How the Miss Universe competition stirs patriotism...

woot, go aussies

i love australian boobies... and australia :D
yeah personaly i thought Miss omecron persii 8 was gonna win
Miss USA is prettier, but I'm biased.

There's a prettier girl in my class.

Miss AUS is very pretty though.
miss Canada :cheese:
dunno why.. but Aussie chix are beautiful.. :)
What is the difference between Miss World and Miss Universe.
Where Are The Picturs! I Demand Pictures!!!
Oh...well...that was...ehm...exciting...or....ehm?
She looks like she's thirty.... :|

Sure, she ain't ugly, but miss Universe (whatever that means) material? Nah..
Come on, surely there must be better women out there, you see even prettier ones on the street..
Ah whatever...
As a comedian once said "Why is the winner of Miss Universe always from Earth?"

Majestic XII said:
Lamest show ever! :)

You're jsut saying that because there isnt any over the top blue spikey hair, petite women wielding swords bigger than houses and...dare i say it...tentacles :p
I don't really care who wins, i'd hit every one of em regardless.
What to you want?

"Tougher punishment for parol violations...........................................................and world peace"
I'd beat her!!! With my snout-like male organ!
Would that be...your nose? Im confused as to how that would work. Please do explain in more detail.
kapitalist display of conformity!
..besides, i didnt win
Thargore said:
kapitalist display of conformity!
..besides, i didnt win

Flashing little kids in a raincoat doesn't count as competing in the show. I'm sorry.

She won? The other contestents must had been mutated or something :p, or the judges must had been given some "change". :p. Im sorry no offence to her, shes not ugly but ...well what Pvtryan said.
Seriously I don't know how people can judge them, ALOT of those contestants are so ****ing beutifull people would kill for them.
finally mr universe [me] has his woman.
MaxiKana said:
Seriously I don't know how people can judge them, ALOT of those contestants are so ****ing beutifull people would kill for them.

That doesnt matter...don't forget that everyone who visits the internet, is a rich person (Who was poor but made it big), 6'4" can bench press 1000 pounds and has such a strong jawline, you could open coconuts with them.
See I wonder what would people say if USA WON the compettion.
i dont find them really that beautiful, though. know it's supposed to be pretty, but it's just too plastic for me, without any character whatsoever.. and it is confomistic and kapitalistic, you'll NEVER see miss Sudan win. it's gotta be western and white(ish).