the ending would start off with a close-up of a bullsquid's face. the camera would gradually draw back until you realise that the bullsquid is actually draped around the shoulders of a fashionable woman, who is windowshopping in the snow on the run-up to christmas. As the camera draws further and further back you notice more happy shoppers, some with headcrab hats, some walking playful houndeyes. Gasmasked Combine troops chat contentedly with other humans, swapping the latest jokes and wishing eachother a merry Xmas, while vorts sweep the pavement (yes they are still slaves).

Then eventually the camera draws far enough back until you see a huge golden statue of Gordon sitting on a big throne, mounted on top of....ooh, let's say the newly constructed World Trade Centres. The picture fades as the bat symbol appears in the night sky, and the adrenaline music starts once again...
Skaadi said:
So Gordon finally gets his beer. About time.
Well damn right it's about time.I have been thinking about plugging a plasma round in his head for a while.Scratch that idea.:cheers:
1) Everyone spontaniously combusts

2) Alex says something about we did it we can rebuild society, holds your hand walk into see people cheering for you and credits fade in.
TollBooth Willie said:
Well damn right it's about time.I have been thinking about plugging a plasma round in his head for a while.Scratch that idea.:cheers:

Barney had better watch his back.......cheers:cheers:
Gordon fulfills his revenged after brutally being forced to pick up a soda can. (I really thought this was the reason behind Gordon's attack on the combine).
Laivasse said:
Not bad.

I think the ending would start off with a close-up of a bullsquid's face. the camera would gradually draw back until you realise that the bullsquid is actually draped around the shoulders of a fashionable woman, who is windowshopping in the snow on the run-up to christmas. As the camera draws further and further back you notice more happy shoppers, some with headcrab hats, some walking playful houndeyes. Gasmasked Combine troops chat contentedly with other humans, swapping the latest jokes and wishing eachother a merry Xmas, while vorts sweep the pavement (yes they are still slaves).

Then eventually the camera draws far enough back until you see a huge golden statue of Gordon sitting on a big throne, mounted on top of....ooh, let's say the newly constructed World Trade Centres. The picture fades as the bat symbol appears in the night sky, and the adrenaline music starts once again...
thats just crazy enough to work!
Rebel Medic... Your sig is incorrect. Pro Calhoun, not Coulhan ;)

As for the ending, VALVe will think of something. If there will be one, that is.
I think it should end with a final large battle with the combine on an off world battle field along side aliens from the other combine occupied planets then it ends with Freeman about to give his life for humanity and then the G-man saving him with a reason for doing so then the bar seen with Barney buying Gordon the beer sitting next to the aliens and then end credits.
I think when Freeman does whatever he does (kills the boss or something like that), then everything goes black. The Gman fades into view like usual and says "Well, its been quite a journey... Mr Freeman. Its sad for me to tell you... that.. your adventure ends here. You have proved that Gordon (middle name exposed) Freeman has accomplished great things, and possibly more deeds to come. I can tell you that rather than offering you the choice to return to your home planet, I choose to contend with my employers' rules and give you a grand reward for the work you have done. Choice is everything Mr Freeman, its what makes us. Its time for you to decide. While choosing one way, you will come to realise in the future the regret of not selecting the alternative, but what most people do not realise is that they are not.. meant to know the answer. That is why choice exists. It distracts us from the emptyness of perfection. When you make your choice Mr. Freeman, know that it is what happened and cannot be undone - well not under these circumstances. So Mr Freeman, do you accept? ... ... ... *Gman smiles* (or possibly another indication that Gordon made his choice). Alright... Goodbye Mr Freeman.. *turns and a pure white door opens. Straightens his tie and walks out.*
Then, it zooms out, the colours are inverted, the white door becomes black and the blackness becomes white. It zooms further out. A large black circle is revealed sitting atop what was the door. Its an 'i'. Its part of a sentence, which is part of a page, the last page of a book that is being held in someones hand. The camera zooms further out and it reveals gordon freeman holding the book. He is sitting at a park bench infront of a wide pond and trees around him. He closes the book and puts his foot on his needs and looks around. The camera zooms further out and away, over the trees, then fades... the end.

I think Freeman kills the final boss or whatever and everything goes black, and the Gman fades into view right infront of you like in the end of HL2. Then he says, simply: "It's been good doing business with you... Mr Freeman." Then he walks away, and the pure white door opens. He straightens his tie, and walks through. The door closes and the saga is completed.

