How To Change Game Resolution


Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
I'm having problems changing the resolution inside the game. If I change the settings the screen with Load Game, Save Game, Options will change, however when I enter the Game everything is still the same as it was. My friend has the game and when he changes the settings it will also change in the Game what do I have to do in order to get different resolutions in the Game itself?
michaelsil1 said:
I'm having problems changing the resolution inside the game. If I change the settings the screen with Load Game, Save Game, Options will change, however when I enter the Game everything is still the same as it was. My friend has the game and when he changes the settings it will also change in the Game what do I have to do in order to get different resolutions in the Game itself?
My System:
XP Pro SP2
ATI 9600 Pro 128MB 4.12
DirectX 9.0c
XP 2700+
the only possible reasons i can think of are that you have chosen a mode that your monitor/card doesn't support or you have set the videomode in a config file somewhere and that it's overriding the in-game setting. try this:

look in ...\steam\steamapps\<username>\half-life 2\hl2\cfg for a file called autoexec.cfg. if it exists, open it in notepad and look for any lines that look like they might have something to do with resolution, the word 'videomode' or numbers that correspond to screen resolutions are a big clue. if you find one, put "//" in front of it, this will prevent that line from executing. you should now be able to set the mode properly in-game.

if you cant find that file, create it and put in the line mat_setvideomode 1024 768 0 (or what ever mode you want). the 0 at the end of the line means "don't run in a window", change it to 1 if that's what you want. be careful not to choose a mode that your card/monitor doesn't support or you could fry your monitor. be aware that this will override the in-game setting so if you want to change modes you'll have to edit this line.

hope this helps!
it's just a text file - right click in the folder and choose "New text document", name it "autoexec.cfg", say yes when windows asks if you really want to change the file extension.

there is an option in windows "folder options" control panel which says "hide extensions for known file types" - you want to uncheck this option or it might create a file called "autoexec.cfg.txt" (but you won't see the ".txt" part), and the file will not run. the tweak guide i linked to has info about how to use config files and the console to issue commands, as well as a listing of lots of useful commands

edit: Oops! the tweakguide i linked to was in a different post! it is here
I tried what you suggested and it didn't work (oh well). I still have 800x600 inside the Game.
I've also noticed that I can't take a screenshot inside the game I hit f12 and nothing happens. The game itself plays fine I haven't encountered any problems.
michaelsil1 said:
I've also noticed that I can't take a screenshot inside the game I hit f12 and nothing happens. The game itself plays fine I haven't encountered any problems.
I meant f5 for screenshot.

If it is working what do I have to do to post the screenshot?
michaelsil1 said:
I meant f5 for screenshot.

If it is working what do I have to do to post the screenshot?
Nevermind I fould where the Screenshots are stored. :monkee: