How the HL Series Should END

Jul 30, 2009
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In my opinion Alyx Vance just has to die. Everyone Gordon cares about must be taken away from him so that in the end he can take on the Combine of one mind and body totally comitted to victory.

I think however a nice and fitting tribute to Ms Vance would be the camera panning out into Third Person to reveal Gordon on his knees crying over Ms Vance's lifeless form.

Then he can get all raged up and have a quiet determination to avenge this betrayal. This would make the player angry and raged too and really want to kick the Combine.

Now, where have I seen this before...
I went and saw the movie the friday after it was released.

I made out with my girlfriend afterwards.
Gordon looks in the mirror and sees nothing at all...thats how it should end. and then in the credits gnomes carry gordon to a rocket and launch him into a black hole thus saving 2 universes from destruction and collision with eachother.
Hey guys, I just rote about a fictional vidya character getting killed.

D'ya rekon RakuraiTenjin will show up claiming he wants to "beat my ass down" for being a sicko murder fantasist?

Y'all shudda reported that guy to the cops for threats of violence and sodomy, freal.
Problem is Gordon isn't emo enough to pull of harry potter behaviour.
In my opinion Alyx Vance just has to die. Everyone Gordon cares about must be taken away from him so that in the end he can take on the Combine of one mind and body totally comitted to victory.
I agree that this would have been a good, bleak direction to take the story. However I think Valve missed their opportunity to go that way when they opted to make episodic content dealing with the direct aftermath of HL2's ending, as opposed to leaping straight forward to a HL3 in which we would only hear hints of what happened.

Since Episode 1, the focus has been so strongly on Alyx (for better or worse...) that to kill her off now would send the entire narrative momentum skew-whiff. Most players would just feel kind of cheated, I think. 3rd person interludes just aren't compatible with Valve's storytelling philosophy; you'll never see them, and so the only way to give such an event its required gravity would be through music and NPC reactions. That's been done in Episode 2 and I doubt it would work well just to pull off the same show with Alyx on the floor.

I think the HL series has to end with a conflict between Gordon and whoever Gman represents (or just Gman himself). There's no way I can see that fitting satisfactorily into Episode 3 though, considering the Combine haven't even yet been dealt with.
ok. generally negative.

whut about hot coffee mod for HL 3 /w gord alyx from FP perspective?
I think however a nice and fitting tribute to Ms Vance would be the camera panning out into Third Person to reveal Gordon on his knees crying over Ms Vance's lifeless form.

That would ruin the immersion of the Half-Life Series if they implemented a scene similar to what you described in one of the games, though. Some players might not find it sad if Alyx Vance was ever to die in the story.
Bioshock's ending elucidated more of an emotional response from me than anything in HL so far.
lol bioshock - it's okay if you like ripoffs, but we don't here
are you kidding liek?? Bioshocks ending ruined the game for a lot of people. it was complete shit and imo was pretty meh
nope, not kidding

the bit with ur dad was pretty good too...

While I don't think Bioshock ended on a fantastic note, it's a stretch to say it ruined the game.
In my opinion Alyx Vance just has to die. Everyone Gordon cares about must be taken away from him so that in the end he can take on the Combine of one mind and body totally comitted to victory.

I think however a nice and fitting tribute to Ms Vance would be the camera panning out into Third Person to reveal Gordon on his knees crying over Ms Vance's lifeless form.

Then he can get all raged up and have a quiet determination to avenge this betrayal. This would make the player angry and raged too and really want to kick the Combine.


I agree with the whole Alyx dieing thing but instead of the combine killing her it should be the G-Man.
Valve should go Clockwork Orange and have GMan rape then kill Alyx while resurrected Breen holds you down forcing you to watch.
Half-Life 3 should follow the same formula as HL2, with two or three Episodes following the main installment. HL3: Ep2 should end with a hair-ripping, hell-raising cliffhanger leading to a few suicides, then ValvE will intentionally stop working on HL for ten years, creating a Duke Nukem Forever type situation while they work on Left4Dead 13.
Having another major character die isn't a huge deal, and if they start just killing off our buddies like it's nothing, it'll be like reading the last Harry Potter book, where after a while the deaths meant less and less. A very interesting way to take it would be for Gordon to die, yeah, seriously. Maybe even have him die before we can see if the main conflict is resolved, leave Alyx all alone...
I think that'd be more powerful.
And the whole thing with the camera going to 3rd person? just no.
Having another major character die isn't a huge deal, and if they start just killing off our buddies like it's nothing, it'll be like reading the last Harry Potter book, where after a while the deaths meant less and less. A very interesting way to take it would be for Gordon to die, yeah, seriously. Maybe even have him die before we can see if the main conflict is resolved, leave Alyx all alone...
I think that'd be more powerful.
And the whole thing with the camera going to 3rd person? just no.