Or you finally kill the boss, then the gman is talking to you, but he pulls out a gun, goes to fire at you, then you wake up. A nightmare is what its all been. Still in the First person view, gordon wipes away the sweat from his forehead, gets up, goes to the bathroom, and we finally see his face in the mirror!!
if it was all a dream that would suck, i thought the matrix was going to end like that before reloaded came out. Gordon wakes up at a starbucks where he has his ipod and apple computer, he dozed off while doing research on the new sample the lab brought in that he will be working with in a couple of hours on his way to black mesa :)
I would like it to end with Gordon replacing the G-Man in his job or becoming him. You look at your hands and instead of the gloves of your HEV it's a blue suit, you look in a mirror, straighten up your tie and drift around space holding planets with your newly acquirred Godlike powers. Where you go from now and what you do is up to you. Fate is in your hands.
I don't know what to expect. I won't even try to think of an ending because I don't want to disappoint myself or whatever.

I think that, in the end, some things need to remain unexplained/ambiguous. On some level, it needs to be conveyed that there are forces at work that one will never know or understand, be it the G-Man's agenda or something else's. When all's said and done, Gordon is still a tool.

Of course, some kind of ascension in Gordon's character is also possible. I'm not quite sure what I mean by that, but there is a reason behind his selection. Perhaps the G-Man will unveil all to him. Perhaps Gordon will become a plane-walking figure as well. Maybe he will see the ends of the universe. Who knows.
I want it to end with Gordon saying "...All in a days work." then he blows up and you hear "Surfing Bird" slowly starting to play in the background, then it gets louder and it cuts off to the credits.
1) barney should go completely insane and he finally buys you a beer. But it's so big that you drown in it, while barney laughs histerically. Then your last, beer drenched sight is two men walking through a door. They are then revealed to be kliener (recenteley zombified by Lamaar) and gman who is now largely obese because of his new found addiction to donuts. THe last words you hear come from klieners muffled head saying "She's completely debeaked and harmless".

the other option is that : Barney gives you lots of beer and you get so drunk that you successfully fit Alyx into a pickle jar and then claim that you are Gman's father. The End
Spike said:
1) barney should go completely insane and he finally buys you a beer. But it's so big that you drown in it, while barney laughs histerically. Then your last, beer drenched sight is two men walking through a door. They are then revealed to be kliener (recenteley zombified by Lamaar) and gman who is now largely obese because of his new found addiction to donuts. THe last words you hear come from klieners muffled head saying "She's completely debeaked and harmless".

the other option is that : Barney gives you lots of beer and you get so drunk that you successfully fit Alyx into a pickle jar and then claim that you are Gman's father. The End


but if Valve does that, it would ruin it.

Skaadi said:
Barney had better watch his back.......cheers:cheers:
Damn right he better I ll hit him with a Louisville fricking slugger!

Heres how I think it should end:Gordon and Alyx have the ugliest damn children youd ever see.Kleiner finally gets hair.Eli gets a bullsquid to eat a Combines leg and uses it as his own(I have Gmod photo of it that I would post.Lamarr has a heartattack and nearly dies after eating too much melon.Barney gets drunk and beats himself nearly retarded.And the G-Man?well he not only gets owned by Gordon,but he also becomes a pawn/slave of the dreaded F-Man!Fade in G-Man gives speech to Gordon:T-Thanks a-lot asssssshole......I'm now someeeeee oone elsssses bitchh.I hope yyyyoure H-Happy.Biiiiite meeeee....Camera fade out.End of story.:cheers: :frown:
As long as G-man isn't Gordon's father, I don't really care. I really don't.

Oh, and Alyx isn't Gordon's sister.

