How to add steam to my map?


May 17, 2004
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I'm making a sauna to my map and I need some steam/fog. What should I do with those entities? O_o
env_steam makes my sauna look like it's burning :D I need something to block some visibility :)
i beleive there is either a flag or a setting on env_steam that says heat or normal. i think it is a setting. if you put that to heat it might get you what you want. also you can choose visibility, spread, speed, and number of particles to get a slower moving, more spread out or whatever you may want sort of effect. :thumbs: hope that helps.
Millasta karttaa sä teet ku siin on sauna? :D
(translation for non-finnish ppl)
What kind of map are you making if there's sauna in it? :D
Right, I don't know but... Shouldn't steam be changable in color.. etc?
I do suggest env_smokestack though, it can be made to look like steam, I guess, and it blocks visability. Question is how good performance you need, if it's a seculded area or not.
there is a setting in steam for heat and smoke, change it to smoke
Create a NODRAW brush in your sauna room and tie it to a func_cloud (dustcloud maybe) entity, then fiddle with the settings.
OK, thanks I'll give it a try :)

BTW, Meitsi, kentän nimi on CS_IKAALINE. Pistän tänne arvioitavaks kuvia jossai välissä :)
Damn that's close to Ica.. and Line usually means a cruiser, mind telling me what the name's all about? :)
Heh, it's only a rip-off of a finnish spa named Ikaalinen. Going to post some screenshots soon.