How the hell...Glass Trick?


Jul 23, 2005
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he obviously had a coin under the table. Duh. Coins don't go through glass.
xcellerate said:
he obviously had a coin under the table. Duh. Coins don't go through glass.
What about when the girls did it? And the ****ing salt shaker!?!?! :O
That's wiggy, there are a few tricks I couldn't explain if my life depended on it.
I wish I knew Japanese, then that would have been much better.
vegeta897 said:
What about when the girls did it? And the ****ing salt shaker!?!?! :O

The last coin was a coin for the salt shaker I am guessing this was set up. Must have switched it from under the table to the top quickly so we wouldnt notice and still think it was on the bottom so he then began to pull it up.
Glirk Dient said:
The last coin was a coin for the salt shaker I am guessing this was set up. Must have switched it from under the table to the top quickly so we wouldnt notice and still think it was on the bottom so he then began to pull it up.
Are you insinuating a staged crowd and everything?
Only possible way is if the glass had an area of a cross linked polymer with a pin hole in the centre, allowing very slow objects to stretch it but on the quick tap seems like glass.
And even that would be hard to make look realistic.
yeh bt think about it wht if its not staged, he just walks into a restaurant or wotever even gets randomers to do the trick n its gets stuck IN the glass...its rele odd n insane never the less a pretty cool trick, has anyone ever seen tricks involing stuff like tht before ?
vegeta897 said:
Are you insinuating a staged crowd and everything? shens link. Staged table with sliding glass and assistants and all.
did nobody else notice that he picked up at least two coins from the woman's hand and hid one in the fold of skin between his palm and fingers quickly whilst moving his hand away?
wow, weird:p

i wish i new french, then i could understand what he is saying

PS its actually magic you fools, get it right.
The salt shaker part looked like it was added post-process, or at least some of it. When he drops it to the table after passing it through the glass it looks really fake.
XQUZYPHYR from the comments from shens' link said:
The coin tricks are palming; That part's easy and uses assistants at the table. The real purpose of the two coin tricks are to establish expectations for the middle saltshaker trick that actually requires some technical trickery.

So, the saltshaker trick- It's actually a very cool variation of a basic trick you can get in most kids magic sets, where you push a pencil through two playing cards each covering one side of a glass pane. You'll notice the magician's left table side (the end of the table closest to the viewer) doesn't has a glass section like the right side does, and is covered by objects; this is to hide the fact that the table is A. not symmetrical, and B. that the middle panel slides to the left. The cigarettes and other objects are there to dispell that theory, but the way this visual was improved was that there are actually two panes. The top doesn't move but already has a hole; the poured salt covers up the thin line around the top glass layer that would reveal this. (If you are watching the first coin trick when they do a quick zoom on the coin you'll see the faint outline about two inches below the pack of cigarettes reflected by the camera lighting). When he places his hands over the pile he (or more likely an assistant at the end of the table) slides the lower glass panel to align a second hole move the shaker. Then it slides back as he puts the shaker down. He then quicky moves to a new trick at the other side of the table so no one tries to take a closer look. As everyone around the table is an assistant (including the one to his far left who, probably, did the glass sliding while everyone was starting at him) none of the actual audience members are close enough to see the thin remnants of the top-layer hole.
Sounds like he's right.
the_lone_wolf said:
did nobody else notice that he picked up at least two coins from the woman's hand and hid one in the fold of skin between his palm and fingers quickly whilst moving his hand away?

No, I didn't, nice eyes!
Puzzlemaker said:
No, I didn't, nice eyes!
I noticed that he had something under his hand when he started that salkshakertrick. You can hear it when he puts his hand on the table and when he moves his hand towards the shaker. I thought it was a coin or something and was awaiting the trick. When the salkshaker just hang there I thought it must've been a magnet, untill he pulled it through :|
i hate how magic is becoming just as bad as 'reality' tv is. I mean, christ whatever happen to the good old days of, pick a card any card. It's not ****ing magic if your onlookers are staged, the enviornment is staged, and you use camera tricks!
Well, the whole point of magic is not knowing how they do it. If you figure out how its done of course it will be ruined.
yea, but i don't count it as a trick if you require a trick table. If you want to do a card trick, then you shouldn't require a trick deck.
but there is always a "trick" involved, there is no real magic...only slight of hand.
what about this trick?

