How the G-Man could be Gordon


Oct 21, 2004
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Yes I have firgured out a way...
The biggest argument that would say he isn't would be that Gordon would have died in the first game unless the G-Man saved him.
But what if the G-Man caused some of the things that happened in Black Masa.
Just say if the G-Man wasn't there the whole thing wouldn't have happened, or you wouldn't have done certain things.
So if the above is true, Then it is fully possible for the G-Man to be Gordon Freeman...
The only reason I write this is because I'm bored, think it could be possible, and I just like the over all idea :E
Makes no sense. If Gman was responsable, then the first time through, nothing would have happened and Gordon would have continued to be an ordinary scientist.

Other reasons why Gman is not Gordon:
Gman has Gordon killed in the alternate ending of HL1
We are Gordon. This is the philosophy of the HL games. So how are we supposed to believe that Gman is us?

There was a ton of BS about how Gman = Gordon Freeman was a HL2 spoiler. I said from the begining it was BS, and clearly it was. VALVe will certainly not do this in HL3.
Gordon cannot be the G-man. Why? Because Valve has stated that you are Gordon, meaning that I am Gordon. Now as far as I know, I'm not the G-man.
You are\I am that Gordon in that universe.
Just because he would have killed himself doesn't mean he would die.
And the G-Man being Gordon could have found something and need to change it in the past, knowing how good he was\is he desided to go bake and use himself.
Why couldn't this have gone in one of the other million gman=gordon threads? This exact thing has been stated more times than you can imagine. Not as bad as steam forum though, there it is like every 10 minutes there is another gman=gordon thread(exagurating)
Gman is the connection between the HL world and the REAL world.
Or maybe Gman is a figment of Gordon's imagination (what's the psychological term for that? displacement? delusion?)

LOL. Gordon has an imaginary friend.
I say the ending for HL3 will be ****ed up, but in a good way that is
I think G-man's name is undoubtedly a shortened version of Gordon freeMAN

whether or not this indicates that G-man is gordon's alter ego or what not isnt entirely clear, but hopefully HL3 will reveal this!
all i say is i hope g-man isnt gordon. or that g-man is gordons immagination or something like that. thats just crappy unoriginal writing to me. valve.... please dont..... it would hurt me inside.
gm4n123 said:
I think G-man's name is undoubtedly a shortened version of Gordon freeMAN

whether or not this indicates that G-man is gordon's alter ego or what not isnt entirely clear, but hopefully HL3 will reveal this!

Posts like these make Baby Gordon cry :|
but what is g man is gordon from the future and he traveled bak in time to save himself because when he was at the same time as gordon..g man came back and saved him so he wants to do the same...etc. etc.
if gordon was g-man it will really soil it, i dont thing so
The G-man turning out to be Gordon would be an even worse ending than the one in the Matrix Revolutions.
Or maybe they'll pull a George Lucas on us...

"Gordon... I am your father."


"Come here and give your daddy a hug!"
SixThree said:
Gordon cannot be the G-man. Why? Because Valve has stated that you are Gordon, meaning that I am Gordon. Now as far as I know, I'm not the G-man.

How can you be sure? :LOL::LOL::LOL::LOL:
G-man is an alien, how can people still be arguing over this, it is SO obvious.

#1. He dresses like a suit from the 50's.

#2. He walks and talks like a robot.

#3. All of the Aliens have some weird fascination with him, and most of them seem to think humans are boring (Gordon being the exception obviously because he is the main character.)

#4. When he talks notice how long it takes for him to think of the words to speak to Gordon, and how he halts, it's because whatever alien race he is rarely speaks English, or has trouble speaking it at all.
Dem0nEgg said:
Posts like these make Baby Gordon cry :|

ha ha..


edit: antlion- w00t!
gm4n123 said:
I think G-man's name is undoubtedly a shortened version of Gordon freeMAN

correct me if i am wrong here but wasnt it us the community who gave the title "g-man" to g-man? or atleast thats what i have heard ... or maybe lack of sleep is finally getting me :rolleyes:
I think g-man is acting on gordon's behalf. Who ever wants to employ gordon has to go through g-man.
he could be from the future, and teleports you places, like in the start of hl2 in the train, the dude says "i didn't see you get on"
It could work. But how did the G-Man get to black mesa in the first place? Why is he involed with black mesa? and how can you show that the G-man is you. i can only think of interdimensional rift between to dimensions, so that there can be more then one of a object E.g. a human. but how does the G-man look older then Gordon. moving between dimensions could be genetically damaging.

I think i watch to much star trek...
MiccyNarc said:
The G-man is not Gordon. How do I know?
The G-man can talk.

Actually that's true. You're correct. Now we know for sure the G-man isn't Gordon Freeman. (Might be Gordan Spreeman though, Gordon's evil twin).
I think that the G-man could be Gordon from the future, it seems to me that time travel and the manipulation of time is a recurring theme. The teleportation devices all seem to show you things that you will see in the natural course of the game, as if you are seeing into the future. This is just some theory I thought up filled with turkey and very sleepy, so sorry if its been done, or is completely stupid
SixThree said:
Gordon cannot be the G-man. Why? Because Valve has stated that you are Gordon, meaning that I am Gordon. Now as far as I know, I'm not the G-man.