Gordon will have completed most of his adventures or whatever he does. He will finally relax and turn on the TV and Gman will appear in front of him. And um... Gman will be in a dress. Yes in a dress. He will say "Get off your lazy ass and take Rupert out for his ear exam!!" and Gordon will realize that Gman is his wife. He looks around for a person named "Rupert" and soon finds out that "Rupert" is a guinea-pig. He takes the guinea-pig to the VET and reminds the secretary of his appointment. She looks at him weirdly, and says, "We dont treat pets here, Mr. Man." And he looked at the sign and saw the word "VET" in giant letters.
"But why not, Its a VET isnt it?" Gordon asked. "And Why did you call me Mr. Man?" "Thats your name isnt it? And This is not a Pet Treatment Center." Said the secretary. Gordon now looked at the sign, under the words VET, it said -"Veteran Enterainment Toolhouse". Gordon looked confused. "Ok, but why did you call me Mr. Man?" he said.
"Because thats your name, G Man? Right?" she said.
jOOblaR said:
I think when Freeman does whatever he does (kills the boss or something like that), then everything goes black. The Gman fades into view like usual and says "Well, its been quite a journey... Mr Freeman. Its sad for me to tell you... that.. your adventure ends here. You have proved that Gordon (middle name exposed) Freeman has accomplished great things, and possibly more deeds to come. I can tell you that rather than offering you the choice to return to your home planet, I choose to contend with my employers' rules and give you a grand reward for the work you have done. Choice is everything Mr Freeman, its what makes us. Its time for you to decide. While choosing one way, you will come to realise in the future the regret of not selecting the alternative, but what most people do not realise is that they are not.. meant to know the answer. That is why choice exists. It distracts us from the emptyness of perfection. When you make your choice Mr. Freeman, know that it is what happened and cannot be undone - well not under these circumstances. So Mr Freeman, do you accept? ... ... ... *Gman smiles* (or possibly another indication that Gordon made his choice). Alright... Goodbye Mr Freeman.. *turns and a pure white door opens. Straightens his tie and walks out.*
Then, it zooms out, the colours are inverted, the white door becomes black and the blackness becomes white. It zooms further out. A large black circle is revealed sitting atop what was the door. Its an 'i'. Its part of a sentence, which is part of a page, the last page of a book that is being held in someones hand. The camera zooms further out and it reveals gordon freeman holding the book. He is sitting at a park bench infront of a wide pond and trees around him. He closes the book and puts his foot on his needs and looks around. The camera zooms further out and away, over the trees, then fades... the end.

By far the most creative response i've read! That was cool, well written too. Gman's dialogue is pretty spot on. Well done.

I don't think it's quite what valve would do - however i personally expect a bit of a reality bender like that.

I've been throwing the idea around that in the end they will explain why your path through the game has been so linear, and why your luck is so great. We all know it's a game, but what if they actually explained that element of it in the gaming world?

Could be cool.

I don't think we should expect an ending which ties everything up, that's for sure... I'm crossing my fingers for a bit of a mind bender :D
I agree with the OP, Barney buying you a drink or something when everything is back to normal, and then Llammar the lesbian prophet of god comes in to turn Freeman into a mannican.
How should the Half-Life series end?

With hell freezing over.

I don't want it to end...

I have vague inklings of what Valve have planned and the odd idea of my own, but I won't put them up for display because a) I myself get confused by them and b) if I'm right Valve might feel the need to change their plans :p

Hope we're looking at a few more quality sequels and expansions before Gabe and co. decide to put Freeman to rest, though... :(
I'm almost 500% certain that Half-Life 3 will be the end.
You know I felt like I've seen that before....or maybe it was just me imaging it.
I think that the story should be built up into this situation that is so hopelessy desperate the in the very last level of the very last game, it has gotten to the point that G-Man is fighting alongside you.
This is the way the world ends. This is the way the world ends. This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang, but with a whimper.
HL should end with Gman taking his mask off, and he's a clone of Gordan Freeman and then he goes "I'M YOU!! BUT HOW CAN YOU BE ME IF I'M YOU!" And then they gangrape Alyx
I think that Valve should end the series like they plan on making another one (like Matrix 1 or the ending of HL1) but not make a sequel. that would be groovy.

EDIT: What do you think Valve is going to do after the Half-Life series?
Never really found Alyx attractive, maybe a little cute, but nothing like the PC Gamer made her out to be. I just dont like dark chocolate.
It ends with Gordon's death, and G-Man's creepy chuckle/laughter fading away along with the image... And the Load function doesn't work... Blood drips onto the screen until it's blurry enough for you not to see all the commotion. You can hear the battle in the background, but G-Man's snicker becomes louder than the battle, and soon sounds of guns fade away, and so does G-Man's insanely scary laughter. When the screen finally goes from blurry red to total black, and you can't hear anything... "It has been a pleasure working with you, Dr. Freeman. It really was."
Uriel said:
Never really found Alyx attractive, maybe a little cute, but nothing like the PC Gamer made her out to be. I just dont like <a style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="" onmouseover="window.status='dark chocolate'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">dark chocolate[/url].
You don't like chocolate?