it's forsale at:

the 'comment's below give some hints:
"I mean yes there are some limitations (can't do in highly lit room) but other than that"
"you need to control your spectators and make sure they don't get "grabby"
"It's easy to do, (Except for the bend...) and it's so unnoticible"
"This trick take a minute or so to set up, after around 5 minutes you have to set it up again"
There is some trick involved, I dont know what that is, but I'm sure it's there.
xcellerate said:
yea, but i don't count it as a trick if you require a trick table. If you want to do a card trick, then you shouldn't require a trick deck.
Special props and decks are ok i think. Self working tricks have their place, it gives you a lot of control over the presentation ('extreme mental effort' is a great example). Just as long as you dont rely on them because you cant be arsed practising sleights.
Agree with you about camera tricks and stooges/assistants.
didnt know eminem was a magician
First thing, the salt and pepper shakers are clearly plants. He pretends to look around for a while, but you can tell he was always going for the shakers when he eventually does pick them. Also notice that the shaker is relatively narrow.

Notice that his sleeves are rolled up until ~1:59, at which point his left sleeve is magically down around his wrist again. Somewhere between then and 2:20 he puts another shaker up his sleeve, probably in some sort of brace.

What he does is pretend to put his hand through the table, but what he actually does is just bend his fingers under his hand. Then using another magnet, he takes control of the shaker.

At this point he has control of the shaker, so then he uses a trick of perspective to make it seem like it is rising up. All he does is change it's angle relative to the table and drag it towards himself, and cover up the end we can see with his hand to make it seem like it is passing through the table.

All he does next is continue to hide the shaker with his left hand, while he pulls out the dummy shaker which is hidden in his sleeve and hand (which is actually a clear rubber or flexible shaker, with a glass bottom). Once he has the shaker under the table sufficiently hidden between the camera and his arm ( note how he swings his arm around at ~3:38 to cover the original shaker), he pulls out the rest of the rubber shaker in one motion while dropping the real shaker in such a way that from the cameras perspective you can't see it fall.

The real clincher is when at the very end he drops the dummy shaker: it lands with the sharp noise you'd expect from dropping glass on glass, but wobbles slightly as it comes to rest ;)


Look, you can even see the shaker on the ground under the table... This is a screenie taken at 4:43
losermeetsworld said:
First thing, the salt and pepper shakers are clearly plants. He pretends to look around for a while, but you can tell he was always going for the shakers when he eventually does pick them. Also notice that the shaker is relatively narrow.

Notice that his sleeves are rolled up until ~1:59, at which point his left sleeve is magically down around his wrist again. Somewhere between then and 2:20 he puts another shaker up his sleeve, probably in some sort of brace.

What he does is pretend to put his hand through the table, but what he actually does is just bend his fingers under his hand. Then using another magnet, he takes control of the shaker.

At this point he has control of the shaker, so then he uses a trick of perspective to make it seem like it is rising up. All he does is change it's angle relative to the table and drag it towards himself, and cover up the end we can see with his hand to make it seem like it is passing through the table.

All he does next is continue to hide the shaker with his left hand, while he pulls out the dummy shaker which is hidden in his sleeve and hand (which is actually a clear rubber or flexible shaker, with a glass bottom). Once he has the shaker under the table sufficiently hidden between the camera and his arm ( note how he swings his arm around at ~3:38 to cover the original shaker), he pulls out the rest of the rubber shaker in one motion while dropping the real shaker in such a way that from the cameras perspective you can't see it fall.

The real clincher is when at the very end he drops the dummy shaker: it lands with the sharp noise you'd expect from dropping glass on glass, but wobbles slightly as it comes to rest ;)


Look, you can even see the shaker on the ground under the table... This is a screenie taken at 4:43

You... you put a lot of time into that, didn't you? Well, good job. Good job ruining the MAGIC. *sob*
vegeta897 said:
Are you insinuating a staged crowd and everything?
Certain people in the crowd to make sure people do what he wants them to do. It was set up to make the tricks work.
Man, if someone offered me an opportunity to work with people like this guy... Well, I'd be the happiest guy on Earth.