How should the Half-Life Series End?

I think it should end with Gordon returning to Black Mesa. WAIT!. Not some kiddy time-travel thing where you can change the future, but consider the theory of a universal record of past, present, and future. The game ends with you on a tram in Black Mesa, but its a bubble of time that repeats itself (this bubble of time is something the G-man can't change, thus getting out of his influence). The screen fades and says something like this.

SUBJECT: Gordon Freeman
STATUS: Escaped sphere of influence

The scientific theory (forgot what it is called) states that time doesn't exist, and is an un-erasable record of all events.
No, the series should end with Freeman and Barney going into a bar to get that beer. but, they have been beaten to it by ..... The marines from OP4! ("If we get out of this I'll buy you all a beer, hell i'll buy the whole damn bar!") and the final words are Barney saying "er... sorry gordon" then it fades to black....


It is finally revealed that the G-man is infact keith from the accounts department of the Shrewsbury branch of Marks & Spencer and that the whole Black Mesa fiasco was simply an attemt to increase their sales by teleporting hapless victims into their stores with no warning and that Gordon has been ordered to run the first Xenian branch of M&S and you are teleported to a building site on xen and then it fades to black.
Bob_Marley said:
It is finally revealed that the G-man is infact keith from the accounts department of the Shrewsbury branch of Marks & Spencer and that the whole Black Mesa fiasco was simply an attemt to increase their sales by teleporting hapless victims into their stores with no warning and that Gordon has been ordered to run the first Xenian branch of M&S and you are teleported to a building site on xen and then it fades to black.

Laidlaw curses you and your storywriting skills.
Pesmerga said:
Laidlaw curses you and your storywriting skills.
I know, I know but it was never meant to be taken seriosly. I really need to come up with a new theory (the M&S thing is getting old and I bet the majority of the people on this forum have no idea what I'm talking about, because I know I havent got a clue what the hell I'm wittering on about with that one.....) oh well.
After a shortlived, jolly time getting that beer with barney, the duo gets a call from Kliener telling them to rush over. It turns out Lamaar (or however in gods name you spell it) has come down with a terrible case of the clap and its upto you, gordom super scientist freeman to do god knows what and forever change the way the world works and save llamar, thus starting Almost, but notquite full - life.
The ESRB Death Squad comes out from nowhere and arrests Gordon because someone made a nude model for Alyx. All the 18+ year olds were mortified.
Uriel said:
Never really found Alyx attractive, maybe a little cute, but nothing like the PC Gamer made her out to be. I just dont like dark chocolate.

I thought she was milk chocolate...

How the HL series ends:

Gordon wakes up from his dream, and notices he is late for today's experiment!
Uriel said:
I think it should end in a Bar with Barney finally buying you that beer
By the time the last HL is released, you'll actually be able to taste and simulate the effects of having drunk the beer! This will cause much problems with Senator Hillary Clinton, who through the use of her life-lengthening drugs and bio-commu link is the hive mind of the US government. In retaliation for the number of minors who get drunk in the final scene of Half-Life, she will do her worst: upgrade Half-Life 25 from it's 17+ Mature status, to the "slightly more Mature" rating of 17 1/2+.

It would take an ending where you bone Alyx to put it into the 17 3/4+ "Even more Mature" classification.
kupoartist said:
By the time the last HL is released, you'll actually be able to taste and simulate the effects of having drunk the beer! This will cause much problems with Senator Hillary Clinton, who through the use of her life-lengthening drugs and bio-commu link is the hive mind of the US government. In retaliation for the number of minors who get drunk in the final scene of Half-Life, she will do her worst: upgrade Half-Life 25 from it's 17+ Mature status, to the "slightly more Mature" rating of 17 1/2+.

It would take an ending where you bone Alyx to put it into the 17 3/4+ "Even more Mature" classification.

Scarriest thought, ever.
jOOblaR said:
I think when Freeman does whatever he does (kills the boss or something like that), then everything goes black. The Gman fades into view like usual and says "Well, its been quite a journey... Mr Freeman. Its sad for me to tell you... that.. your adventure ends here. You have proved that Gordon (middle name exposed) Freeman has accomplished great things, and possibly more deeds to come. I can tell you that rather than offering you the choice to return to your home planet, I choose to contend with my employers' rules and give you a grand reward for the work you have done. Choice is everything Mr Freeman, its what makes us. Its time for you to decide. While choosing one way, you will come to realise in the future the regret of not selecting the alternative, but what most people do not realise is that they are not.. meant to know the answer. That is why choice exists. It distracts us from the emptyness of perfection. When you make your choice Mr. Freeman, know that it is what happened and cannot be undone - well not under these circumstances. So Mr Freeman, do you accept? ... ... ... *Gman smiles* (or possibly another indication that Gordon made his choice). Alright... Goodbye Mr Freeman.. *turns and a pure white door opens. Straightens his tie and walks out.*

damn you're good! :D