how to avoid dying


Jun 19, 2004
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At the moment i can tell that i've got a cold coming on, i don't feel ill - just not right.

I know that when i wake up tomorrow i'll be insanely ill, so what can i do to prevent it? I've had some medicine but i'm sure theres some things i can do to hold off getting a cold since i dont have one yet.
Drink plenty of Spring water as a substitue for soda etc. Also Take plenty of multi-vitamin tabs.

Its helps me.
Zycam. I think thats what its called. My dad gave me some when I visited and thought i was getting a cold, it stopped it dead.
Wait it out and it'll go away. Don't put any crap inside you. Stay away from people who sneeze a lot and open your bedroom window to let fresh air in.
can't do anything now, if you feel "not right" than chances are you have it and it's just taking time to come into full effect..

in other words, nice knowing you and good luck with being extremely sick tomorrow lol :D
yeah, gonna suck.. On a weekend n' all :@
Do what I better not...for legal issues.
just let it run its course. dont load your system with drugs etc. take some tylenol for the fever and congestion , drink lots of water and watch some soaps .