What if Gordon and Alyx get together at the end, and the final scene shows them walking hand in hand into a sunset, while the ghostly, ethereal form of Eli appears in the clouds, smiling benignly down on them followed with a fade to black?
What if Gordon and Alyx get together at the end, and the final scene shows them walking hand in hand into a sunset, while the ghostly, ethreal form of Eli appears in the clouds, smiling benignly down on them followed with a fade to black?

I would travel to ValvE headquarters and crowbar everyone there in the face.
What if Gordon and Alyx get together at the end, and the final scene shows them walking hand in hand into a sunset, while the ghostly, ethreal form of Eli appears in the clouds, smiling benignly down on them followed with a fade to black?

I lol'd.
What if Gordon and Alyx get together at the end, and the final scene shows them walking hand in hand into a sunset, while the ghostly, ethreal form of Eli appears in the clouds, smiling benignly down on them followed with a fade to black?

The best part about this post is the sincerity.
I'd like it to end waking up in the destroyed remains of the Borealis, the room you're in completely destroyed with no visible way out, and Alyx nowhere that can be seen, after you both just barely fail to escape the Borealis. You can look around for a bit, with no weapons or anything, until everything freezes, and the G-Man appears to Gordon once again, this time with an evil smirk. He gives his final speech of this saga, kind enough to see Gordon off at least, before ending it with "Thank you for your time, Dr. Freeman, it looks like this is where you get off". Then he simply walks away and vanishes, nothing revealed or learned about him.

I really like him better all mysterious, adds to his character.
I'd like it to end waking up in the destroyed remains of the Borealis, the room you're in completely destroyed with no visible way out, and Alyx nowhere that can be seen, after you both just barely fail to escape the Borealis. You can look around for a bit, with no weapons or anything, until everything freezes, and the G-Man appears to Gordon once again, this time with an evil smirk. He gives his final speech of this saga, kind enough to see Gordon off at least, before ending it with "Thank you for your time, Dr. Freeman, it looks like this is where you get off". Then he simply walks away and vanishes, nothing revealed or learned about him.

I really like him better all mysterious, adds to his character.

Make love to me.
Trying to start up another casuals vs. competitive-esque thread in the HL Mythology section, eh?

Trying to start up another casuals vs. competitive-esque thread in the HL Mythology section, eh?


Cos you add -esque it validates your non existent logic. How can anything be "casual vs competitive - esque". Surely you can define what it is you want to say a bit better than that, right?
I would travel to ValvE headquarters and crowbar everyone there in the face.


HL3 should be you somehow travelling back in time and preventing the BMI from happening.
The final boss being the G-Man as he was the one who delivered the sample. I think the G-Man just wants to make Gordon's life miserable for his own enjoyment.
What if Gordon and Alyx get together at the end, and the final scene shows them walking hand in hand into a sunset, while the ghostly, ethereal form of Eli appears in the clouds, smiling benignly down on them followed with a fade to black?

Well, that would be a very cliched and corny ending, if you want me to be honest with you.


HL3 should be you somehow travelling back in time and preventing the BMI from happening.
The final boss being the G-Man as he was the one who delivered the sample. I think the G-Man just wants to make Gordon's life miserable for his own enjoyment.

Eh, I don't think so; that would completely change the entire story the Half-Life Series is based upon. Besides, I really don't want to go back in time to 'stop' the resonance cascade from happening, that would make no sense if you look deeper into it. What I'm trying to say is, I don't want to go back-- I want to keep progressing forward through the story and learn new information about the plot. I want to find out more about the G-Man and learn what happened to Barney Calhoun (some say he's dead, but who knows). There are so many things that I want to learn about, and I'm sure many other people think the same way as me.

The ending comment that I responded to would call for such action. Another fitting punishment would be to lock them in a room and force them to watch nothing but DukeNukemForever trailers, a la Clockwork Orange.
Radiation floods the Borealis, causing you and Alyx to fall to the ground with burns and nausea. You are wisked away by Vortigaunts, but they couldn't retrieve Alyx. When the radiation subsides the charred remains of Alyx is found. As you spend the next month in intensive Vortigaunt care, the extent of injuries causes hillucination and flashbacks to the days before your employ at BM. On one of the nights, you wake up by Alyx's voice, but nobody is there.

On the last moments of the game, you are talking to Kleiner by Video Communications, when static appears and a sillioutte of Alyx is seen through it.
If I didn't know any better I'd think you were serious...